[RACE] International Touring Car Championship - #5 - Close this vthreadOpen 

  • Thread starter ITCC_Andrew
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I am. Trying to make my car the most obnoxious car of life. I like the new custom spoiler thing.


I ran a 2:34, I believe. I'll check soon.

Regulations update: With the availabaility of custom rear wings, these must be regulated to be within the constraints I'll lay out below:

Height: a maximum height of "+0" is permitted. Wings may not exceed 0 height above the starting point.

Width: custom wings may not exceed the width of the car's normal fenders. If a wing is seen which exceeds the width of the car's body - as seen from a vertical plane from the rear of the vehicle, the driver may receive a time penalty.

TL;DR: Don't put a massive wing on the back of your car - it won't do anything but it will look strange when everyone else shows up with wings that are relatively small, and you have the Eiffel Tower.

This... This didn't magically disappear with the new season. ;)
Nah, I'm sort of aiming for the eiffel tower thing.

You're also aiming for RoTP in a Jetta. Your point is moot. But, you never know, I might put you in the MINI Cooper. :P Good luck with scaffolding that one, bud.
Hurry up and get to that store already, skip the talk with lady. I'm getting bored and ya, the jettas gunna kick a:censored:
Hurry up and get to that store already, skip the talk with lady. I'm getting bored and ya, the jettas gunna kick a:censored:

Diesel. Nonsense. Rubbish.

What sort of prick has to answer the question of "when did you last change your spark plugs?" with either "I don't have any" or "never?" You make yourself seem like a car-maintenance-hater... But maintenance is power! If you're stuck at the side of the road, you have no power at all.

With that said, I'm done ranting about your diesel. I'll go get the cat litter and I'll come back and I'll still avoid GT6... Bye bye. :)
Just ground out Like The Wind for a bit, bought an Eclipse GT. Really liking how much torque it has, though it seems a bit heavy.
Just ground out Like The Wind for a bit, bought an Eclipse GT. Really liking how much torque it has, though it seems a bit heavy.
Spec should be about 290 hp, 1260 kg., which is the lightest it can be made. The full parts list is coming soon.
...Parts list? Does that mean I won't be able to run a car with 480 ft/lb of torque? :lol:

That's with 295hp though
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