Project CARS 3: General Discussion Thread - Out August 28th, 2020 on XB1/PS4/PC

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
Correct. Many games do not implement countersteer logic the exact same way that PCARS3 does, to the exact same extent, because they are not the same game.

There is no noteworthy input latency in PCARS3 on a low-latency display -- if there was, I would have noticed it. The hesitation you observe, reproducible with the maneuver you described, is the countersteer logic at work:
  1. You steer left at a moderate speed
  2. Car moves left
  3. Steering logic detects slip angle
  4. You steer right
  5. Steering logic goes into countersteer logic -- you are now countersteering
  6. (Rear) slip angle decreases back to zero
  7. You are still steering right
  8. Steering logic detects that you have just straightened the car
  9. Steering logic assumes you do not intend to over-correct
  10. Steering logic hesitates, to mitigate over-correction
  11. You are still steering right
  12. Steering logic determines that you intend to steer right, and loosens up again
  13. Car moves right
TL;DR -- The steering hesitates in this maneuver (as well as transferring from one drift into another) because it is designed to help prevent over-correction, which was a too-common consequence in PCARS1 and PCARS2 with an analog stick. It is not lagging; it is trying to help.
Wow, looks exactly like it. The problem I have is the delay between 7 and 10. It's not smooth but it is in every other game. I probably could accommodate to it but even after few hours it was pretty strange. I know exact delays for turning but this game is different and I was always "behind schedule". Easy fix is disabling this "helper".

On the other hand, thanks for the info, because that's exactly what I like. I don't use any counter steering helper so it didn't make any sense to me why it's there. So it's rather for people without correct steering like I wrote before. Makes sense.
Do I remember correctly that you said the steering is "strange" in Forza Motorsport 7 thread?


...yes I do remember correctly

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It is but it's much better than PC3 or other assisted games. Still too much assisted and you use different technique to drive which is not satisfying to me now. I can switch easily between AC, ACC, rF1, rF2, AMS1, AMS2, PC1, PC2 and R3E but I can't switch easily to assisted games. Still Forza is very low assisted from assisted games. In Horizon currently I can't get decent time at all because different steering and probably car weight.
Exactly. With new knowledge from @Wolfe I am rather happy because I wasn't sure why it's bad. I'll put into it few hours and see what's possible. I always liked the physics and content is among the best. Graphics is very good too for consoles.
That should really go without saying, honestly.
It's called Project cars, not Grid 5. I should use the same style as for PC1 and PC2 which is not possible because it's not true successor.

I earned some achievements and it's not bad if you take it as an arcade game controls. Something like Grid or Dirt and then it's fine. My problem is the physics under the hood is too good for this kind of controls.
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@Johnnn -- I'm pleased if I've really helped clarify what's going on. :cheers:

It's worth adding that both Gran Turismo and Forza have historically not been as "protective" about mitigating over-correction as PCARS3 is. I have not spent a lot of time with GT Sport or the XBone Forza titles, but I can say that GT4 & GT5 as well as the Forza titles on XB360 are significantly more likely to allow (unintended) over-correction compared to PCARS3 -- but not in comparison to PCARS1 or PCARS2.

From PCARS2, I'd say PCARS3 leap-frogs GT/Forza on this point. As I've said before, I can get along with a considerable amount of dampening and I prefer intelligent steering logic, but PCARS3 is a bit overbearing for my preference -- so I prefer to play PCARS3 with a wheel, now that I can utilize my Playseat Challenge.
I've been trying to secure a PS5. Gamefly and Target might be my best options. I noticed PlayStation Direct had the PS4 in stock and I ordered the slim. Setup my account Caf_Pow1 and I purchased GT Sport and Project CARS 3.

I played GT Sport through the beginner Driving School tests. I selected the 2nd controller setting of intermediate. The handling didn't seem too bad for the first time using a PS4 controller.

Then it was off to Project CARS 3, I played the opening race and the first career event Shanghai. It was not hard to transition from GT Sport to Project CARS 3. It was easier than I expected. Oh I was using experienced mode to be comparable to GT Sport with chase cams on both games.

GT Sport looks great when it comes to the cars and tracks. The details of the trees and off track areas are not compared to PC3. PC3 looked great off track and it's kind of reversed with the cars and tracks. I do see what appears vsync and AA issues around the vehicles while driving and on the instrument cluster. I would look like to see pictures of the vehicles and instrument clusters from a PS5.
Yeah... Like he would give a good review, seeing how his contract didn't get renewed.
I don't think so...
Scraping the bottom of the barrel again for excuses?

did you even read the whole article? He does a good job of comparing PC3 to other titles that are popular in the market as well as to the intended titles PC3 was supposedly to be a successor to.

Bit of pot calling the kettle black here,
Lead moderator for SMS forum who continually says any criticism of the game is biased/never played the game/don’t understand physics/any other excuse under the sun,
I don’t think so…
I stopped playing PC3 approx. one month after it came out, so around early October.

While I was appreciating the control implementation with a gamepad, I realized that I could not stand its unfinished status, and I preferred to give it some time hoping things will improve.

Did the patches and updates (released afterwards) improve the game? And to which extent?

For example, I remember weird visual glitches during the replays, showing the player's car with a lot of flickering (especially on the wheels).
Have all major bugs being ironed out?

I was on Xbox One X, now I am on Series X.
Will there be any visual improvement related to the system update?
I was on Xbox One X, now I am on Series X.
Will there be any visual improvement related to the system update?

I hope so. Hopefully someone can post a PS4/PS5 image comparison. The graphics are tough on the PS4 around AI.
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I was on Xbox One X, now I am on Series X.
Will there be any visual improvement related to the system update?
It's much better now. I started on 1X and then moved to SX. Really nice game now. The problem is, the design of the game is still the same. If you like it, no problem then.
It's much better now. I started on 1X and then moved to SX. Really nice game now. The problem is, the design of the game is still the same. If you like it, no problem then.
Cor' Blimey....You will have us thinking that the game is starting to grow on you my friend .......nice one !!!!
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Referencing Pretend Race Cars is scraping the bottom of the barrel considering how much garbage Ogonoski spews, not just about pCARS 3 but other sims including iRacing and Assetto Corsa.

He is not worth giving time to.
I thought it was a reasonably well written piece, all he really said was it had a good core gameplay experience with a bit of an identity crisis, more or less a summation of many opinions in this very thread. If you're unable to even hear viewpoints opposed to your own, that's on you, but that's where we are in the world nowadays, I guess.
Referencing Pretend Race Cars is scraping the bottom of the barrel considering how much garbage Ogonoski spews, not just about pCARS 3 but other sims including iRacing and Assetto Corsa.

He is not worth giving time to.
I dislike his general writing style and he does spout some utter nonsenses at times (and his take on GamerGate was utterly toxic misogyny), but he has also raised some valid points. The issues around the tyre model in iRacing being one such example (hell it's a view shared by a massive number of racing driver who had to use iRacing in various series during lockdown), and the piece linked to above in regard to PCars 3 raises some valid points about it as a title.

PCars 3 does have an identity crisis and it's marketing was an utter mess, that some seem to insist that the reason it failed was down to some mythological fable about 'sim racing elitists killing it off' doesn't change that.
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I'm not surprised that PC3 wasn't received better. Those who already knew what Project Cars was were disappointed by the change of direction, and those who may have been drawn in by a more fun experience were probably put off by the other full priced racing game put out by SMS just a couple months before (F&F Crossroads).

PC3 is currently in a Humble Bundle, with Code Vein and a few other goodies. It'll be interesting to see what kind of boost this gives to the steam numbers.
I'm not surprised that PC3 wasn't received better. Those who already knew what Project Cars was were disappointed by the change of direction, and those who may have been drawn in by a more fun experience were probably put off by the other full priced racing game put out by SMS just a couple months before (F&F Crossroads).

PC3 is currently in a Humble Bundle, with Code Vein and a few other goodies. It'll be interesting to see what kind of boost this gives to the steam numbers.
Yes I think you are spot on my friend in that this game definitely has the fun element in bucket loads...
For me as an owner of both Forza 7 & PC 2... when this came out..... it was like a breath of fresh air...

As I have said before.... people focusing on personal niggles seem to let it swamp their appreciation of what I consider to be a cracking little racing game.
On the X BOX X especially the graphics are excellent and has been said so many times before... the drivability of the cars with Wheel or Controller is a real joy...
It certainly keeps me going.... while we wait for Forza 8 to finally materialize ....
Which in my opinion will need to be something really special to match PC 3's fun factor ...
Yes I think you are spot on my friend in that this game definitely has the fun element in bucket loads...
For me as an owner of both Forza 7 & PC 2... when this came out..... it was like a breath of fresh air...

As I have said before.... people focusing on personal niggles seem to let it swamp their appreciation of what I consider to be a cracking little racing game.
On the X BOX X especially the graphics are excellent and has been said so many times before... the drivability of the cars with Wheel or Controller is a real joy...
It certainly keeps me going.... while we wait for Forza 8 to finally materialize ....
Which in my opinion will need to be something really special to match PC 3's fun factor ...
It is a solid and enjoyable game, but that doesn't mean it's not without its issues and a lot of the issues people have with it are as a result of expectations set by the developers and publishers themselves, and as such can't simply be excused as 'personal niggles'.

Others are inexplicable, such as it being the worst performing (tech implementation wise) of the three titles, pretty much regardless of platform it visually performs worse that any other title running the Madness engine (and on PC removes a load of options to try and sort that out, and even hacking away at .ini files will not solve the problem), and while I would 100% agree with you in regard to its controller implementation, I can't do the same in regard to using a wheel (well in part - its got better wheel implementation than FM7, but that's a remarkably low bar to pass).
It is a solid and enjoyable game, but that doesn't mean it's not without its issues and a lot of the issues people have with it are as a result of expectations set by the developers and publishers themselves, and as such can't simply be excused as 'personal niggles'.

Others are inexplicable, such as it being the worst performing (tech implementation wise) of the three titles, pretty much regardless of platform it visually performs worse that any other title running the Madness engine (and on PC removes a load of options to try and sort that out, and even hacking away at .ini files will not solve the problem), and while I would 100% agree with you in regard to its controller implementation, I can't do the same in regard to using a wheel (well in part - its got better wheel implementation than FM7, but that's a remarkably low bar to pass).
Yes I agree my friend that there are things that can be improved probably like any other game you like to mention ....
However as I have said for me the positives far out way any imperfections and do not spoil my overall enjoyment of this game one little bit ... ...
So my first impressions after playing for 1.5 hours on my PC:

Game crashed after tutorial race. Not a huge deal, as this didn't happen second time through, and PCs can be temperamental at times. The game detected my wheel without any fuss, and even recognized it as a G29 (still sends me xbox controller prompts).

The game itself feels mostly like NFS Shift, just without the awful understeer. The races are enjoyable, and the objectives give you something to think about other than just winning. FFB doesn't feel great, but I haven't had time to fiddle with it yet.

Performance is good on my modest machine (Ryzen 5 2400g, gtx1060), though there is a visible drop when it rains (still very playable).

All in all, I'm happy enough with my purchase (US$20 with other games thrown in) but probably would have felt disappointed at full price. This will get a place in my racing game rotation, which is currently GTS, PC1, ACC, Grid and Dirt Rally (motoGP, F1 etc... I have a problem).
It is a solid and enjoyable game, but that doesn't mean it's not without its issues and a lot of the issues people have with it are as a result of expectations set by the developers and publishers themselves, and as such can't simply be excused as 'personal niggles'.

Others are inexplicable, such as it being the worst performing (tech implementation wise) of the three titles, pretty much regardless of platform it visually performs worse that any other title running the Madness engine (and on PC removes a load of options to try and sort that out, and even hacking away at .ini files will not solve the problem), and while I would 100% agree with you in regard to its controller implementation, I can't do the same in regard to using a wheel (well in part - its got better wheel implementation than FM7, but that's a remarkably low bar to pass).
My apologies for time constraints not allowing me to previously address the individual points you raised my friend...

With regards to the graphics I am aware that on the base consoles there is room for improvement ...

However I can assure you that my X BOX X linked to a 4K ASUS monitor produces spot on native 4K resolution fidelity.... with strong vivid colours and great lighting ...

Which incidentally is only slightly bettered when played on the Series X ..... as per PJ's findings...

Also I have managed to set up my Thrustmaster TX wheel to give really intuitive feedback and I can honestly say it is a delight to use .....

My settings can be made available if any one with their own TX wants to try them out ...

It's always nice to exchange views rationally don't you think thank you for responding to my original comments....
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Hi ! Well PC3 is on the sale now and i"m about to grab it. Just wanna ask do this game even worth to buy ?? I saw so many negative opinions about PC3. I"m using T300rs and PS4 pro. I know is lot arcade style game but wanna ask if is better than GT Sport where car handling and FFB is terrible ???
Just wanna ask do this game even worth to buy ??
Yes, especially when it's on sale.

I saw so many negative opinions about PC3.
There certainly have been. Although it depends greatly on what people expected from the game. Some points ring true but many of them are unfounded.

I"m using T300rs and PS4 pro.
The Pro in particular will be a great aid. It can struggle more on the base consoles.

I know is lot arcade style game but wanna ask if is better than GT Sport where car handling and FFB is terrible ???
Arcade style is a definition some have used. I still call it a more accessible, fun version of the previous games. Great for some quick racing but still has very good and lively car handling. Between PC3 and PC2 I don't currently play GTS.
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