[PS4] Uncharted 4: A Thief's EndPS4 

  • Thread starter gtone339
I think that's it. Uncharted has always been much more on the movie side of the movie/game divide. They have set pieces, and there's a right way to approach them that results in the player having the exact experience that the developer has designed. At times it's not far from watching a movie with minor button pushing.

All the games have been very linear and restrictive, but the awesomeness comes from the experience of just going with it. It's a similar thing to an action movie, at some point you've just got to switch off that part of your brain that goes "nuh-uh" and enjoy the ride. I think of the games as action movies where you feel a bit more involved because you're actually controlling the action to some extent.

I think there's plenty of room for games that are pretty close to on-rails-rollercoaster type experiences, and others that are free and open for players to create their own experiences. I think Uncharted will always be only as open as they can make it while maintaining the script that they have for the player, just because that's the way they write it.
There's a real lack of great linear experiences these days as every dev seems to think open world is the answer to everything. i'd appreciate more focused titles like StarFox Zero and Uncharted as they usually offer thrilling rides from start to finish.
Drake the lawnmower...though I appreciate that textures will look more natural when completed. I did like the Tunguska effect grenades though.
It's certainly more open by the series' standards, but it's not as open as other series are. I don't think that an open-world Uncharted game is possible, but look at that opening firefight - it's very restrictive in terms of the way forward. I suppose that it's a by-product of the series' development ethos, building the story around key action sequences.

True but take for example the PSX demo, it looked a lot more open, I'll try to find the interview with Bruce and Neil were talking that they've learned from TLOU to make the design less linear and have multiple paths (granted TLOU wasn't exactly sandbox)
They've always done MP DLC - perhaps the SP DLC is DLC rather than on the disc so that they can finish the game in reasonable time - otherwise it'd be a far longer wait; those levels look big and complex.
You can half-guarantee its going to involve Nate's brother as well.
The game is 6 months away.. announcing DLC for an unreleased game this far out is ridiculous.
And level design takes how long nowadays? ;) TLoU was pretty much the same situation DLC-wise, except the story DLC came how many months after launch? Uncharted 4 is a different situation to that, with TLoU they hadn't really got an idea if it would sell, so I think that's why U4 is the other way around - ie: extra content will be popular.
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Seems to have some changes over Uncharted 3:

*Apparently the teleport thingy Elena used and Drake's Totem grenade thingy are just new kickbacks.
*You can now call upon sidekicks to help you, one of them uses a T-Bolt sniper to take an opponent out, the next one revives you and the last one acts like Gas Mask pirates from Uncharted 3 Co Op.
*Maps are more destructible.
*Running and Rolling are still in, rolling seems to have less range.
*Seems Drake's Rope thingy is available to all players, more traversal options because of it and even melee finishers it seems.
*Eddy Raja showing up points to good old Heroes vs Villains TDM.
*I think the first part of the trailer is pointing to a new co-op game?
Some multiplayer info, more here and here

-900p, 60fps
-P2P, no dedicated servers
-Down status is back, to encourage teamwork and reward players that stick close to each other.
-Beta to include team deathmatch
-Down status is back, to encourage teamwork and reward players that stick close to each other.
As far as I was concerned, Down Status was only a thing in Co-op games, does that mean they're going to include it in competitive game modes?

Also the Brute (The guy carrying the Pak-80 in Co-op) is now available as a sidekick
Some multiplayer info, more here and here

-900p, 60fps
-P2P, no dedicated servers
-Down status is back, to encourage teamwork and reward players that stick close to each other.
-Beta to include team deathmatch

Thanks for the info!

Now expect the final story trailer to be shown at the PSX event in December 5, 2015.


Screenshots of Uncharted 4 MP:




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AK, T-Bolt, M32 Hammer and Raffica pistol are back, stealth kills are back too. And now explosive third weapons are not limited to grenades, but also C4.

Also noticed a single shot primary like the Fal-SS, not sure if it's still the same gun. Heard the Pistole. There seems to be a bludgeoning weapon of some sort wielded by Lazarevic to hit someone upside the head with, knocking them out instantly.

Returning characters I spotted are Eddy Raja, Zoran Lazarevic, Harry Flynn, Liutenant Draza or one of Lazarevic's mercenaries and Katherine Marlowe for Villains, Charlie Cutter and Chloe Frazer for Heroes.

Mechanically it has some changes, the dynamic of a match is pretty similar but at the same time they've made traversal faster with ropes and slides, cover transitions and movement are faster and the biggest change is the downing mechanic that now allows you to survive fatal hits and limp around awaiting a revive or a team medic like powerup. Grenade throwback from Uncharted 3 is also gone and their indicators are larger and more visible.
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PGW 2015 interview

More info facts about U4 Multiplayer & Single-Story :)

Key Points:

  • There are other mystical abilities (on top of the three that we saw today) that aren’t part of the existing Uncharted games, and that’s why they haven’t been revealed yet.
  • Sidekicks take a little bit more punishment to kill than regular players, but they all have health, so they can be killed.
    Naughty Dog still did not decide whether there will be custom games in the future, even if they’re aware that parts of the community like them, so they’re discussing about it.

  • Naughty Dog still did not decide whether there will be custom games in the future, even if they’re aware that parts of the community like them, so they’re discussing about it.
  • The decision to have the mutiplayer run at 900p was made to make sure that it also runs as close to constant 60 fps as possible, to provide a better multiplayer experience. By running at 900p, you get a 20% increase in performance, allowing
  • Naughty Dog is researching on what other developers are doing for multiplayer. Many of them have played Destiny for a long time
  • The new hardware and engine allow Naughty Dog to make everything bigger and more impressive. Meyer has seen some things in the game that are “pretty crazy.”
  • You have a choice to take different paths through the game, and seeing different things.
  • The Last of Us’ AI system was pretty sophisticated in how enemy reacted to the player and were able to flank him. That was brought over to Uncharted 4, and even though the gameplay is a lot faster, a lot of that scripting is very robust, so Naught Dog has been able to retain it for the new game.
  • You have a choice to take different paths through the game, and seeing different things.
This is interesting. I wonder if it means we can spawn with the grenade launcher when the round starts.
  • Some heavy weapons can be bought in the store (with in-game cash that can be earned by playing), and one is the grenade launcher.
This next point is very intriguing as well:
  • terible grammer

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