PS4 driving games with Fanatec CSW 2.0

United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Ive just recently ordered a drivehub, but would appreciate if anyone with similar kit can advise on a few queries.

I have a Fanatec CSW v2.0 wheelbase with both Xbox Hub and BMW rims.

Q1. Up to now, I have primarily raced on the Xbox One, but feel that I am missing out on gear indicator and rev lights on my fanatec rims, in that Xbox doesn't support this function in any games. I have been able to confirm that the original Project Cars on PS4 supports gear and rev lights, but are there any other games on PS4 that support this function?

Q2. Which games support the rumble function on Fanatec pedals? Again, I am aware that Project Cars supports this. I can't recall any games on Xbox supporting this, but I may be wrong.

Q3. Are there any titles on PS4 that support the outputting of telemetry information to an external display?

Thanks in advance.

Cheers, Lee