PS4 or PS5? Which Version Of GT7 Are You Buying?

  • Thread starter Volksauto

PS4 or PS5 - Which Version Of GT7 Are You Planning to Buy?

  • PlayStation 4

    Votes: 190 26.2%
  • PlayStation 5

    Votes: 200 27.5%
  • Both but NOT 25th Anniversary

    Votes: 17 2.3%
  • 25th Anniversary (includes PS4 and PS5)

    Votes: 294 40.5%
  • Neither

    Votes: 25 3.4%

  • Total voters
Thought I'd make an account here since I've been a lurker for the longest time to post my comment regarding which version I will get.

I'm personally still undecided, but leaning more towards PS4 version for 1 main reason. I own a PS5 and I don't like the PS5 controller. I find it very uncomfortable and the dualshock 4 just feels way better in the hand.
The new rumble is improved on the PS5 controller and feels better...but once you play for 20mins gets tiring on the hands. (Well for me anyways)
So not to burst anyone bubble of excitement for PS5, but keep in mind, there has been a lot of people complaining about the controller not being comfortable and I'm not the only one. So make sure you love the controller.
I'm now playing GT Sport on PS5 cause it runs and looks better than my slim PS4, but using the PS4 controller since PS5 allows you to use PS4 controller for all PS4 games on PS5. (Thank god)

If you use a steering wheel, than your good and I'd go with PS5 for sure.
But if your like me and use a's tricky.

I'm personally going to wait to see the difference between the 2 games....but right now....even with Yakuza 7 (Like a Dragon) i had originally bought the PS5 version which runs 60fps compared to 30fps on PS4, but I still went and bought the PS4 version cause the controller was just super uncomfortable.

I hope in the future Sony makes a slimmer controller, or allow us to use dualshock 4....but until than...I don't see myself really buying any PS5 games. Keep in mind though, I only bought a PS5 for 2 reasons.
1. To improve gameplay on all the Yakuza games on PS4 since I'm a huge fan of the series and basically all I play.
2. For Gran Turismo.
Also, the system is overall better in every way regarding load times, and noise. Super quiet! I can't ever hear it.

Anyways, I hope there won't be a big different between PS4 & PS5. I could care less about the draw distance, or ray tracing. If GT7 will play smoothly like GT Sport on PS5, than PS4 version will be my choice on the PS5.

If it runs horrible (which I doubt cause this is Polyphony) than I may have to figure out what to do.
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With free online updates does it really matter how great the game is at release?? GTS may have been weak at release but it still turned out to be a fantastic game. More than 4 years after purchase I still play GTS as often as possible.
It matters for the people playing at release. If you knew a game was going to be weak at release but great after a couple of years of updates, the correct thing to do would be to pick it up from the bargain bin for $10 once all those updates have been pushed out.

Everyone understands that the game will improve with updates and patches over it's life, but at release the game should at least be good enough to justify someone spending full retail price to buy it.

If it runs horrible (which I doubt cause this is Polyphony) than I may have to figure out what to do.
GTS runs great. GT5 and 6 run poorly. Don't think that Polyphony have some magic bullet for perfect performance, because they don't.

We all hope that they keep the same mindset as GTS and put performance as a priority, but the fact that the game will be split across 2 hardware configurations (3 if you want to count PS4 and Pro as separate) means that nobody knows how good a job they will do.
It matters for the people playing at release. If you knew a game was going to be weak at release but great after a couple of years of updates, the correct thing to do would be to pick it up from the bargain bin for $10 once all those updates have been pushed out.

Everyone understands that the game will improve with updates and patches over it's life, but at release the game should at least be good enough to justify someone spending full retail price to buy it.

GTS runs great. GT5 and 6 run poorly. Don't think that Polyphony have some magic bullet for perfect performance, because they don't.

We all hope that they keep the same mindset as GTS and put performance as a priority, but the fact that the game will be split across 2 hardware configurations (3 if you want to count PS4 and Pro as separate) means that nobody knows how good a job they will do.
Great point i got GTS at launch because I thought the game was complete and since i dont play online most of the updates don’t really affect my game play

But for most games I usually wait for them to go on sale . First time I played GTA5 was years after the release and the price was like $30
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Thought I'd make an account here since I've been a lurker for the longest time to post my comment regarding which version I will get.

I'm personally still undecided, but leaning more towards PS4 version for 1 main reason. I own a PS5 and I don't like the PS5 controller. I find it very uncomfortable and the dualshock 4 just feels way better in the hand.
The new rumble is improved on the PS5 controller and feels better...but once you play for 20mins gets tiring on the hands. (Well for me anyways)
So not to burst anyone bubble of excitement for PS5, but keep in mind, there has been a lot of people complaining about the controller not being comfortable and I'm not the only one. So make sure you love the controller.
I'm now playing GT Sport on PS5 cause it runs and looks better than my slim PS4, but using the PS4 controller since PS5 allows you to use PS4 controller for all PS4 games on PS5. (Thank god)
That's interesting I do have issues with the Dual sense. I have noticed on PC2 and AC that sometimes there is seems to be a slight hitch when accelerating out of corners. I was on reddit and someone there suggested using the right stick for gas/brake and it is taking a little bit of adjustment but I feel like that works much better for me and it might be something you can on GT Sport on the PS5.
At this point, I really don’t know.

In no way shape or form do I want to start the GT grind all over against on an old console. I despise the decision to release GT7 as cross generational, and will refuse to support the franchise by purchasing a PS4 version.

At the same time, based on my experience with PD, I now have zero desire to play a PS5 game that is limited by PS4 constraints. I play GT games primarily for online activities, I don’t want to be in the same lobby as PS4 users, limited by PS4 constraints.

For anyone who may be new to PD launching a new game - buckle up, prepare to be disappointed.

I say this as a lifelong GT fan, lifelong PD fan, but objectively speaking, PD haven’t managed to release a good, complete game since GT4

Prologue was a demo

GT5 was severely delayed, and a complete disaster at launch, requiring PD to basically formally apologies and update the game with the 2.0 patch.

GT6 was in no way deserving of its own title. It was a page out of the Call of Duty, EA sports game playbook, releasing the exact same bloody game with a few minor changes under a new title, forcing players to start the grind from the beginning, for no real good reason.

Sport was half a game at launch, and has never really met the demands of a large portion of the player base.

I’m calling it now.

GT7 will be delayed by several months, due to trying to shoehorn a PS5 game with multiple big developments, onto the PS4.

With the supposed inclusion of dynamic weather, dynamic time, as well as far more extensive car modification, the cross generation lobbies will be the main thing that delays the release of GT7.

The end result will likely be that PD wants more time to fix the issues, but the Sony bean counters will force the game out the door. As a result, I can literally see many of the advancements that GT7 will bring being limited to single player, offline.

If PS5 and PS4 share online lobbies, I highly doubt PS4 will be able to accommodate dynamic weather, dynamic time, and enhanced vehicle customization. I can see dynamic weather and time being limited to offline racing, and vehicle customization limited by only being able to see your own modifications in online lobbies, while every other car appears stock.

And lobby sizes will definitely not get larger than the current 20 player limit.

Covid and the chip shortage are not PD’s fault, but trying to force GT7 to work on PS4, combined with cross platform lobbies, will cause countless nightmares for GT7.

Just wait folks, it’s coming.
I say this as a lifelong GT fan, lifelong PD fan, but objectively speaking, PD haven’t managed to release a good, complete game since GT4
Pretty much. Some of those games arguably became good once they received years of updates, but every game since GT4 has been underwhelming on Day 1 for one reason or another.

Not gonna bother with either. Going to grab the ps2 version and support that platform.
150 million consoles in the wild. Why release on PS5 or PS4 when you've got those sort of numbers available to you?
Since PS5s appear to be hard to get for the foreseeable future, I was considering getting the PS4 version, but I was wondering what the differences are going to be from the PS5 one. What, if anything would I be missing out on?
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Since PS5s appear to be hard to get for the foreseeable future, I was considering getting the PS4 version, but I was wondering what the differences are going to be from the PS5 one. What, if anything would I be missing out on?
Just sharper visuals, stable 60fps and haptic feedback.
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Since PS5s appear to be hard to get for the foreseeable future, I was considering getting the PS4 version, but I was wondering what the differences are going to be from the PS5 one. What, if anything would I be missing out on?
Nobody actually knows at the moment.

Even if Polyphony themselves had made a clear statement on the differences, they could just as easily change their mind tomorrow. You'll have to wait until much closer to release if you want anything more than people giving you assumptions of the obvious (graphics, fancy controller, load times).

Personally, if I was considering buying on PS4 I'd be thinking about waiting for some gameplay videos to go up on release day, and maybe make a purchase sometime in the first week of release if it all looks okay. It'll probably be fine, but I think there are more doubts around the potential quality of the PS4 version. Polyphony just doesn't have enough experience with multi-console releases to guarantee that it will perform well on all hardware.
I’m undecided what version I’m getting…mainly because I haven’t been able to get my hands on a PS5. They are beyond difficult to get in the states
Since PS5s appear to be hard to get for the foreseeable future, I was considering getting the PS4 version, but I was wondering what the differences are going to be from the PS5 one. What, if anything would I be missing out on?
Soo hard to get that I managed to buy one 2 months ago. They are available, you just have to be a bit pushy.
Soo hard to get that I managed to buy one 2 months ago. They are available, you just have to be a bit pushy.
Nice fallacy, Karen. If you got one then clearly everyone else should be able to as well.

I just had dinner half an hour ago, I don't understand how there are people who can't get food in the world. They're just not trying hard enough, clearly. Maybe if they were more pushy...
I'll be getting the PS5 version.....IF my PS5 ever gets here. It's been delayed for over a week, now. I've been down to the FedEx Ground Shipping facility twice and was told they were still looking for it. I spent almost 4 hours there, yesterday, waiting. I got so irate the security guard threatened to get the cop on site to have me removed from the premises. I said a few colorful words at him and he just walked away.

At this point, I don't know if someone figured out was was in the package and stole it or if it's genuinely lost. Either way, I don't have my PS5, yet. It took months of waiting for me to get that one. So just ordering a new one isn't that simple.
If it‘s easy to get one, why haven’t those that ordered it, shared the info with the gtp community whilst they were ordering theirs? 😗
Nice fallacy, Karen. If you got one then clearly everyone else should be able to as well.

I just had dinner half an hour ago, I don't understand how there are people who can't get food in the world. They're just not trying hard enough, clearly. Maybe if they were more pushy...
Well that came out wrong, sorry. It's just that when I got mine I kinda pushed in by saying that I didn't want to call back constantly just hoping to get onto a waiting list. One week later I got my PS5. Maybe I was lucky, I don't know but I was able to talk my way into getting it.
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If it‘s easy to get one, why haven’t those that ordered it, shared the info with the gtp community whilst they were ordering theirs? 😗
In my country its pretty easy to get one, its the wait that is quite long, at least it was when i got mine. I can just go to a store and place a pre order on one and then I'll be placed on a list. As soon as new shipments arrive, you'll get a call that you can pick up your console.

Idk how long the wait list is rn, but I ordered mine in November 2020 and I picked it up in February 2021. Its long, but back then i had no games to play on it so I didn't really care if it would take months. Hell, I still play only ps4 games. I only have 2 PS5 games rn, Battlefield 2042 and Call of Duty Cold War.
Thought I'd make an account here since I've been a lurker for the longest time to post my comment regarding which version I will get.

I'm personally still undecided, but leaning more towards PS4 version for 1 main reason. I own a PS5 and I don't like the PS5 controller. I find it very uncomfortable and the dualshock 4 just feels way better in the hand.
The new rumble is improved on the PS5 controller and feels better...but once you play for 20mins gets tiring on the hands. (Well for me anyways)
So not to burst anyone bubble of excitement for PS5, but keep in mind, there has been a lot of people complaining about the controller not being comfortable and I'm not the only one. So make sure you love the controller.
I'm now playing GT Sport on PS5 cause it runs and looks better than my slim PS4, but using the PS4 controller since PS5 allows you to use PS4 controller for all PS4 games on PS5. (Thank god)

If you use a steering wheel, than your good and I'd go with PS5 for sure.
But if your like me and use a's tricky.

I'm personally going to wait to see the difference between the 2 games....but right now....even with Yakuza 7 (Like a Dragon) i had originally bought the PS5 version which runs 60fps compared to 30fps on PS4, but I still went and bought the PS4 version cause the controller was just super uncomfortable.

I hope in the future Sony makes a slimmer controller, or allow us to use dualshock 4....but until than...I don't see myself really buying any PS5 games. Keep in mind though, I only bought a PS5 for 2 reasons.
1. To improve gameplay on all the Yakuza games on PS4 since I'm a huge fan of the series and basically all I play.
2. For Gran Turismo.
Also, the system is overall better in every way regarding load times, and noise. Super quiet! I can't ever hear it.

Anyways, I hope there won't be a big different between PS4 & PS5. I could care less about the draw distance, or ray tracing. If GT7 will play smoothly like GT Sport on PS5, than PS4 version will be my choice on the PS5.

If it runs horrible (which I doubt cause this is Polyphony) than I may have to figure out what to do.
You’ll probably be able to use the DS4 on the PS5 so you get the best of both worlds. I’m pretty sure the PS5 version of the game will be compatible with the DS4.
In my country its pretty easy to get one, its the wait that is quite long, at least it was when i got mine. I can just go to a store and place a pre order on one and then I'll be placed on a list. As soon as new shipments arrive, you'll get a call that you can pick up your console.

Idk how long the wait list is rn, but I ordered mine in November 2020 and I picked it up in February 2021. Its long, but back then i had no games to play on it so I didn't really care if it would take months. Hell, I still play only ps4 games. I only have 2 PS5 games rn, Battlefield 2042 and Call of Duty Cold War.
My Step-Daughter pre-ordered hers from JB HiFi and picked it up on release date. I wasn’t in a rush to get one, as I was waiting for news about GT7. My Friends and workmates haven’t been able to score one. The partner of one of my nieces, decided to build a pc(just before parts prices were going up) as he couldn’t source a PS5.

Though I do want a PS5, I’m not having a cow because I don’t have one. If GT7 was exclusive to the PS5, that’s just what it would be. I’d still live.
I’m just being a bit sly by asking the question. Plus, people saying they got theirs after several days or weeks, where were they is all I’m saying. Why didn’t they post up saying hey, I’m ordering my PS5 right this moment, try this site?
If you got one then clearly everyone else should be able to as well.
That's no worse than the "I don't have one, therefore they don't exist" complaint we see everywhere. People who are proactive in following the right twitter accounts and putting their name on lists are doing alright. If you walk into Walmart (or equivalent) once a week and ask at the electronics counter, then of course you'll think the PS5 doesn't exist.
I could never find a Series X online until I signed up with a stock checker site and then got one on my third attempt.
(I may of been lucky, as I did see people complaining about being stuck in a queue, which I somehow avoided.)
As it stands I'll probably be getting the PS4 version and possibly upgrade to the PS5 version at some point in the future, provided I'm still interested in the game at whatever point I buy a PS5.

I know I will get a PS5 eventually, but I'm in no rush for one. I would be in more of a rush if GT7 was PS5 exclusive, but until there are PS5 exclusive games I really want, I can happily hold off on the console purchase.

I think Sony have missed a major trick releasing GT7 on PS4, and if the only difference between the two ends up being visual fidelity, then I'm not convinced to buy a PS5 just for that. So I'll keep waiting until a game/games release that do convince me.
That's no worse than the "I don't have one, therefore they don't exist" complaint we see everywhere. People who are proactive in following the right twitter accounts and putting their name on lists are doing alright. If you walk into Walmart (or equivalent) once a week and ask at the electronics counter, then of course you'll think the PS5 doesn't exist.
Both arguments are dumb, although I haven't seen anyone seriously claim that they don't exist but I've seen plenty of people claim that they're "easy" to get.

The reality is that you can get one if you try hard enough. The point is that it requires actually trying - and the fact that there are still lists and queues and shortages mean that some people who want one are still missing out. Plenty of people want one but simply don't give enough of a **** to go through the rigamarole. And fair enough really, why line up to give Sony your money for a computer in a fancy box.
Here in the UK they are easy to get if you're happy to spend twice the RRP for one. There are plenty for sale on Ebay and some other websites, but they're at massively inflated price points. If you want to just walk into a reputable shop or check thier websites then you might get lucky, but on the occasions I've checked, there haven't ever been any for sale.

I did see that Smiths Toys in Winsford had them in stock (not sure how many) the other day, but you could only collect from in store, you couldn't order for home delivery,but I was just looking out of curiosity as I'm not that bothered about a PS5 right now.

I could get one (have got one) if I really wanted one, but TLDR, it seems even here in the UK, that they don't appear to be easy to get, at least not at RRP, if you aren't dedicating a lot of time to locating one.
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Yikes, this situation has me a little worried.

I'd planned all along to order one a month or two before GT7 dropped. Hopefully that'll still be OK. I'd assumed that by that time stock levels wouldn't be a problem.

Also, I'm considering waiting for the "slim" version or whatever 'cause IMHO that shouldn't be too many months post-GT7 release. Hmm...
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My Step-Daughter pre-ordered hers from JB HiFi and picked it up on release date. I wasn’t in a rush to get one, as I was waiting for news about GT7. My Friends and workmates haven’t been able to score one. The partner of one of my nieces, decided to build a pc(just before parts prices were going up) as he couldn’t source a PS5.

Though I do want a PS5, I’m not having a cow because I don’t have one. If GT7 was exclusive to the PS5, that’s just what it would be. I’d still live.
I’m just being a bit sly by asking the question. Plus, people saying they got theirs after several days or weeks, where were they is all I’m saying. Why didn’t they post up saying hey, I’m ordering my PS5 right this moment, try this site?
That's the tricky bit, every country does it differently and in country A it might be a lot easier to get a console than in country B. We've had multiple shops announcing when they would get a new shipment and then open up a lottery system, you'd sign up and then could be picked to buy a PS5.

The only thing I am yet to see, is a PS5 sitting in a shelf somewhere. Haven't seen that irl nor online.