PCars Online Multiplayer Features
This is specific to the online multiplayer sections and what need to be added to improve the racing community online side of this racing sim.
For me the most important features missing are:
- Host can kick players - It's so frustrating when you got noobs just crashing and trying to ram you off the road, need the ability to kick players and not vote, just doesn't work.
- Lapped cars become ghosts, again some players just trying to ruin your race.
- Chat system so players can actually communicate during the lobby time without a mic.
- Lobby names - being able to name your room is important for people who want different things (Clean, Drift, Fun, Drag, GT3 clean or kick, etc). Also: Instead of the lobby displaying Open Wheel, they should add what class of open wheel is it e.g. Formula A/B/C/Rookie as you don't know what class it is until you join the room.
- More flexibility for the host changing the rules or class of car without making another lobby.
- Wheel or controller only rooms
- Lag improvement.
- Stronger penalties to stop corner cutting and exceeding track limits.
- Free practice available while waiting in the lobby for the race to start.
- Adjustable count down timer so the host can adjust the length of time when the event finishes after the winner has crossed the line.
- Online player rating improved so the host can filter players prone to crashing or cheating.
- Ability to skip a race while staying in the lobby in case you need a break etc only Ready players go onto the track while Not Ready stay in lobby.
- Starting Grid Position options - For example, last race positions, reverse grid, slowest to fastest, Random etc
- Country flag represented somewhere with your race ID.
- Online time trial lobby option - Set time limit, no collisions, fixed conditions and times post to leaderboards.
- Collisions options - on/off in online lobbies.
- Track map displayed while in lobby.
Abort the race start option
- More servers when looking for an online race. This applies to PC as there will often be only 4 or 5 lobbies showing on some servers and changing servers through steam is far from ideal.
- Garage access while in the lobby.
- Ability to exit a race and return to the lobby rather than returning to the main menu.
- TV screen in lobby's so you can watch the track while waiting
- Tournaments/ Championships - Ability to create a set of races for your lobby with point allocations.
- Mandatory pitstop option
- Tuning - Option to allow or disallow tuning in online lobby's.
- Lobby Options/Settings - Abilty to save room settings.
- Saved liveries you choose for your car stays the same online and does not revert to 'Random'.
- Race numbers - Abiltity to choose a driver number for your use online which is displayed on your car and in lobby next to your Online ID
If anyone has any other suggestions lets write them down here and hope SMS reads this and listens to us fans.