Racing for pinks

  • Thread starter Gaming
I didn't mean it to sound like I was full of myself o.o he said drift race so we are going for speed mostly, and grip means speed, so wouldn't a 3xxhp car against a 800-1000hp car get a little more grip?

You want test it out? It is not the power that defines how much grip you get. Just how hard it is to drive.
Are you getting mad bro ahhhh thats too bad did you get your feelings hurt ahhhh lets feel sorry for the little boy.

No one has had there feelings hurt, except you if you have. Please follow AUP rules and dont use "text speak".

No one has had there feelings hurt, except you if you have. Please follow AUP rules and dont use "text speak".

There's no text speak in that post.

That being said, Robbyelder, you can lose the abrasive attitude, or lose your account here. Your choice.

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