R92CP. Does anyone else here this?

  • Thread starter Eks
Today I was watching some GT5 videos and one was a R92CP top speed test and I couldn't help but notice the car sound was looping! Obviously all the car sounds loop but with this car it was annoying and I cannot take my mind off of it when I hear it! It sounds sort of like a gallop because it "ticks" like 3 or 4 times.

Does anyone else here this ?

I notice it with car horns but not sounds until topped out.
This is'nt about the car sounds being unrealistic. (As I said earlier I couldn't care less about how "real" the sounds are.)

I am just pointing out the audible gallop-like loop. I actually enjoy the sound especially the low RPM sound :).

I do not hear it with horns but in the R92's case you can even hear it in mid-high RPMs.
This is'nt about the car sounds being unrealistic. (As I said earlier I couldn't care less about how "real" the sounds are.)

I am just pointing out the audible gallop-like loop. I actually enjoy the sound especially the low RPM sound :).

I do not hear it with horns but in the R92's case you can even hear it in mid-high RPMs.

Turn your volume up and honk your horn and hold it. It's very noticable.
This is'nt about the car sounds being unrealistic. (As I said earlier I couldn't care less about how "real" the sounds are.)

I am just pointing out the audible gallop-like loop. I actually enjoy the sound especially the low RPM sound :).

I do not hear it with horns but in the R92's case you can even hear it in mid-high RPMs.

I realize what you said. I was just stating my opinion to Dave. I could care less about any of it actually. Loop, no loop, whatever. None of it bothers me. As I said before, I hardly notice any of it and if I do, it doesn't bother me. I am more concerned about racing than I am about some ticking or galloping sound. To be blunt, some people just pick this game apart way too much. This, or any other game, is not perfect and will never be. People really need to stop sweating the small stuff and just play the game. You may not like my words, but thats just how I feel. If its not affecting your game play, then its not that big of deal.
some people just pick this game apart way too much. This, or any other game, is not perfect and will never be. People really need to stop sweating the small stuff and just play the game. You may not like my words, but thats just how I feel. If its not affecting your game play, then its not that big of deal.

I agree - I have recently started to turn the engine sounds up so that I can shift better (again MT is only a recent thing as well) and I haven't really thought too much about the engine sounds not being realistic (because IDGAF) and this is something so minor anyway.

If something so minor as this was making you feel this way . . . then why do yo u still play? Really it's not that big of a deal. There are so many other niggly little things that people complain about and it really annoys me sometimes because if you have the time to complain then that's time when you're not playing, why not instead of complaining, take the game out of your PS3 and put in something else. It's that simple rather than come on here, posting a YouTube video that you've watched and noticed that the sound loops while on a top speed run (a minor detail that probably would not bother you if you were actually driving at 250mph down the Mulsanne in the 24 Heures du Mans because you'd be more concerned with the race) play the game, realise it's other faults - that are way more annoying than this, OR play something else.

At least with the PS3 you can do that, rather than when I was a kid, I had to wait 30mins before I could even play a game because that's how long it took to load. I wasn't complaining then, and now that I have more choice, quick load times (not necessarily with GT5, but that's another matter) and monsters/aliens to kill etc. GT5 is not the centre of my universe.
It is not a big deal, no. Not enough to make me stop playing. And I can't tell if the "picking this game apart" bit was aimed at me or not but it is not my intension to do so, it just got to me enough that I posted asking if anyone else noticed as well. Then again I was watching with headphones (loudly) and I don't play GT5 loud enough for me to even hear it. (Unless it's the 787b :sly:)

Again, not sure if that "complaining" bit was aimed at me or not but it seems that it may be that my OP is worded to make it seem as if I was whining about it, sorry if it came across that way but again no, it is not a big deal :)👍


Again, not sure if that "complaining" bit was aimed at me or not but it seems that it may be that my OP is worded to make it seem as if I was whining about it, sorry if it came across that way but again no, it is not a big deal :)👍

Oh right, if you're not moaning, then that's cool - my post was directed at moaners in general. I did not realise that you were not moaning. (It just happens that often that a post like this looks like someone complaining, sorry)
It is not a big deal, no. Not enough to make me stop playing. And I can't tell if the "picking this game apart" bit was aimed at me or not but it is not my intension to do so, it just got to me enough that I posted asking if anyone else noticed as well. Then again I was watching with headphones (loudly) and I don't play GT5 loud enough for me to even hear it. (Unless it's the 787b :sly:)

Again, not sure if that "complaining" bit was aimed at me or not but it seems that it may be that my OP is worded to make it seem as if I was whining about it, sorry if it came across that way but again no, it is not a big deal :)👍

No, it was not aimed at you directly, but if the shoe fits....
...then I will wear it. :lol:

Seriously, now that is said and done, I wonder if anyone else is hearing this loop..? I also noticed that in the video it is very noticeable but ingame it is quiet but still audible. Hmm..
I personally like it. Gives the R92's engine a "rough" sound like missing a cylinder.
Actually, its quite the opposite. When I'm competing in TT's, I have the game cranked going through my 7.1 surround system. I do that so I can purposely hear when the tires start to break loose and also to get an ear to exactly when to shift as I rarely use the tach only to get an initial shift point. I do have motivational music going, but its on low. I gotta hear the car talk to me so I know how to respond. May sound weird to some, but it works for me. Even with the game cranked, I'm still not bothered by engine sounds. I admit, most are far from realistic, but it just doesn't bother me. To each their own on this subject.

It makes perfect sense.

With all of the former GT games including GT5P, the first thing I did was hunt down music settings. Then I'd crank it down to zero and rip the knob off. When doing tedious enduros, I'd run the sound through the TV so I could hear my music. Now that we sort of have functioning personal music, I can still enjoy my new baby, (Definitive Technology ProCinema 60 & Def Tech Studio Monitor 450 bookshelf mains for 7.1 (Newegg has these for a hair over $500, they bought Def Tech's overstock) and a Polk PSW 505 providing the bottom end - Christmas present from Mrs. Stalker) pumping out MY tunes while enjoying Gran Turismo as I've never heard it before. If I want to focus on the track, it's just a few button presses away. It all depends on the concentration level required.
I've noticed this on most GT's, doesn't bother me too much. I have also noticed repeating patterns in track textures which is only slightly more annoying, almost trance inducing on some tracks.
I've noticed it on a few other cars, as previously mentioned it does sometimes sound like a "dum-da-dum-da-dum" of someone beating on a bass drum, it was annoying at first but I've learned to ignore it.

I'm more relieved to learn that it wasn't just my hearing, or my game at fault.
I personally like it. Gives the R92's engine a "rough" sound like missing a cylinder.
I only like it with the 787. Makes it sound more grunt-ier 👍

Exactly and the loop pattern sounds like a gallop as I said earlier.
The 908 has the most annoying looping sound in it at high RPM going down the mulsanne.

It wouldn't be a problem if I hadn't done a 2 and a hlaf hour race in it. Now after that race, I hear it all the time. Its not even the engine sound looping, its like some other crap noise playing over and over and over.
The 908 has the most annoying looping sound in it at high RPM going down the mulsanne.

It wouldn't be a problem if I hadn't done a 2 and a hlaf hour race in it. Now after that race, I hear it all the time. Its not even the engine sound looping, its like some other crap noise playing over and over and over.

It's like they tried to add detail, but just layered in some random crap. I hate it. I'd prefer the samples to be clean as a whistle than hear that.
Some people here make a science out of it.

Isn't it simply because the rpm jump up and down? The straight is extremely bumpy, that's why. It doesn't happen on a superflat track such as SSRX.
Do you people really hate this game so much that you actually TRY to find faults.

In my years of coming here I have come to the conclusion that the members of GTPlanet have to form the most detective like community for a game out there.

I have YET to come to a concrete conclusion as to why, but this place never ceases to amaze me with all the discoveries made whether they be good or bad!
Some people here make a science out of it.

Isn't it simply because the rpm jump up and down? The straight is extremely bumpy, that's why. It doesn't happen on a superflat track such as SSRX.

In short? Nope.

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Yeah I've noticed the ticking sound before and it bugs me a little but not enough to reduce my enjoyment of the game. Not sure what people mean by "looping" -- all the engine sounds are consistent with the engine RPM, and the pitch increases more slowly with each higher gear (again consistent with RPM), so that seems right by me.
I've heard it ... only thing is that it is with my FR-S cruising at 5th gear...

I usally just listen to my music but occasionally I want to hear engines, tires etc. but this kind of ruins it. :ouch: