Racers Reunited. It's over! RR GT6 is no more. Tuesday's will now be for GTS (Maybe PC2 some times)

  • Thread starter Zolon32
Post one updated chaps. Sorry it's so late, I'd lost a day somehow over Christmas, I didn't realise it was Tuesday today. Bloody glad it is, mind.

So, Pajero Rally Raid it is, sports hard tyres, a few short races on short circuits, so there's plenty of battling to be had.

Cheers, Zo.
(The Europa), it has handling characteristics that can be variously described as, 'easily adjusted on-the-throttle' or 'tail happy' or 'entertaining' or 'pointy' or 'diabolical', depending on your view, but it really is a fun drive
Ah yes I remember...


It's an interesting looking machine.
Ace vid Jocke, makes me want to do it again! I think that the Pajero was perfect for it.
Thanks Zo.
Aye, it was a great car on those tyres and with those weather conditions.
Thanks for hosting it.
Is this a Club lobby or Open room Zol?
It is possible to do both actually, you are able to host an open room even from within the club lobby by setting the option to 'public'.
Post 1 updated folks. Ferrari 458, stock (oil ok), tyres= S/H and Full Wet, weather= unpredictable, at Apricot Hill Reverse. Let's see what that brings :lol:

Cheers, Zo.

Post 1 updated further fellas. ABS and Driving Line are allowed, and the weather will start at 70%, not 60%. 70 gives us a better chance of variety, I think.

Cheers, cheers, Zo.
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Comfort Soft are better in wet than sports hard, if you'd like to avoid totally unlocked tyres in the room. Try the current seasonal rainmaster race at spa on CS. 👍

Go with an FF to get a feel for it first. Audi A2 with aggressively pointy tune walks all over the AI. But it switches around as the track dries.
Comfort Soft are better in wet than sports hard, if you'd like to avoid totally unlocked tyres in the room. Try the current seasonal rainmaster race at spa on CS. 👍

Go with an FF to get a feel for it first. Audi A2 with aggressively pointy tune walks all over the AI. But it switches around as the track dries.
Thanks for the input Ben, but I think everyine here is aware of the CS outperforming the SH from 40-70% to 100%humidity on track depending on the type of asphalt. I think Zo is going for the SH and rain combo on purpose... maybe a way of showing and sharing his love for figure skating with us.
Thanks for the input Ben, but I think everyine here is aware of the CS outperforming the SH from 40-70% to 100%humidity on track depending on the type of asphalt. I think Zo is going for the SH and rain combo on purpose... maybe a way of showing and sharing his love for figure skating with us.
CS instead of W, not instead of SH.
I'll be part time for this series and I'll have GT5 Metallic 014 #22

This morning I try to race with Depletion very fast and I could not stay for 25 minutes on track I think we'll have to pit for gas
I barely stay 20 minutes and got an empty tank
Sorry I missed the show. It was my internet playing up last night, it wouldn't stay connected for more than 5 minutes. Sky must have fixed something overnight since it seems OK today.

Did it rain then?
Yes! Race 1 started wet, working towards dry at the end. Wet tyres were down to 0 by the end. Suts suffered the worst! No pit stops, 10 minute race. Lucky to get the win. Top 3 qualifiers split by 0.053!

Race 2 started dry, but got wet very quickly. I started on wets, avoiding the need for a stop. Everyone else pitted to get rid of their SH, giving me a huge gap, which Zo began chopping away at. 15 minute race, another fortunate win.

Race 3 we tried the Megane on CS in the wet. Goofy was in a class of his own, superb win. Good battles with Suts and Zo throughout.

Race 4 we used the Daytona on CS in the wet. Intense battle with Zo all the way, to finish a bawhair in front.

All in all, a great evenings racing!
Good stuff. Splashing about all evening by the sounds of it. 👍

Spoke too soon earlier, my connection is still playing up. Instead of dropping out after 5 minutes it lasts for 10 now. Which I suppose is an improvement. :irked:
I'll have to ring the customer support who'll tell me to go through all the tests I've already done before finding out there's a problem at their end!
All in all, a great evenings racing!

Glad to hear it! Good to see Goofy back at the track 👍

Post 1 updated fellas. I'm hoping to keep this GT6 thing rowing along as hard as I can, for as long as I can, but we're dropping like flies. I hope that the tight bumper-to-bumper, door-to-door racing the hatchbacks can provide will give those who do turn up a damn good race anyway.

I'm a bit gutted that it has taken me this long to find out how to make the weather swirl around like it did on Tuesday, and it's only thanks to Sut's comment that I picked up on that. It really does add another dimension to the events.

Cheers, Zo.
Jealous! So you'll be doing the beta tests then?

Yes, I got the email yesterday and downloaded it when I got home late night ;)
It will open on Saturday with online races. It´s not possible to do anything else right now but rumors are that we might be able to do some time trail starting 00.01AM on saturday and that is used as a qualifier for the races. We will soon know :lol::cheers:

You can sign up for it here

There's a limited number of applicants but a lot of people seem to be successful.

My finger is currently hovering over the buy button on a PS4 :)

Just hit the button now Paul :dopey: