Qore 16 GT5 sounds

  • Thread starter zeromobius
PD also records sounds while the vehicle is stationary, and not under load,
Not always:

You think there is a marked increase in the quality of sound in GT5P over that of GT4?! :lol: We must be playing different games then, because the tyre screeching is as unrealistic and annoying as ever, and the engine sounds are hardly what I would have called "markedly increased".
Once again, you are incorrect.
The car doesn't need to move, load simply means that you put stress on the engine, which you can as well do on a dyno.
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But if the car is on a dyno still means it's stationary if I'm right. And what do they mean with load?
As said, the car doesn't need to physically move, but the engine is still turing the transmission and driving the wheels on a dyno, so the same forces are being exerted as driving the car on a road. It;s very different to having the car in neutral and just revving the engine.

On another note, just after 1 min in the video I saw an odd looking car. I though it looked like some Cadillac concept. Anyone know what it it is?
DYNO - It's like a tredmill, but for a car

@Dave A - Jay is workin on a jet car, that might be it
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I haven't a clue what Qore 16 means, i guess the sound quality is better than Qore 1.

How can somebody have a functioning PSN ID and not know what "Qore" is? You do realise there is a PlayStation Network store where you can download videos, wallpapers, free demo, along with Downloadable Content right? Surely, if you've ever ventured to the store, you've seen "Qore".
How can somebody have a functioning PSN ID and not know what "Qore" is? You do realise there is a PlayStation Network store where you can download videos, wallpapers, free demo, along with Downloadable Content right? Surely, if you've ever ventured to the store, you've seen "Qore".

"Qore is an SCEA only initiative at this time"

Might want to check where the user is from before chastising so quickly mate. ;)
Thats going in my sig dude :D:tup:

Woops, not my quote. It's his: turbomp301

Thanks Majik. Nonetheless, I have several PSN accts; Japan, UK, HK, all because different stores have different free content ;)
Here it is......

I posted this in the GT Mobile forum, guess no one goes there anymore :(

Looks like Jay Leno is going to be our driving instructor on GT5. Are we going to have GT Academy TV for intructions? That would be cool if they did and you can pick different instructors for lessons. Maybe they can get some really famous proffessional drivers to do it too.

The car doesn't need to move, load simply means that you put stress on the enginem which you can as well do on a dyno.

Recording on a dyno isn't exactly like recording live in a moving car. The dyno can only record a initial load when it starts spining the load dissapears. With a live recording if you going on an up hill the load stays pretty constant on an uphill and different on a down hill. Then you have the terrain and wind noise which affect the sound plus wheel spin when getting a tire partially off track. They should get some lessons from Lucas Art's THX sound studio or maybe hire them to work on thier sound.
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You have to pay for Qore? :nervous: Oops, I just watched the relevant bit on youtube, didn't even realise...

Let's hope Jay has a dyno at his house, or they brought one along...

Jay has everything. His "garage" is somewhere North of 100,000sq ft and has everything.

I wish Qore could let us watch clips that didn't make the final episode.
Recording on a dyno isn't exactly like recording live in a moving car. The dyno can only record a initial load when it starts spining the load dissapears.

Dynos do have loading, thats the only way they can measure correct torque, if the rollers were only freespining the car would spin them in a second or two, dyno controllers ramp up the loading as they go so you can get a nice clear readout. Most dynos use a friction braking system (which can overheat after overuse), electric braking and some use a water braking system among others.

The real problem with recording on a dyno is removing the roller whine.
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Dynos do have loading, thats the only way they can measure correct torque, if the rollers were only freespining the car would spin them in a second or two, dyno controllers ramp up the loading as they go so you can get a nice clear readout. Most dynos use a friction braking system (which can overheat after overuse), electric braking and some use a water braking system among others.

The real problem with recording on a dyno is removing the roller whine.

Good point!

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