That was an good race.
I sadly found out a little late the my transmission I used in qualifying was bad and my race trim gears were longer but faster. Much faster. My overall plan was to stick with safety-_-car and litchi and keep my tires good. Then I figrued around lap 4-5ish Tony would catch us and I would drive the wheels off it and hope he messes up on the last lap. I may have had to much confidences in my driving ability (keep up with Tony

Safety-_-Car was hurt by the early start and litchi, Petros(tpe-rus) and I drove into turn 1 3 wide. I'm surprised that worked out.
After a quick mirror check I saw Tony was going to be on us before the end of the lap so I quickly dropped my "sit in litchi's draft plan" an tried to get a gap. I made many mistakes and Tony didn't even have to try passing me. I held on by a thread for 4 laps. I was running 38s and did a 38.4 and he still drove away from me.
Just before the second pit I saw Safety was gaining on me and I over drove the car and lost even more time. Coming out of the pit he was very close but I was pulling a small gap, then I messed up the end of T2 3 times in a row, now he was almost in my draft.
We matched each others lap times up for a bit. I was running 38.9s (3 in a row) and 38.8s. Then I had a small problem, lost my rhythm and he dragged me back in.
With 3 laps to go, we were sitting nose to tail, I messed up the end of T2 again, almost putting the car fully in the sand, but luckily, he followed me in.
Overall I'm glad team "Pirates" kept on the podium (1st, 2nd) and I learned a bit more about this cars gearing.