PS4: Platinum Trophy and Other Musings

  • Thread starter TT92


First up you can’t obtain the trophy with the digital version. Do I hear the sounds of many palms smacking foreheads now?

The Challenge Accepted Trophy, Complete 20 Career Objectives in Challenge Events, is bugged. You have to deleted the game (not your saved game file) and reload with the original disc version to get this. Note: you cannot redo already completed events!

The trophy Overcome Your Rivals, Earn 300 Rival Points in a single season. Is hard to understand until you find out that SMS calls one month of online a season so you have one month to rack up 300 points. It took me only 7 days to do the 300 points with 2 weeklies a monthly and all the dailies. Tip: I did the dailies pretty soon after they opened and got several platinum, scores. I don’t know if I got more points BUT the bragging rights are good ;-) This is the last trophy I need and apparently it will only unlock at the end of this month, even though I have already exceeded the 300 points L

Apart from that the game is easy (too easy actually) to get through. At first it seems quite daunting and money is an issue but once you get dialled in it’s easy peasy. So I have had the game for 10 days and 2 rainy, wet weekends and it’s all over. All up about 60hrs including deleting the game and redoing the bugged trophy.

Thoughts and tips on the game:

I can’t understand why this game does not come with a can of insect spray The bugs are as prominent as they are on your car’s windshield on a summer’s night :-)

The AI is the WORST of any game I have ever played! As has been said here you either win by 20 secs (on any level) or the AI just swamp you and continually drive into you forcing you to lower places. They also have unfair advantages in the wet/ice. Just adjust AI levels to compensate and then drive your heart out (if necessary).

Physics. This is not a Sim by any stretch of the imagination but an arcade game. Having said that once you accept that fact and treat it like one it can be a lot of fun. You then can drift like a pro, hardly ever spin and just win races. The trick is turn off all assists and just put on “Stability Control”, it is God Mode. In career at Sakito in a time trial it made me 5secs a lap quicker and I went over 2 secs under the top time!

Making credits. Again with the disc version I was making 150k-175k for 10 lap races in a Mitsy Lancer at Daytona at the start. I stopped grinding at 2.5mil credits and just did the game. Anything that was too hard I just paid to unlock to get to.

Online: This is where you see how much of an arcade game this thing really is. Heaps of people on controllers swerving all over the track that just can’t drive BUT the game compensates for it and makes them fast. Before anyone says “justify that comment” just go to the online time trials and see how many controllers are used in the top levels.

To sum up. Yes, I am a trophy hunter and I will not disguise the fact. I had no intention of buying this game so soon after release because of the comments/reviews and the fact I disliked PCARS 1&2 so much. I only really got it to kill time while ACC got it’s trophies debugged and Scaff here gave it glowing recommendations ;-)

It is the worst PCARS game by far and it has the worst AI of any game in the known universe but I do actually enjoy it. It’s like stopping on your way home from the pub at your local Kebab shop or Pizza joint and playing pinball while you wait for your food. Nothing serious but a hell of a lot of fun to pass the time :-)
Yeah, making a whole month to rivals is quite annoying, but the most annoying that I can't get "right on time", because scheduled events put me alone and I can't complete it alone. I'm probably will have to find a boosting partner or worse spend all day trying...
Will I delete it before the patch come? Challenge accepted. :indiff:

I was wondering why no trophy was showing. And since I already completed most of the bonus races I can't finish it anyway? I need a small patch... soon.
The Challenge Accepted Trophy, Complete 20 Career Objectives in Challenge Events, is bugged. You have to deleted the game (not your saved game file) and reload with the original disc version to get this. Note: you cannot redo already completed events!
Doesn't work even if you manually buy the events and complete them? :(

@FernandoM76, one for you :)
Why on earth would a trophy have been made to require you to buy a disc based copy of the game?

Since I elected to go digital for my purchases this year thanks to you know what effectively I will now have to wait and only purchase this game after I know this trophy bug has been fixed.

It reminds me of another trophy I love to hate from Team Sonic Racing which was Play a local 3 player co-op race which is never going to happen since I have no other friends who would want to play Sonic when they visit plus I only have two controllers.

Sounds like this one was equally ill thought out or coded incorrectly if it works with the disc version.
Doesn't work even if you manually buy the events and complete them? :(

@FernandoM76, one for you :)

Yes it does work. There are 48 events to do. Before I found out how to do it I had done 24. I deleted the game, removed network cable (so the update patch doesn't try to install) re-installed the game from the disc and completed 20 more events (actually 21). So as you see there is only a small error margin here and yes I did buy the unlocks for the events,

This is why I felt I needed to post this as I am not the only one that has had this problem. Like with Assetto Corsa Competizone the update patch knocked out the trophy achievement >:-(

Why on earth would a trophy have been made to require you to buy a disc based copy of the game?

See above. It was the update that knocked out the trophy not which version you bought.

And for anyone interested to how it did it did it, just look at your player profile. In your stats as you complete the Challenge events it credits the achievements to you **INVITATIONAL** event achievements. "Missed it by that much" from the Maxwell Smart dept. of game coding :-))

But **IF** you do the invitational events it **DOES NOT** credit them to your challenge events.

Anyone see why it took me so long to get through the game now? I spent a lot of time working on this trophy >:-(

TIP: If you are sick of grinding and want to make some quick and easy credits going back to the E events and doing all those things you skipped generates good earnings. At Level 32 I got 33K credits for a 2 lap race at Havana because I never bothered originally to do the clean overtake achievement. Just an example. Same as some of the time trial events on tracks I was still learning. Went back and got the better times and picked up easy credits. e.g another 33K for 1 lap at NZ short track. From memory that is 33k for a 56sec lap.
On PS4, I just bought my way into the Challenges since they weren't unlocking normally. Turns out they're incredibly bugged. It's like someone plugged in the video cable but left off the audio cables. The objectives don't track pretty much at all. I've done 24 objectives and when I look at my accolades, it says I've done none. Borrowed cars award full XP and they're not supposed to. And there isn't even an animation for completing the objectives. They're just completely broken on PS4.
The Challenge Accepted Trophy, Complete 20 Career Objectives in Challenge Events, is bugged. You have to deleted the game (not your saved game file) and reload with the original disc version to get this. Note: you cannot redo already completed events!
Apparently this got fixed in today's update on PS4.

Hopefully fixed on Xbox too.
The Challenge Accepted trophy just popped for me on completion of the first event of the challenges - 'Baby Formula' in the 'Climbing the Ladder' set.

Platinum obtained, I'm happy with that.
The Challenge Accepted trophy just popped for me on completion of the first event of the challenges - 'Baby Formula' in the 'Climbing the Ladder' set.

Platinum obtained, I'm happy with that.

Congrats :-) I have to wait another two weeks, untill the end of the "season" in rivals to get my last trophy >:-(

So what a completely <insert swear word of choice here> idea this is so you can only get the trophy 12 times a year or be lucky enough to start the game just before the end of the month!!!
The Challenge Accepted trophy just popped for me on completion of the first event of the challenges - 'Baby Formula' in the 'Climbing the Ladder' set.

Platinum obtained, I'm happy with that.

Congrats! So the trophy popped up despite you had only 1/2/3 objectives out of 20? Or am I missing something?
No update on Xbox yet.
Hopefully an update before we race on Monday :)

Could do with some stability improvements in Multiplayer.
That would be nice. I know my connection is really bad and it's not just SMS. It's just strange when I can do Scheduled races most of the time then try any lobby (even with 5-6 players) and start getting DC after one or two races. Also can play FH4 almost without problems at all. Even when doing the Eliminator with 40+ other players. I want to be positive and this new patch really showed that they are working on improving and fixing the issues.
Don't believe the stability improvements will come in this patch, but that doesn't mean it wont come in the future. For me PC3 shows it's strength in online racing. It's way better than any Forza I tried, imo.
Forza uses dedicated servers, so it's essentially Microsoft hosting each lobby and not the player.
Maybe Scheduled races also use dedicated servers? And is that maybe the reason why they work better... for me at least?
First up you can’t obtain the trophy with the digital version. Do I hear the sounds of many palms smacking foreheads now?

The Challenge Accepted Trophy, Complete 20 Career Objectives in Challenge Events, is bugged. You have to deleted the game (not your saved game file) and reload with the original disc version to get this. Note: you cannot redo already completed events!

The trophy Overcome Your Rivals, Earn 300 Rival Points in a single season. Is hard to understand until you find out that SMS calls one month of online a season so you have one month to rack up 300 points. It took me only 7 days to do the 300 points with 2 weeklies a monthly and all the dailies. Tip: I did the dailies pretty soon after they opened and got several platinum, scores. I don’t know if I got more points BUT the bragging rights are good ;-) This is the last trophy I need and apparently it will only unlock at the end of this month, even though I have already exceeded the 300 points L

Apart from that the game is easy (too easy actually) to get through. At first it seems quite daunting and money is an issue but once you get dialled in it’s easy peasy. So I have had the game for 10 days and 2 rainy, wet weekends and it’s all over. All up about 60hrs including deleting the game and redoing the bugged trophy.

Thoughts and tips on the game:

I can’t understand why this game does not come with a can of insect spray The bugs are as prominent as they are on your car’s windshield on a summer’s night :-)

The AI is the WORST of any game I have ever played! As has been said here you either win by 20 secs (on any level) or the AI just swamp you and continually drive into you forcing you to lower places. They also have unfair advantages in the wet/ice. Just adjust AI levels to compensate and then drive your heart out (if necessary).

Physics. This is not a Sim by any stretch of the imagination but an arcade game. Having said that once you accept that fact and treat it like one it can be a lot of fun. You then can drift like a pro, hardly ever spin and just win races. The trick is turn off all assists and just put on “Stability Control”, it is God Mode. In career at Sakito in a time trial it made me 5secs a lap quicker and I went over 2 secs under the top time!

Making credits. Again with the disc version I was making 150k-175k for 10 lap races in a Mitsy Lancer at Daytona at the start. I stopped grinding at 2.5mil credits and just did the game. Anything that was too hard I just paid to unlock to get to.

Online: This is where you see how much of an arcade game this thing really is. Heaps of people on controllers swerving all over the track that just can’t drive BUT the game compensates for it and makes them fast. Before anyone says “justify that comment” just go to the online time trials and see how many controllers are used in the top levels.

To sum up. Yes, I am a trophy hunter and I will not disguise the fact. I had no intention of buying this game so soon after release because of the comments/reviews and the fact I disliked PCARS 1&2 so much. I only really got it to kill time while ACC got it’s trophies debugged and Scaff here gave it glowing recommendations ;-)

It is the worst PCARS game by far and it has the worst AI of any game in the known universe but I do actually enjoy it. It’s like stopping on your way home from the pub at your local Kebab shop or Pizza joint and playing pinball while you wait for your food. Nothing serious but a hell of a lot of fun to pass the time :-)
I hope it was more of an honest review rather than glowing :D
I hope it was more of an honest review rather than glowing :D

Hence the winking smiley.

Due to the myriad of mixed reviews online from people that I had little faith in your oppion did sway me into purchasing the game. Up until I read your review I had been disuaded from getting it. So yes, I did find it honest and quite accurate. Keep up the good work :-)
No update on Xbox yet.

I have everything except the bugged Achievement now, so hopefully not long until I get 1000/1000.

You are referring to the achievement where you need to complete 20 objectives in challenge events, right?
Platinum achieved :-) I can confirm that the rivals trophy (get 300points in a season which is one month) does get awarded at the end of the season/month and the platinum then triggers :-) <see below>

Platinum Trophy.jpg

Also there doesn't appear to be any other bugged trophies or anything that is too hard to achieve.

A bit of grinding and I have all the credits I can possibly need. BTW got 3 cars to free upgrade stautus while doing this and t doesn't apply to only that car BUT to any subsequent cars that you buy of the same model. Quite good I thought so that is a big tick for SMS (and they do need a few). Also any car supplied in daily rivals races will also gain points towards any of your cars or future cars you buy.

Good luck everyone with this game as I will back at Assetto Corsa Competizone now that the GT4 pack has landed and will have to see if the latest update has fixed the trophies there as well :-(
On the XBox is still bugged. I got the Slightly Mad Racer about a week ago. But I still have the Challenge Accepted one locked. It's also curious that 0.98% of players unlocked the "platinum" achievement but only 0.08% the challenge one.
Not a big deal for me. I'm already happy that the career events got fixed.