Question about gameport connector pin layout.

  • Thread starter keitshi
I want to emulate a normal 2 axis pad with 4 buttons. Heres a layout of the connectors pins:

So if I understand it right, I have to use different groung wires (4,5) for buttons 1 & 2 and the same wire (12) for buttons 3 & 4. Just making sure... I lost my own chart I made a while ago. :banghead: So to avoid any unnesessary smoke, any thoughts?

2 + 4 --> button 1
7 + 5 --> button 2
14+12 --> button 3
10+12 --> button 4

Please tell me if Im looking at the wrong chart or something else. :confused:
Okay, never mind. I figured it out now. All the ground pins can be used together with at least any of the buttons through 1-4. Its all good...