Ram's Car Competition 2.0

  • Thread starter Ram-Rod
United States
You guys rember the old way of this. With the addition of the Manufactures Comp, I have decided to change Ram's Car Competition. The deal is, There is 4 total different cars you can drive. When I start it, the rule's will be up. Just like Manufactures Competition only with 4 different cars. I do not know how well this will work. This isn't new. It's just Ram's Car Competition to the new level. Rember, this may now work out with the staff. Sorry if this was a waste of a thread. And please do not move this. This isn't a competition yet. This is to see if we have a agreement that it will work with the staff.
Just four cars from the game. Any four random cars from the game that are not completley outclassed.
I don't get it... what are the parameters of this comp? I don't want to sound like a killjoy it's only cause we already have 5 or 6 different comps and some of them already struggle at times to get a decent attendance. Oh... and I think you have to run it by a mod so pm them. best of luck with the comp dude :)