Ray Nagin: God is mad at America

  • Thread starter FoolKiller


Don't be a fool.
United States
Frankfort, KY
OK, who let Pat Robertson talk to Ray Nagin? Better yet, why is it when Pat Robertson says something liek this evceryone is up in arms but Ray Nagin can say it and it quietly gets buried amongst other US News topics? And we can't forget that he says that he want sNew Orleans to be a "chocolate" city. Whatever that means.

Fox News

Fox News
NEW ORLEANS — Mayor Ray Nagin suggested Monday that Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and other storms were a sign that "God is mad at America" and at black communities, too, for tearing themselves apart with violence and political infighting.

"Surely God is mad at America. He sent us hurricane after hurricane after hurricane, and it's destroyed and put stress on this country," Nagin, who is black, said as he and other city leaders marked Martin Luther King Day.

"Surely he doesn't approve of us being in Iraq under false pretenses. But surely he is upset at black America also. We're not taking care of ourselves."

Nagin also promised that New Orleans will be a "chocolate" city again. Many of the city's black neighborhoods were heavily damaged by Katrina.

"It's time for us to come together. It's time for us to rebuild New Orleans — the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans," the mayor said. "This city will be a majority African American city. It's the way God wants it to be. You can't have New Orleans no other way. It wouldn't be New Orleans."

Nagin described an imaginary conversation with King, the late civil rights leader.

"I said, `What is it going to take for us to move on and live your dream and make it a reality?' He said, `I don't think that we need to pay attention any more as much about other folks and racists on the other side.' He said, `The thing we need to focus on as a community — black folks I'm talking about — is ourselves.'"

Nagin said he also asked: "Why is black-on-black crime such an issue? Why do our young men hate each other so much that they look their brother in the face and they will take a gun and kill him in cold blood?"

The reply, Nagin said, was: "We as a people need to fix ourselves first."

Nagin also said King would have been dismayed with black leaders who are "most of the time tearing each other down publicly for the delight of many."

A day earlier, gunfire erupted at a parade to commemorate King's birthday. Three people were wounded in the daylight shooting amid a throng of mostly black spectators, but police said there were no immediate suspects or witnesses.
I'll say the same thing about Nagin as I said about Robertson when he said it. He's a loon.
:lol: Thanks FK, I needed a good laugh

Is God mad at America? If God was truly mad at America, the terrorists would've ripped this country to shreds.

And then he mentions black people like they are the "chosen" nation. Man, this is the kind of garbage that black people DON'T need.
:lol: Thanks FK, I needed a good laugh

Is God mad at America? If God was truly mad at America, the terrorists would've ripped this country to shreds.

And then he mentions black people like they are the "chosen" nation. Man, this is the kind of garbage that black people DON'T need.
He made good points about the black on black crime issue, but the message was hidden by his other statements.
On the topic of divine retribution, God should knock Nagin and Robertson's heads together and tell them to stop using Him as an excuse. 💡
Uh wow, what a load of crap.

If New Orleans is going to be anything, it should be French because that's where the history comes from. Blacks don't have any more right to any part of the nation then anyone else. The nation is for Americans of all races...and not I say Americans, not people that come from other countries and aren't citizens or at least on a green card.

But the thing about God, that only works if you believe in God or other supernatural being (can you imagine the Flying Spaghetti Monster being mad at American :lol: ). I honestly don't believe in God so I can't see Him being mad at America...I think there is a logical scienctific explaination for the hurricanes.
Touring Mars
On the topic of divine retribution, God should knock Nagin and Robertson's heads together and tell them to stop using Him as an excuse. 💡
Well, I think this is a case of Nagin deciding that he doesn't want to directly offend President Bush because he needs funding for the city, so instead of attacking the war and Bush himself he is saying that God was doing it.

It seems to me that if God were to send hurricanes into New Orleans because he was mad about the war he would also do some intervening in the Middle East to stop it altogether.

I think there is a logical scienctific explaination for the hurricanes.
According to the National Hurricane Center it is a 30 year cycle. We can expect this for about five to ten years.
After re-reading it. I can't believe he thought Dr. King would think that way. Dr. King was about equality for EVERYONE. Including all people and women. He wouldn't say "black folks" Infact, in all the speeches I've ever heard from DR. King, he refered to the nation as a whole.

Another thing, I despise the thought of a "black" America. All that does is continue to keep the stupid racial lines drawn. Man, when will the black COMMUNITY wake up and realize this?
Well, I think this is a case of Nagin deciding that he doesn't want to directly offend President Bush because he needs funding for the city, so instead of attacking the war and Bush himself he is saying that God was doing it.
For once I feel sorry for George Bush... first God tells him to invade Iraq, then He floods New Orleans for doing what he was told...

It seems to me that if God were to send hurricanes into New Orleans because he was mad about the war he would also do some intervening in the Middle East to stop it altogether..
God works in mysterious ways :odd:
Touring Mars
God works in mysterious ways :odd:
Kind of like when the tsunamis hit only Muslim countries but it was to kill Christian infidels?
It's just because the world's preception of itself is going to hell...I want to live on the moon :lol:.
Kind of like when the tsunamis hit only Muslim countries but it was to kill Christian infidels?
Well, quite... the whole topic of divine retribution is a vexed one - doesn't exactly paint the Boss in a particularly rosy light, whoever his intended victims are/were...

Also, the floods aside, Nagin also suggests that Black America is to blame for atleast a portion (who knows exactly how much, some experts say maybe as much as one-third of the Hurricane) of God's wrath. I suppose, all joking aside, Nagin is attempting to shame members of his own community for not pulling together in their hour of need. However admirable this may be, surely he'd be better focusing on the real reasoning behind how his voters befell such hardships, before, during and after the hurricane, rather than postulating that for some reason God is angry at them, and hence they should 'pull their collective socks up'...
Touring Mars
Also, the floods aside, Nagin also suggests that Black America is to blame for atleast a portion (who knows exactly how much, some experts say maybe as much as one-third of the Hurricane) of God's wrath. I suppose, all joking aside, Nagin is attempting to shame members of his own community for not pulling together in their hour of need. However admirable this may be, surely he'd be better focusing on the real reasoning behind how his voters befell such hardships, before, during and after the hurricane, rather than postulating that for some reason God is angry at them, and hence they should 'pull their collective socks up'...

Yeah, why didn't he have an evacuation plan in place? That's just a logical thing to have in a city that is LITERALLY below the sea level next to majore bodies of water.

He can say all he wants to about God. The fact of the matter is that the city and state dropped the ball and he's looking for a way to save face and blame the community that elected him.
God is testing Ray Nagin. Ever read "Sinners in The Hand of an Angry God?"
I just read this right now and was about to post it.

Mr. Niggin is officially insane.
Martin Luther's dream wasn't to make black people the chosen ones, which is where Mr. Niggin seems to be getting at.
And what's this, New Orleans can't be white bs? I swear, the crap some of these folks come up with to blame white people or say they are not right is stupid. This whole thing seems like a big "Blame it on the White people" with that whole N.O. can't be N.O. without black people, which doesn't surprise me if it is.
IMO, looks as if this man is saying "God is mad at White People, and that black people shouldn't have taken it out on each other."
It does give other black people a bad name, and of course, I'm not even remotely black.

As my uncle said, "The guy is a fruitcake."
New Orleans is going to shoot themselves in the foot...I mean if its a black only city...what's going to happen when Mardi Gras (a French Day, which was created by a bunch of white guys) rolls around? Are only blacks allowed to participate?
Did any of you catch the Boondocks episode with Martin Luther King? I almost cried because it was so true, and so well done. I believe MLK would be deeply ashamed if he were alive today. He fought his entire life so that blacks could be equal with the rest of society and to abolish "minorities". But, there are so many people who are destroying what he achieved. Did Mayor Nagin even read Dr. King's speech?

You can't have New Orleans no other way.

I think that sums it up pretty well.
Totally agree with Omnis. MLK would want blacks to have anymore rights then whites. I mean look at the stuff today, people are always playing the race card. I believe everything you do should be based of merits instead of race.

And example would be say a black man and a white man apply for a job, the black man gets the job just because he's black yet less qualified. It doesn't make sense. Race shouldn't play a part in anything...there are just as many loser blacks, asians, whatevers, as whites.
"You need the dark chocolate and the white milk, and you mix it together and you get a delicious drink."

LOL. What a loser.
You can watch the video of Nagin going off the edge. Weeee!

Now Featuring:

"Chocolate New Orleans"

"God is mad at America"

"How to make Chocolate Milk"

"Nagin bails on CNN"

Nagin Apologizes
"I used some analogies and probably didn't hit the mark on my message. But I never intended to offend anyone," Nagin told FOX News. Referring to his critics, he said, "I think if they look at the entire context of what I said, they'll understand the points I was trying to make."
"If I could take anything back, that's what I would take back," Nagin told FOX News. "That was a private conversation I had with a minister a couple of weeks ago. For some reason, and at the moment, that came forth."

Oh, well then I guess it's okay. :dunce:
Did any of you catch the Boondocks episode with Martin Luther King? I almost cried because it was so true, and so well done.
Is panel that online anywhere? I'd be interested to read it. I'm not the biggest Boondocks fan, but I'd like to see the take on MLK.
He made good points about the black on black crime issue, but the message was hidden by his other statements.

Like it's better when the crime is interracial...
Like it's better when the crime is interracial...
I figure that intraracial seems to be more prevelant so you have to start somewhere.

Besides, it is better than blaming it on white America and George Bush with his magic hurricane machine.
Is panel that online anywhere? I'd be interested to read it. I'm not the biggest Boondocks fan, but I'd like to see the take on MLK.

I'm not sure, but I'd scour google video or something similar. Perhaps a YouTube user has it somewhere. I'll look into it, Duke.
I'm not sure, but I'd scour google video or something similar. Perhaps a YouTube user has it somewhere. I'll look into it, Duke.
Speaking of which, there is a special encore of the MLK episode of the Boondocks tonight at 11E/10C.
I'm just trying to figure out why it's ok for blacks to be racist and for democrats(Hilary Clinton) to make racist statements. I'm just wondering. :boggled:
It's always ok for us to be racists cuz noone cares as long as our job isnt on the line.......

But I date white women and i stay away from young black men. oh so dangerous. I know some of you read about the random beatins that happened in Milwaukee, one even made a netscape news headline.

But confederate flags are the in thing for some white guys and thats bugs me.
It's always ok for us to be racists cuz noone cares as long as our job isnt on the line.......

But I date white women and i stay away from young black men. oh so dangerous. I know some of you read about the random beatins that happened in Milwaukee, one even made a netscape news headline.

But confederate flags are the in thing for some white guys and thats bugs me.

Personally, I see the stars and bars as an insult to the union rather than black people. People who still wave them are unamerican.