Project CARS 2

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Well, instead of reacting hostile and thinking that this news of pcars2 planning ahead reduces pcars1 to a fire-and-forget title (which it wont), maybe you guys that missed the boat the first time should take it as a sign of good things to come: That they are even thinking about making a pcars2 in the same way of open development means that we original WMD members must have made a kinda good job from the perspective of SMS as well and that you will get the chance to experience the whole process too sometime in the future.
Us poor console owners, I dread to think how far we will be behind PC games in 2-3 years time.

Don't worry man, there's still some hidden power Sony's holding back - mainly for parity to XOne. We're still fairly future-proof.......well as long as they actually use the hardware rather than scale things down to let Xbox keep up.
Well, instead of reacting hostile and thinking that this news of pcars2 planning ahead reduces pcars1 to a fire-and-forget title (which it wont), maybe you guys that missed the boat the first time should take it as a sign of good things to come: That they are even thinking about making a pcars2 in the same way of open development means that we original WMD members must have made a kinda good job from the perspective of SMS as well and that you will get the chance to experience the whole process too sometime in the future.

Can't wait to become a WMD member for future titles. If I had known about PCars way back when, It's something I defiantly would of singed up for. I'm gutted I missed the boat :banghead:
Don't worry man, there's still some hidden power Sony's holding back - mainly for parity to XOne. We're still fairly future-proof.......well as long as they actually use the hardware rather than scale things down to let Xbox keep up.
Lets hope Sony reveal this hidden power soon then. Also why would Sony hold power back to be the same as Xbox One?
Optimizing software is a good way to improve games. Just look what the difference between Uncharted 1 and Uncharted 3 was. If a developer gets used to a hardware/software, he'll be able to get the same tasks done with less power.
Optimizing software is a good way to improve games. Just look what the difference between Uncharted 1 and Uncharted 3 was. If a developer gets used to a hardware/software, he'll be able to get the same tasks done with less power.
2 new graphic APIs, Dx12 and Vulkcan about to be let loose. Better start as soon as possible
Lets hope Sony reveal this hidden power soon then. Also why would Sony hold power back to be the same as Xbox One?

Apparently they haven't maxed out the power yet so there's still plenty of juice left......

I think he is being sarcastic. There is no hidden power in the severely outdated hardware that the current consoles are.

Seriously speaking, PS4 game devs have had to scale down on many multi-platform games to keep parity with the Xbox One. That plus there actually is hidden power that hasn't been unlocked. Not too long ago the Xbox One opened up more CPU power to the devs, which is the same scenario for the PS4, they locked a lot of it's power in the start but will slowly start really opening it up.
Don't turn this into a console war throwing dodgy articles and forum threads everywhere

Console war? You're kidding right? I don't think I've said anything negative or false in any regard.

This is more of a reassurance to fellow console users (all consoles) that we won't be left behind - not anytime soon.
Console war? You're kidding right? I don't think I've said anything negative or false in any regard.

This is more of a reassurance to fellow console users (all consoles) that we won't be left behind - not anytime soon.

All consoles are left behind if money is no issue. Everyone has a different budget, likes other games or prefers to play on the couch with a controller instead of a keyboard and mouse. Consoles look beautiful for the price tag they have and they will look better over the years, but as you can see with pcars and gta5, they won't be able to look as beautiful as on the 4k pc version
To stay roughly on topic: Think of Consoles as the Ariel Atom, not much power, but very lightweight and good in the corners, built for track day use. A PC is like a Merc G63 AMG. Super powerful and luxurious, can be used for shopping to off-road, but clunky, expensive and not as efficient. Both have their customers and each owner is satisfied with his choice.
Strange. As far as I understand correctly, Andy Tudor mentioned something about pCars being developed to become a race game that doesn't need a sequel for the next, uh, many, many years. The update and DLC features of new games makes sure that there is no need for a sequel.

Did I understand it correctly (interview with Andy Tudor)?

It's just an internal working name for the second WMD project. So it's not called anything at the moment. It's not known at this point if it will be a sequel or a spin-off. Personally I think chances of a spin-off are a lot bigger...
It could be a Rally game for all we know.....
I'd love to see SMS giving a rally game or an expansion a go, with each track having the length of Azure Coast and/or California Highway. Frankly, if anyone could do such a game justice, it would be them.
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