That's your opinion & I completely respect that. Some valid points there.
I did mention about the cars being updated (more updated premium/semi premium cars) just in case you missed that.
And with online, I think it had took a step forward & a step back. Why? In GT5 we had:
- Opening/Closing messages
- Top Gear Test Track lobbies (those where the best lobbied to join at the time in my opinion)
- Shuffle racing
But in GT6, we had some improvements:
- Faster loading times (we didn't have the garage bug where it would freeze upon opening your garage which we had in GT5 or it would take forever to load up)
- Easier to create a room in my opinion, few more options I think (could be wrong)
- The custom track lobbies (The glitched created tracks etc.)
I enjoyed GT5 a lot more than I have enjoyed GT6. The only thing I disliked about GT5 online was loading the garage up. Took forever sometimes. But I respect your opinion, & I hope you're still having fun with GT6 if you still play it. & you're right I agree! They were both great GT titles. Had a lot of fun on them both.