Rate the song above you!Music 

  • Thread starter gerardnl0
um, I hate that that was posted in this thread, and I hate that I have to give an objective opinion about it. I give that a 2/10. It really wasn't good at all. He has done so much better stuff. I was not a fan, but I respected the guy. It was a shame he ended his life when he had so much more.

Moving on

Ah the old Puget Sound,
Well, we don't sound like Madonna
Here we are now, we're Nirvana
Sing distinctly? We don't wanna
Buy our album, we're Nirvana
A garage band from Seattle
Well it sure beats raisin' cattle...

I'll give it a pop-tastic seven.


Maybe if I liked the genre, I would give it a higher rating, but 4/10. Perhaps if I knew the genre better, I would have given it a lower score. I didn't like it at all. Swing your hair at me if you want.

It is not all about screaming vocals, Skinny Puppy does that, but here is a great song by them.

Music itself wasn't bad (not great either, though), but the "vocals" were downright annoying--1/10.

I hate that that was posted in this thread, and I hate that I have to give an objective opinion about it.
That's why I wouldn't touch it and would just assume let the thread die if nobody else touched it either.
Oddly good - when it finished it had the usual recommended youtube vids one of which was titled "Danny Elfman regrets his oingo boingo days"

So I had to actually rewatch the video... a Spooky Ginger Tim Curry!

8/10 -

"You came here in that thing, you're braver than I thought..."
I always get this song mixed up with "Enola Gay" by the same band. Catchy keyboard tune. but it doesn't really develop. 7-10

This is development from the Ringo Starr/ Carrie Fisher song "You're Sixteen" -
I love ELO, I really do. I love Face The Music, I really do. This song just puts me to sleep, though. Every...Single...Time. I suppose I should be thankful it's the last song on the album. 3/10.

Thread's dying a slow death.
Have to say I am reluctant to post if I don't like the song, And most music tends to be a link to that persons life - so will have added meaning.

Bit sombre and simplistic. 6/10

I seem to be looking at Norwegian and Finnish music a lot of late... so why not an pretty recent upbeat all girl rock band from the homeland of the midnight meatball - Sweden! Just to be different.

Have to say I am reluctant to post if I don't like the song, And most music tends to be a link to that persons life - so will have added meaning.
No rating/song.
Clearly I'm more than able to give a strong negative rating ( :P ), I just won't rate a song if I can't finish it like this one (got to the vocals and had to shut it down).
That. Was. Painful. It reminded me of those old car alarms: "Here's a few seconds of an annoying sound, followed by a few seconds of another annoying sound, followed by a few seconds of another annoying sound, aaaaand repeat." 1/10. And then there was all that unnecessary girating, which didn't affect the rating, but also didn't help time pass while listening to the...uhm...music.

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Sinitta- More of a Vauxhall Nova than a Ferrari 250GTO, the video takes it up to a middle of the road, 5/10


Bowie-esque Synthpop from England... enigmatic hit in The Philippines, a year or so after the band broke up...

117(Eleventy seven)
7/10. New romantic and...well...Ricky Gervais. ;)

Howsabout something else a little Bowie-ish, but perhaps more like something a little older?

Cirque du Soleil - "Alegria"
Not the biggest fan of Pots and Pans style percussion but a nice sweeping slowburner - 6-10

French Canadian retro synth

Le Matos - La Mer Des Possibilités
Honestly was expecting hell from the thumbnail and title. But damn, that was pretty solid. To an extent. It got me groovin' when I was hanging some shirts in the closet. But it got pretty simple and repetitive. Then it was this odd loop with cymbals and crowd cheer that got really annoying (that part was hell) until it sounded like an arcade screen when waiting for credit. Overall not a bad track. I'll give it a six out of ten. I'd say that is fair.

7/10; thoroughly enjoyable. But apart from that, any self-respecting Procol Harum fan has to appreciate Robin post-Procol. I'm also fond of his work with other artists, such as Bryan Ferry on his post-Roxy covers album Taxi. Speaking of Roxy Music...
