[PS4] PITSxSRM | Thursday Night AC Racing (Currently in ACC)

Where are the results from last week "Magione" though?

Ah crap! Sorry guys. Here it is, dropped the ball on that.

PITSxSRM - AC 2020 - F500 (4).jpg


  • PITSxSRM - AC 2020 - F500 (4).pdf
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Hey guys great, racing last night @Rednose58 @Luckymouse71 @Mike Lobban you guys shredded last night basically 3 way battles every race didn't know who the winner was gonna be until the last lap. This has been one of the most fun cars I've driven.

SO let's see how Tuesday goes with acc the we will decide if we are gonna run acc GT3 championship or do a gt2 championship in assseto Corsa.

@Mike Lobban has been the most impressive driver all season dudes really out here beating us evry week lol
Hey guys great, racing last night @Rednose58 @Luckymouse71 @Mike Lobban you guys shredded last night basically 3 way battles every race didn't know who the winner was gonna be until the last lap. This has been one of the most fun cars I've driven.

SO let's see how Tuesday goes with acc the we will decide if we are gonna run acc GT3 championship or do a gt2 championship in assseto Corsa.

@Mike Lobban has been the most impressive driver all season dudes really out here beating us evry week lol
Yeah, very proud of my patna Lobbie. The boy was in ripping form once again up where the air is rare. Great racing bro. When I grow up I wanna be like you.
And Stan and @sgohsixthree , thanks again for setting up the lobby for us to race AC. Racing with stock tunes in AC is **** though with the cars being generally slippery IMO. The tunes really helped making it more manageable and made a difference.

As I said if y'all going to be buying and racing ACC I'm going to buy also because I don't want to miss out on the action.
Stan I think if we get ACC next week we should jump right in ASAP. Perhaps instead of having to go through a whole new season on AC from next Thursday 25th June we could do just one last race night on it on the 25th. You decide car and track. This in lieu of ACC just becoming available for purchase on the 23rd (2 days prior).
Then we can start with a new season on ACC the following Thursday 2nd July. This should give everyone including who hadn't bought ACC by that launch week to purchase and get up to scratch by Thursday 2nd July and we should be good to go.
Yeah, very proud of my patna Lobbie. The boy was in ripping form once again up where the air is rare. Great racing bro. When I grow up I wanna be like you.
And Stan and @sgohsixthree , thanks again for setting up the lobby for us to race AC. Racing with stock tunes in AC is **** though with the cars being generally slippery IMO. The tunes really helped making it more manageable and made a difference.

As I said if y'all going to be buying and racing ACC I'm going to buy also because I don't want to miss out on the action.
Stan I think if we get ACC next week we should jump right in ASAP. Perhaps instead of having to go through a whole new season on AC from next Thursday 25th June we could do just one last race night on it on the 25th. You decide car and track. This in lieu of ACC just becoming available for purchase on the 23rd (2 days prior).
Then we can start with a new season on ACC the following Thursday 2nd July. This should give everyone including who hadn't bought ACC by that launch week to purchase and get up to scratch by Thursday 2nd July and we should be good to go.
There is going to be no public/private lobbies in ACC at launch.


  • PITSxSRM - AC 2020 - F500 (5).pdf
    72 KB · Views: 18
According to information over at AC official forum, private/public lobbies maybe coming to the game in the future.
According to information over at AC official forum, private/public lobbies maybe coming to the game in the future.

That’s how AC was when it came out. The implementation on PC is clunky, but they really just need a UI for it. Hopefully won’t be long. My guess is with the GT4 patch, but then the question is, how well will they do multi-class. The game already has issues just showing final standings after the race.
That’s how AC was when it came out. The implementation on PC is clunky, but they really just need a UI for it. Hopefully won’t be long. My guess is with the GT4 patch, but then the question is, how well will they do multi-class. The game already has issues just showing final standings after the race.
We just have to wait & see about private/public lobbies, and I am waiting to see what the reviews about the game before I will buy it.

Very sorry I can not join you guy's on Thursday night your time, but it will happen soon.
So with acc not being on the playstation store I have no way of playing the game. Ps4 won't play disc. This is very stupid
Same thing happened with one of the pCars games. No preorder so you had to wait until the store was updated, could be as late as noon EST.
So with acc not being on the playstation store I have no way of playing the game. Ps4 won't play disc. This is very stupid
Go to the PS store and you have press on search, and type in the Assetto Corsa Competizione.
My Great Capture Screenshot 2020-06-23 22-40-10.png
@Stanc03 and others. Since the release I'm seeing a lot of negative reviews of ACC. Almost everyone is complaining about the frame rate, bad quality and annoying lag. Very disappointing to see so many users not pleased. Now I'm wondering if it's worth the while to purchase.
Hey David, I know what you mean. But I've also seen many positive ones as well, people saying the physics is fantastic and they did make it just like the original PC version in terms of driving & handling.

Also bare in mind this is day 1 version, it will be obviously patched and some updates should occur soon enough I believe...

Here's a review from real world GT3 driver David Perel:
So who has the game and who dosent because Thursday night I wanna run acc just do a few races and we will go back to ac next week until the can add private lobbies. We will run acc evry 5th week so basically at the end of evry season we will have a acc night
Once the private lobbies drop we will be able to to run a full season in acc.

For those. Complaining about the graphics ocs and frame rate I tell them to go play granturismo I played the game for about 4 hours last night and only notice "lag and frame rates drop" maybe once. Other than that I was focused on racing. The cars handle really well out the box with little to no tuning necessary. Which I think puts this game miles ahead of pcars due to how undriveable 80% of the cars are unless you tune the soul out of them. @davidt33
So who has the game and who dosent because Thursday night I wanna run acc just do a few races and we will go back to ac next week until the can add private lobbies. We will run acc evry 5th week so basically at the end of evry season we will have a acc night
Once the private lobbies drop we will be able to to run a full season in acc.

For those. Complaining about the graphics ocs and frame rate I tell them to go play granturismo I played the game for about 4 hours last night and only notice "lag and frame rates drop" maybe once. Other than that I was focused on racing. The cars handle really well out the box with little to no tuning necessary. Which I think puts this game miles ahead of pcars due to how undriveable 80% of the cars are unless you tune the soul out of them. @davidt33
Aye @Stanc03 , you say you want to run ACC tomorrow Thursday 25th at least for a little try out. But since Private lobbies are not yet available would we still be able to run a lobby so we can race together as usual? Or is it that it doesn't matter. Is it that we'll still be able to race together in lobby by virtue of you creating a lobby or event in Public/Multiplayer or whatever they call it and assigning the usual password for us to join and race privately?
Aye @Stanc03 , you say you want to run ACC tomorrow Thursday 25th at least for a little try out. But since Private lobbies are not yet available would we still be able to run a lobby so we can race together as usual? Or is it that it doesn't matter. Is it that we'll still be able to race together in lobby by virtue of you creating a lobby or event in Public/Multiplayer or whatever they call it and assigning the usual password for us to join and race privately?
We did some test runs Tuesday night just gotta listen and pay attention we pick empty lobbies and fill them. It will be easier to explain when your in lobby tomo
We did some test runs Tuesday night just gotta listen and pay attention we pick empty lobbies and fill them. It will be easier to explain when your in lobby tomo
Ok. I'll go ahead and purchase ACC today so I could join y'all tomorrow. Doesn't matter too much if most of the guys aren't able to purchase and join yet. So long as you are on that will be cool and if some others are able to join that will also be cool. Going to purchase and install in a bit.
I'm waiting for mine to arrive today (Thursday here in Oz), as I pre-ordered from Amazon with discount.

I'll try to set everything up and be able to join you guys for this test run, but not sure if I'll be able to. Same issue for me, timezone difference... Eventually I'll race with you bunch again ;)

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Double post, hit me with a fish. I am reading and as I find something worthy of sharing with you wankers I will post. Update statement from the makers.

505 Games Statement: https://acc.505games.com/console-launch-and-next-steps/
That's an excellent timely response from the developers. Good to see they're taking note of the issues/complaints and looking to address them ASAP. Things should eventually iron out. I saw no mention of the display fitting issue though with no current option to adjust the screen including HUD to fit on screen. Presently many users are complaining about important parts of the top and bottom (and maybe even sides) being cropped so you can't even see the lap duration tab/HUD during race. This is something that must be addressed.