PSC: The abstract edition.

  • Thread starter sn00pie


Staff Emeritus

Size: 500px X 500px
Format: .jpg / .gif
The only restriction: I want to see (a) building(s) in your artwork.

Now stun me with your abstractness.

The sky is the limit, not really though...
Damnit, after I made this I realizes the size limit...

Well here's my DQ'ed version.


  • abstract.jpg
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Ooooh, I really like the "burned blindness" theme.

Excellent way of using buildings, you've displayed the blinding effect really well, it actually hurts your eyes after a while. Great job!
Nice job you guys!

sn00pie I wanna see you make 1!

Oh and about my 2nd picture , I made that extra black to fit the 500x500 size.
Here's an entry using the same buoldings as my first one.

Same basic concept, but belive it or not I did this in Paint Shop Pro 7, not photo shop 7.0

Here we go.


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I wish my photoshop would hurry up and finish downloading. It is huge though. I should be getting cable soon...

Nice work though guys. You all make me jelous. :(
Well there aren't to mnay tutorials on abstract art.

But usually I learn most of skills from tutorials. I always use PhotoShop 7.0 (well..I did do the last one in psp7) and there are tons of tutorials teaching how to do text effect, and other things. So if you just mush alot of things you've learned into one, it turns out pretty cool.

Here's a quick tutorial for an easy thing thats not to cool, but could help you.

First open psp7 or ps7, this little tut. can be used for both.

Make a new image around 500x400 with a black background. Then take the pencil or airbrush tool and set your color to white, and make it kinda faint. Choose a soft 35 for ps7, or a 35, with liek a 40% opcaity in psp7. Then make random lines facing any direction. HAve like 10-15 different lines about 2 inches each places randomly about the image, make sure there is quite a bit of black left though.

Then go to motion blur, (ps7: Filters, Blur, Motion Blur) (psp7: Effects, Blur, Motion Blur) In psp7 set pixels to 40, and any direction or angle. Then for ps7 set the slider to around 40 pixels and any direction.

Then click ok. Do that same effect about 5-10 times and you'll come up with a cool little design. The base work for my 3rd entry.

Then to colorize'll figure it out.
Originally posted by ACremona22
also, did u guys hit up on some sweet tutorials?

1. Open up new canvas
2. Use tools
3. Avoid using too many filters for no reason

And there you go. There's no "ceratin thing" you do. You just use the tools correctly, that's all.
Well...I suppose scratch, but I didn't take the pictures I used in my images myself. I found them on the buildings and the eye.

But for the idea and stuff I build as I go, I never see the finished product in my head of what I wnat it to look like.
I'm not very good at this sort of thing, but I had a go anyway.

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