PS4 users

  • Thread starter smilerftm
I'm in. Feel free to add me, PSN Id thegt500 and put GTPlanet in so I don't get confused (easy at my age).
I'll be as clean as humanly possible, but I am known to make mistakes (just ask my wife) LOL ;)
I'm hosting a Series for Project Cars on the PS4. Right now, 22/30 Signed up. Could use some more Entries. If your interested the topic is GT3 World Tier Championship SeSeries. Come in and read the Series over.
Cool idea, but @smilerftm you should compile the list of names in the first post so everyone doesn't have to scroll through all the pages to add a friend.

Count me in though:


I am not a great driver but would love some MP races.


I can't join a league over the summer, so some casual MP races is a great idea for me (once I know the way around some alien tracks!). I will be doing the career, but will pause it for some good, clean online MP racing.
PSN: fortbo, and if you want to join a competitive WEC league, check out my series, there are still a few spots left in LMP2 and GTE.
Cool idea, but @smilerftm you should compile the list of names in the first post so everyone doesn't have to scroll through all the pages to add a friend.

Count me in though:



I'll get round to doing that but I'm currently doing a few 12.5hr shifts. As soon as I can I will
Your list iszzze done smilerftm.

01- SmilerFTM
02- SynGamer
03- sbankus
04- HammyMansell
05- gauige100
06- wilOOy
07- McKiernan
09- priesty_lfc
10- Mauler_77
11- wickenex
12- iamlanky
13- Zakspeed_TV
14- svenvangent968
15- xXJojjeXx
16- fmx69
17- SOTONsaint13
18- EliteKilla29
19- doomstorm16
20- Choppa24
21- zeydius
22- gd1617
23- Gran Turismo Guy
24- thegt500
25- sp00ky-w00ky-
26- SoCaLLbeer
27- Kkj_10
28- RRusso88
29- helicon2
31- GTP_Jump_Ace
32- GTP_brit999
33- fortbo
34- IrwingBR
35- B_Bubbles_66
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People who want to race against other like minded racers using the PS4 put your usernames on here.

Good idea for a thread, but define "like minded"; do you mean clean drivers?

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Good idea for a thread, but define "like minded"; do you mean clean drivers? If so, sign me up. PSN is, VirtualBornRacer.


People who want to try and race clean. It's not going to happen all the time, we aren't racing drivers after all and mistakes will be inevitable but I reckon everyone on here will want to race as clean as they can.
Always up for clean as possible racing. Am on at random times but will be good to have fun races. (Certainly not on when Liverpool are playing though.) ☺

PSN = Wolfman_UK

Race you soon peeps.
PSN : MXHyland

Most likely won't participate in any racing leagues but I'm up for the occasional clean races and/or ''cruising'' with fellow GTPers.
Anyone who I have missed to send a friend request feel free to send me one. In GT5 a bunch of us had the same set up it was good all round fun racing. Anyway don't be a stranger you are free to join in on GT server and leave when you want you are not tied to a set time or anything.
Been a lurker of these forums for a while, and seeing as this has a release date now seems the time to sign up! I was going to get PCars for the XBone, but I get the feeling this will sell and perform better on the PS4 - so the PS4 it is.

PSN: MrTans
PSN: Danielholmer
Raced on console since 2011, both in GT5 and GT6. Add me if you want to do clean online racing at random, or do free runs, like Touristenfahrten, if that will be available in Pcars.
And counthing , from 37 to 46 huuuuuuman beings..... alias drivers

01- SmilerFTM
02- SynGamer
03- sbankus
04- HammyMansell
05- gauige100
06- wilOOy
07- McKiernan
09- priesty_lfc
10- Mauler_77
11- wickenex
12- iamlanky
13- Zakspeed_TV
14- svenvangent968
15- xXJojjeXx
16- fmx69
17- SOTONsaint13
18- EliteKilla29
19- doomstorm16
20- Choppa24
21- zeydius
22- gd1617
23- Gran Turismo Guy
24- thegt500
25- sp00ky-w00ky-
26- SoCaLLbeer
27- Kkj_10
28- RRusso88
29- helicon2
31- GTP_Jump_Ace
32- GTP_brit999
33- fortbo
34- IrwingBR
35- B_Bubbles_66
37- GTPZ_Tuscani08
38- cupra-r
39- VirtualBornRacer
40- Wolfman_UK
41- MXHyland
43- paulpg87
44- MrTans
45- Danielholmer
46- STaLLiOnO
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Your list iszzze done smilerftm.

01- SmilerFTM
02- SynGamer
03- sbankus
04- HammyMansell
05- gauige100
06- wilOOy
07- McKiernan
09- priesty_lfc
10- Mauler_77
11- wickenex
12- iamlanky
13- Zakspeed_TV
14- svenvangent968
15- xXJojjeXx
16- fmx69
17- SOTONsaint13
18- EliteKilla29
19- doomstorm16
20- Choppa24
21- zeydius
22- gd1617
23- Gran Turismo Guy
24- thegt500
25- sp00ky-w00ky-
26- SoCaLLbeer
27- Kkj_10
28- RRusso88
29- helicon2
31- GTP_Jump_Ace
32- GTP_brit999
33- fortbo
34- IrwingBR
35- B_Bubbles_66

You can add me as well. Check out the Series

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