PURE | JGTS 3 - Series complete! Congrat's to Driver champion MSP_JTown and Team champions Xanavi Z!

  • Thread starter Wardez
The OP doesn't mention any rules about pit entry and pit exit. So far I and others been adhering to the white lines, but some went over them. Tidgney mentioned that in the videos as well. The pit entry on Fuji is fairly straightforward when you cross the white lines, but is very slow when you have to stay between them. I understand it is a lot of work to enforce any pit entry or exit rules, so what will be the case for Fuji and the following events?
The OP doesn't mention any rules about pit entry and pit exit. So far I and others been adhering to the white lines, but some went over them. Tidgney mentioned that in the videos as well. The pit entry on Fuji is fairly straightforward when you cross the white lines, but is very slow when you have to stay between them. I understand it is a lot of work to enforce any pit entry or exit rules, so what will be the case for Fuji and the following events?

Someone mentioned this earlier and I'm pretty sure Wardez said that you can cross them as long as no ones there that you might run into.
Yeah, you're at fault if you cross the lines and there's a crash but it's not a rigid F1 style boundary. If it's safe to cross, go for it.

At Fuji though... it is important to remember to NOT go flying in at full speed and bang off the wall to gain time. That wasn't a problem at Motegi though, so I suppose it goes without saying.
The new Super GT Nismo :embarrassed: so hot

I hope this is the reason we have not got new GT500s, maybe they are waiting to see the next season cars so we can get them!
Hey everyone. Here to keep the motivation high and the fire in the belly still burning bright. The intensity is off the charts high now! This is what racing all about. Its about the love and the passion and the overwhelming level of competition where error is not an option. This is the absolute perfect send off for GT5 and I'm sure the virtual racing gods are absolutely STOKED!! Once again I would love to give my blessing to you all and god luck and god bless.... KLUTCH OUT!!
Hey all, sorry if this isn't really the right forum for this. But it affected my qualifying time being shown on the screen last week. Luckily Niss managed to save the replay and recover the time, but don't really want that happening again. Basically iv been having a few connection problems in the last week or so. Seems to be whenever i do a short test race, when testing with others, Or qualifying for example, I always get dc'd at the end of it. I have no lag during the race, and iv reset my router/ps3 etc. Anyone come across this before, or got any ideas? Thanks!
If feasible, bypass the router and connect directly to the modem. I always have issues using mine and no number of solutions from port forwarding to using a static IP/DMZ combo has worked. On race day, I use my fifty foot wire and I have no issues. I can even host although my upload speed isn't that great.
Practice room up: 1472 - 6118 - 3615 - 5260 - 5707

8 drivers testing atm.
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Any lap times to work for yet :)
It sounded like a few people were in a room today but no mention of times.

Based on last year's race,the looser track limits this season and tighter competition, 56s is a must for D1. In fact, I expect even the smallest mistakes to be the difference between D1 and D3. It will be that close, so I expect some major reshuffling from the usual fields.



We do have a practice board for those that don't know.
Hey guys would it be alright if I posted a time for tokyo R246 on the pure forums for the Nissan GTR 08. I wanted to see where I stacked up
Ok I've been very curious lately. I see alot of MSP IDs . So what exactly is MSP I probably soynd a lil dumb for not kbowing but id figure I would ask anyway.
Ok I've been very curious lately. I see alot of MSP IDs . So what exactly is MSP I probably soynd a lil dumb for not kbowing but id figure I would ask anyway.

This are drivers from a German forum, Motor Sports Portal.
Hey guys I'm new to the series my name is Marco, I'm from Germany and usually race in the GTF, I guess Niss already told you. ..
I'm gonna race with you at Spa with the HSV. Hope for some good racing with you, really looking foward to it :)

Ah, and I already registered on the Pure support site...
Add me on PSN if you want, my ID is MarcoM95
Any steward around to qualify me in the next 30 minutes or at 07:00 gmt, so in 9 hours from now?
Just so the stewards/marshalls know, I'll likely need to qualify tomorrow. I'm currently away from home again so my time on the PS3 is limited, plus there's the WRS GT5 Grand Finale this weekend and I'd like to enter at least a couple of the races.
It sounded like a few people were in a room today but no mention of times.

Based on last year's race,the looser track limits this season and tighter competition, 56s is a must for D1. In fact, I expect even the smallest mistakes to be the difference between D1 and D3. It will be that close, so I expect some major reshuffling from the usual fields.



We do have a practice board for those that don't know.

A 1:56 at Fuji? I'm hitting 1:40.3's just driving the track. Are we talking about the same track? I know it says Fuji for this Sunday's race.
Any good times to work for at Fuji? :)
A 1:56 at Fuji? I'm hitting 1:40.3's just driving the track. Are we talking about the same track? I know it says Fuji for this Sunday's race.
Any good times to work for at Fuji? :)
The Formula 1 version with that fugly chicane in Sector 3, not the GT version with a right angle corner replacing it.
@outlaw4rc Do you have time for a qualifying session now?

Or anyone else between 11:00 and 15:00 gmt?
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Pole last season was a 1:35.9.

He used a "5" went it should've been a "3" so say "36s is a must for D1."
@outlaw4rc Do you have time for a qualifying session now?

Or anyone else between 11:00 and 15:00 gmt?
Since I'm your teammate, I'm not allowed to Q you. That and I'm on the US West Coast so the only time I can assist Euro racers is Saturdays. If you need to go today, post a room number here and hope someone pops in.

Pole last season was a 1:35.9.

He used a "5" went it should've been a "3" so say "36s is a must for D1."
Correct. Don't know why that 5 was stuck in my head.

Anyways, just look at the spread from last year.


Might as well ask now if we have a system for settling identical times. I believe we do but don't remember what that was.
Practice and Q room up: 1472 - 6399 - 8665 - 9412 - 2621

I'd like to do my Q tonigh, if a steward could join in the next 2h if possible.


Steward: Nissman
Observers: JTown, Lozzaiscool, AndroR35

1- 1:36.857
2- 1:36.651 👍

1- Dirty
2- 1:36.830 👍

1- 1:36.712 👍
2- Dirty

Mistakes both by me and JT, obviously not happy with Q times again. 0.6 behind personal best for both of us.

But nice to see my teammate on provisional pole, he did a nice solid lap. Good job Andro!
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Testing Room open.


Internet went down.
Will open a new room shortly.


I would like to do my qualifying now. If any stewards are available that would be great. Still in the 2nd room.
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I'm currently in 1472-6399-8451-1924-0944 if a steward could please join to observe my qualifying run.

1:36.790 clean


1:36.653 clean

Cant add Andro time on Pure site.Cant see him on drivers list:confused: