PS4 users

  • Thread starter smilerftm
People who want to race against other like minded racers using the PS4 put your usernames on here.

Mine is SmilerFTM

I can't get involved in any race series due to my random shifts so being able to get online and race others who want to try and race clean would be cool.

List of PSN id's:

01- SmilerFTM
02- SynGamer
03- sbankus
04- HammyMansell
05- gauige100
06- wilOOy
07- McKiernan
09- priesty_lfc (UK)
10- Mauler_77
11- wickenex
12- iamlanky
13- Zakspeed_TV
14- svenvangent968
15- xXJojjeXx
16- fmx69
17- SOTONsaint13
18- EliteKilla29
19- doomstorm16
20- Choppa24
21- zeydius
22- gd1617
23- SweetLilPoppet
24- thegt500
25- sp00ky-w00ky-
26- SoCaLLbeer
27- Kkj_10
28- RRusso88
29- helicon2
31- GTP_Jump_Ace
32- GTP_brit999
33- fortbo
34- IrwingBR
35- B_Bubbles_66
37- GTPZ_Tuscani08
38- cupra-r
39- VirtualBornRacer
40- Wolfman_UK
41- MXHyland
43- paulpg87
44- MrTans
45- Danielholmer
46- STaLLiOnO
47- jaczrwild3
48- Black-_-Hole1885
49- xeronima
50- ward_42
51- Storm--Trooper-
52- GTP_Strop
53- SkyyJuice
54- Roundrocket
55- jetsetsonic
56- sir_swiftknight
57- ron24 (adult friend requests only please)
58- GTP_Monkey
59- Sjc-alpha
60- mwng2020
61- J00N10R
62- clarkeon
63- Baussinen
64- iamlanky
65- TexasTyme214
66- Nato777
67- monkeylima
69- Pad89_ (this id just updated 2nd June)
70- Flaw3dGenius23
71- SkaankyPuppy
72- adstomko
73- samouraiMnMs_CBF
74- JohnSchoonsBeard
75- alegunner68
76- Cotijuba
77- abetterplaya
78- KaptainKandy
79- JeffilesBR
80- Noxrai
81- ElBasque
82- Gav219
83- WyldAnimal_
84- Jallmari
85- Yido
86- Rexuz
87- ukfan758
88- finbaek
89- kisstheapex23
90- nebraska55
91- DKGuitarstar
92- Nemesis-Reaper
93- xtcboi
94- Dimse91
95- olliewright951
96- Paul2007
97- MagpieRacer48
98- SinysterPlague
99- Whaleboy
100- AsamKV
101- Momus_Nine
102- x1aviation
103- elmaso69
104- Heathenpride
105- phil_75
106- MadManMarcus
107- copes24
108- j-pap (AUS)
109- ForceMotion
110- Rautz_213
111- stigsdaddy
112- B-Minimal
113- Gejabo
114- Majortrauma999
115- the-D-
116- cloakdeath
117- ICH-Motorsport
118- Duane9780
119- Dazfeeder
120- SoggyxBiscuit
121- INSAYNE05 (AUS)
122- Sathra84
123- Goncharella
124- hardvibes
125- byrnezy9
126- TotalBallAche
127- Chin2112
128- sander996
129- prarts
130- Trafford007 (US PSN) & GTP_Cantona (UK PSN)
131- Glider1198
132- Tired_Tyres (UK)
133- WadeOhh
134- Lanius1984
135- musical_matt
136- ZedNinetySix
137- IRandyPirate
138- catamount39
139- aaron190286
140- Capriatifan
142- Motocross_09
143- kjelliken
144- DnBasshead007
145- GTP_Coupe
146- Lewmatic12
147- Josefrias28
148- matty234
149- SZRT_CIC_Ice
150- deltarider209
151- Video-Game-Hero-
152- markeeez18
153- CapnCwby1969
155- Krizzay
157- SEIDO463
Last edited:
I too feel I will struggle to participate consistently in a league, but I'd love to race against others who are (mostly) clean.

PSN: SynGamer
I like to do online races at random...... And after getting used the game, maybe join a league! See you at the lights! :)

PSN: HammyMansell
People who want to race against other like minded racers using the PS4 put your usernames on here.

Mine is SmilerFTM

I can't get involved in any race series due to my random shifts so being able to get online and race others who want to try and race clean would be cool.

I'm up for trying online racing, though a shaky driver, I try to be as clean as possible

PSN: iamlanky
PSN-svenvangent968 .
Clean all the way but mistakes we make .
Human we are .
Amen .
May the fors be with Whowie .
My PSN is fmx69
Please add GTPlanet in any friend request so that I know where it is coming from.

Question: So we can feel free to send out friend request to "everyone" who posts here?
PSN ID is EliteKilla29

When you guys add me say that you from gtplanet so I won't be confused. I will be bouncing back and forth between career and online. Hope to see you guys on the grid.:)
My PSN is fmx69
Please add GTPlanet in any friend request so that I know where it is coming from.

Question: So we can feel free to send out friend request to "everyone" who posts here?

I don't see why not, I'm doing it so I know I'm racing people who want to at least try to race clean. Obviously you'll get a few people making mistakes but at least it won't be with the usual online crowd who just barge on purpose.
I'm up for races, at least initially before all the leagues are starting and I'm not testing for them.

PSN: doomstorm16