Project CARS release date moves to May 2015

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I don't know, I have no inside info, and no axe to grind. I just want PCars to be released.

The problem for PCars will come from people losing interest. I am not talking about people here on GTplanet, I am talking regular, actual gamers. There has been so much hype over the last 6 months that people have seen it and made their pre-orders. Then cancelled them, and made them again, and cancelled them again.

Next time (or the time after or the time after that) they will forget to pre-order. They will get into "crazy dance moves 57" or "sim pet owner" (with optional in game purchases). What if AC or Iracing was given this much hype? What if GT7 decide to reveal a release date of "late 2015"? (which would probably mean sometime 2025). Good-Will only goes so far.

PC players have a lot to choose from, XBone have Forza series, PS4 players not so much. the problem I see is that one day you have to take a punt and get it out there, warts and all. It cant be as bad as Driveclub, and it will knock the Crew into the long grass.

I just hope SMS can see the benefit of getting the game out there and have several thousand paying testers playing the game from day one.
Anyone even the least bit interested in Sim Racing, that owns a decent pc or next gen console will get this game, end of story. If they say the would have bought it in March but won't buy it in April then they are full of crap, pardon my french, and never intended to get it anyway. Anyone on the fence would be on the fence regardless of the release date and will wait for reviews before pulling the trigger, in which case they are more likely to buy now than 6 months ago because the game will be more polished.
Anyone even the least bit interested in Sim Racing, that owns a decent pc or next gen console will get this game, end of story. If they say the would have bought it in March but won't buy it in April then they are full of crap, pardon my french, and never intended to get it anyway. Anyone on the fence would be on the fence regardless of the release date and will wait for reviews before pulling the trigger, in which case they are more likely to buy now than 6 months ago because the game will be more polished.
true ill be double dipping project cars even triple dip im beyond hyped for it. i wanna support sms :D:cheers::)
true ill be double dipping project cars even triple dip im beyond hyped for it. i wanna support sms :D:cheers::)
I'm riding the hype train too!! I'm about to preorder this and I hardly ever do preorders. I am, to use a poker phrase, going all in with Project Cars, because there is no other console racer that comes close to the feature list that this has. I will also be buying all the dlc etc that they sell if this title delivers the goods. Yes, it is a bit of a gamble preordering, but the way this has been developed, the previews that I've read and seen, and the huge amount of videos that I have watched, the endless banter on the many forums that I have read, and the developers obvious love for this title and their heartfelt desire to deliver the best console (and PC?) racer make me believe that it's a great bet.
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I'm riding the hype train too!! I'm about to preorder this and I hardly ever do preorders. I am, to use a poker phrase, going all in with Project Cars, because there is no other console racer that comes close to the feature list that this has. I will also be buying all the dlc etc that they sell if this title delivers the goods. Yes, it is a bit of a gamble preordering, but the way this has been developed, the previews that I've read and seen, and the huge amount of videos that I have watched, the endless banter on the many forums that I have read, and the developers obvious love for this title and their heartfelt desire to deliver the best console (and PC?) racer make me believe that it's a great bet.
indeed :cheers:
Some say, the Stig knows more than the average wmd-member ;)

YAY!!!! woooooooo we can see the light at the end of the tunnel :cheers: almost there boys
Anyone even the least bit interested in Sim Racing, that owns a decent pc or next gen console will get this game, end of story. If they say the would have bought it in March but won't buy it in April then they are full of crap, pardon my french, and never intended to get it anyway. Anyone on the fence would be on the fence regardless of the release date and will wait for reviews before pulling the trigger, in which case they are more likely to buy now than 6 months ago because the game will be more polished.
Well put Johnny-bro. :D:tup: Just like the others, SMS has my full support on this title. I KNOW it'll fulfill the hype. Those who are a part of the project, you're doing a great job. :D Those who have cancelled their pre-orders are going to be sorry, mark my words those people. :mischievous:
I'm certainly not looking forward to a May release window. I don't believe it IMO. It will probably be December 15'.
Already put a $50 on my PSN account ($50 more in a week or two ) for the digital version and season pass and i dont even own a PS4 4 yet

bring it on
I suggest it could be a possibility if the devs feel they have fixed all known issues and are happy with the product sooner rather than later. However given the time necessary to actually produce all the discs and distribute them worldwide for a release date I would also say that the window of opportunity to get an earlier release is now very small.
So in short - definitely probably unlikely maybe. ;)
I'm still really looking forward to it but I'm not boarding the hype train again. At this point I won't really be excited until I see it downloading on Steam. I guess that's what happens when every game you anticipate gets delayed; you don't get excited anymore until you actually have it. Call me negative if you want but I'm really just drinking
Actually, releasing earlier than anticipated, especially if a date is still as vague as a 'mid May', is possible. It could be that the game has to be manufactured at a specific earlier date because other games with a set release date (or not) are already scheduled for the following few weeks and can't be moved around.

In the same way, as an example, a developer could only need a few days to fix one bug but if they miss their slot, they may have to wait several more weeks just because the factory is booked up.

(Absolutely not fueling the hype train... :D)
There are daily builds and daily release notes. This will go on till release day. I doubt WMD will get to know what the Gold Master built will be or when production/printing will be starting.