Questionable modifications: pictures inside!

  • Thread starter -Fred-
Camo Cobalt
Good god. I think we can close the thread now, nothing will ever come close to being that tasteless.
Ahh... I know what inspired the maker



Oh wait, it's just me. :guilty:
Actually, I think you nailed it. The fact that it looks so little like it is probably due to the crappiness of the execution.

What even is that?

Or perhaps, the better question is what even was that? :odd:
It appears to have started life as a Chevy S10 or GMC S15. It's worth noting that it wasn't actually chopped, rather that the beltline was raised with additional metal covering the lower half of the glass.
I bet that guy doesn't realize that hood is worth some bucks.
Honestly, I'd be surprised if it was actually worth more as what it is than as scrap. Yards aren't as plentiful as they once were, but given the broad year and model range for a hood like that, plus the sheer production volume of those models, it can't be that hard to come by. The thing probably came off of a field car and was the only solid panel remaining by virture of its shape not allowing water to settle and it not offering the easiest of targets for kids and/or drunks with guns.

Something to consider for comparison:


Edit: I will say, though, that you can probably strike Pontiac from the list of possible donors. Given that there's a pretty even film of oxidation across tje entire width of the hood, it's likely that any trim it once had was limited to only the very center. That is, of course, unless the trim was gone long before said oxidation started to set in.
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