They're hugely outnumbered because in the past, there was a rule against them. There's no need to equalize them. At first I was fine doing a race car here and there, since someone removed that rule before I started to curate (but despite that, no one actually nominated a race car until a few hundred polls later). Basically, they're outnumbered because the
voters seemingly vastly prefer to vote on road cars than race cars. Back in the days of longer cool wall threads people argued about this a lot, and the anti-race car people won out and banned them. And I mean you can say they're different all you want but they're still both "racing versions of the R35" and many people probably won't click into the threads to read about the differences. They'll just see it and think "this again?" And if they get too tired of "this again?"-ing, seemingly only ever with race cars that already get less votes than road cars, they might just start making rumblings of banning race cars again. And even though I've scoffed at "SUBRC" in the past, I've been starting to agree more and more with their views since the race cars began getting more prevalent.
And also, let's take a look at some statistics, just so you know I'm not trying to talk out of my ass to remove these cars from the queue. When we did 2 Mercedes-Benz Formula cars, one right after the other (despite, once again, concerns being brought up), here's the results:
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The first one got 30 votes, the second got 18. And those were way more different than these. They had nearly 20 years between them, these Nismos have 6, and have the same body shell.
The two forgotten formula cars had a similar, but less pronounced effect, the first having 28 and the second having 23. In that case, the first poll was probably more interesting than the second poll because the car in the first poll was objectively worse (failed to race lmao) and attracted the extra discussions and votes, and by extension fun. Still a swing from a medium-to-good poll to a poor one in terms of voter participation.
And even in times when the voting numbers don't get tanked, the car itself will seem to attract less discussion. When you nominated both those Lotus Cosworths right next to each other, the second poll had one (1) reply other than my own obligatory one. Whichever car comes second, as
@Cristobal1234 mentioned above, also seems to attract more meh votes as well:
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Now I'm sure some people do think the Type 72 is cooler than the Type 79. I said as much in my post there, I thought the 72 looked better and got the edge from me. But since only 2 out of 24 voters bothered to explain their reasoning on that second car (Because most people probably thought their reasoning for their vote is no different from their reasoning 2 days prior), we have no way to know.
I don't wanna act like some power-tripping reddit mod and force you to change your nominations, but speaking as the curator in charge, it is my opinion that despite any differences between the two cars, one of them should be changed to something else, for the general enjoyment of the greatest amount of voters. (of course if any voters disagree with my reasoning/think I'm being hyperbolic please do let me know. I'm trying as hard as I can to be civil)