Rally chassis set up

United Kingdom
Ok I'm thinking a bout running a rally series in th online race forum and would like to develop a guide on how to set up a rally car correctly.

From what I know suspension needs to be softened a little, ride height raised, dampers adjusted, also gearing of rally cars is very short.

The basic principles of chassis setup remain...more understeer stiffen front / soften rear......more oversteer soften front/ stiffen rear.

How much effect does an LSD have in these sort of conditions??

Can any one provide a bit more in depth info into this black art??
Your on the right track,....

only advice is 'troule-shoot, trouble-shooot, trouble-shoot'.

Everyone's rally style (drivng style for that matter) is different. There isn't a "real forumla".

I tend to Drive with a softer front and mid-soft in rear,.... the ride height completely depends on the vehicle,.... some Im way high, some I'm way low.

But one constant will usually stay the same,... I will 99/100 times run with a -2/2 on the toe and a 60/60/60 LSD.

Shift points are critical in Rally,... if your driving too deap in the power curve, you'll be spinning and wasting power,....