Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
I also have been enjoying pc1 the past few days. I was late to the party getting the goty edition sometime in 2016. Played it with a pad before getting a t300 for pc2 and never returned. I have revisited my careers and I love how the invitational events are mixed in with the series that was chosen. And I can finally do the events that scared me off cause of the pad. Looking at you nurburgring endurance challenge
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As opposed to PCars2 where there is a few cars that I have issue with, in PCars, all cars, with the Jake files, are quite enjoyable. The BAC mono is nice to drive.

Yeah, have it re-installed, just need to find some time to get some things configured and have a go! If anyone has some decent Logitech settings I'm all ears.
What is bad about PC1? I read mostly everywhere PC2 is better but I like playing different games and after long time I tried PC1 again and it's great. I play on a pad and handling feels a bit easier than PC2 but fun factor is very high. Only dated graphics is a bit problematic on Xbox but from driving perspective, it's so good. This series has great roots.
@Johnnn PC1 actually looks better than PC2. And not everything is really goes that smooth in PC1 in compare, GT1 and faster cars for example is a hell of a ride, while in PC2 I can blast through almost in every car. Still may be personal experience and looks though.
@Johnnn PC1 actually looks better than PC2. And not everything is really goes that smooth in PC1 in compare, GT1 and faster cars for example is a hell of a ride, while in PC2 I can blast through almost in every car. Still may be personal experience and looks though.
I don't switch to PC2 now and graphics really looks pretty good but it's a bit different and lower resolution. 40 cars grid was surprise too because I haven't seen too much cars in any game. Maybe some support it but I didn't find it before.

That's possible, I play with slow cars and it feels maybe better than PC2. For instance, I tried Ford Focus RS and it's like playing a dream. I don't know I just like good games and both are pretty good. The pad experience is even better because both games are a bit different and I don't need to care if anything is more real because it's just a pad. So good experience.
@Johnnn It is cool man, personally didn't enjoyed, or to be honest to say didn't tried harder, to enjoy PC1 on pad. Still it is very good game and RUF CTR3 SMS-R on Nordschleife is a warm memory for the whole my life.
But it's funny after years of reading how PC is bad on a pad. It's actually so good. Last weeks I couldn't play anything else than PC2 and now PC1. It so good on a pad, it's like different level of playing. Hmmm... back to Oulton Park :D
After one week with PC1 only with a pad I tried PC2 and it felt like it's not so raw like PC1. The difference is very small but it's very important for enjoyment. PC2 could be more complex but still PC1 feels a bit better to me. It could be tuning, maybe physics, I am not sure. Does anybody else has similar feeling? I just love PC1 pad steering and it's so good. And I tried to disable everything I could from assistants. PC2 has less options.
I’ve been diving back through my (modern) sim library since the holiday, perhaps out of boredom.

The one question I wanted to answer is which sim has brought me the most joy, honestly.
It’s a difficult one and probably doesn’t even need an answer, but running back through them all it has to be the original Project Cars.

I love the UI, the voice overs, the composed music, the driving, the graphics it’s all just a complete package. They got it right and I hope as we look to Project Cars 4 @IanBell is having a glance into the past.
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I was thinking if X1 version is so "ugly", PS version should be better. So I bought PC1 again for PS and it's awesome! I almost forget how X1 started with all game versions downgraded a lot.
I was thinking if X1 version is so "ugly", PS version should be better. So I bought PC1 again for PS and it's awesome! I almost forget how X1 started with all game versions downgraded a lot.

You should see it on PC @144hz super sampled, extremely smooth and clear although the AA will always be lacking even at DS6X.
You should see it on PC @144hz super sampled, extremely smooth and clear although the AA will always be lacking even at DS6X.
Yeah, I can imagine that. It's even better then. So good game and probably forgotten now.

I tried GTS for direct comparison. It's so boring on a pad. And main problem is I can't drive the car because you don't actually steer :D It's so funny I can drive much more precisely in PC than in GT. Completely different world and I can't go back to "arcades".
What input type do you use for a pad? 3 is default and it's pretty good but 1 and 2 looks a bit slower which is pretty cool for beginners. On the other hand 3 is the only one in PC2 so probably others didn't make it. I always wanted to know how it works so I tested it today.
LOL, I thought my Fords are broken.

"The Boss Mustang keeps pulling to one side on acceleration?

The Mustang (among others) utilizes a live rear axle with a panhard bar. Due to this suspension configuration, the car will actually pull slightly to one side under hard acceleration. To eliminate this pull, 'wedge' can be dialled in, but this is a compromise in that dialling in enough wedge to offset the pull under acceleration will typically make the car pull in the opposite direction when coasting or braking. The exact amount of the effect depends on your throttle %, gear ratio used, setup, and other stuff so it is hardly a constant effect. pCARS not only has some wedge modelled to counter this (doesn't completely remove it in lowest gears), but also dynamically determines the Roll Centre from the resulting angles."
I had a small pause and after that, the game is still superb from controls perspective. Most raw experience on a gamepad I can have. If you have bad habits on a gamepad you can find it there. Great game.
Out of curiosity I fired this up on my PS4 yesterday with pad for first time since probably, completely forgotten how good this game feels in pretty much every car.

Just made me realise how this game hit on such a sweet spot that no others have managed since. I used to get frustrated with the scripted career mode but think I’ll just stick to custom races as I’m falling in love with game all over again.