Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
So yesterday I probably got the equivalent of losing your virginity to a porn star.

I was invited out to a private range for a 'fun day' and despite the weather being rather wet, there was indeed a lot of fun.

By the end of the day I'd fire:
- .308 at 100 metres
- .338 lapua magnum at 500 metres
- Post WW2 Bren at 1000 metres
- Vepr 12 at clays
- Various semi auto and other shotguns
Like, you never shot before?

Sounds like you got to play with way more toys than I ever have. Congratulations....... I'm just sorry that you couldn't take any pictures. :mad:

- .338 lapua magnum at 500 metres
Nope, never. It is something I intend to take up as a hobby as I live quite close to a rifle club now.

I don't imagine I'll be buying any Accuracy International rifles though... :(
Today I was a little bored so I did some amateurish ballistic tests. I wanted to see what the 22lr can do at 50 meters against a so called Wetpack. (Thats a tightly packed block of soaking wet newspaper to simulate flesh, though its usually a bit tougher).
Also, to simulate bone (forehead), I added a 1.5cm (0.6'') thick, round clay pot shard in front of the wet pack.
(In retrospect I think it was way too hard and tough to simulate bone)

Enough talk, pics!

Soaking the newspaper in water:


The setup, wetpack in shopping bag with the clay shard taped to its front.



Lets shoot it with a 22LR CCI Sub Sonic Hollowpoint from about 50 meters.
1 Shot at the clay shard and 2 directly into the pack for good measure.


Busted the clay shard pretty good, but made only a very shallow ''wound''. The bullet completely disintegrated into tiny bits on impact. You can see the two other hits at the bottom.


Removed the bag. The bullet and the clay fragments made it about 2cm (.8'') into the pack, creating a thumb sized hole.


The other two bullets made it deep into the pack, looking at the wound channels they started mushrooming about 1/3rd into the pack.


And they almost made it through.


Taking into account that I shot from a slight downward angle they penetrated about 13 centimeters of wet newspaper. Thats 5 inches for those of you who use the blasted imperial system.
Remember with wetpacks you have to add roughly 35% to the penetration to get the actual penetration depth for real tissue.


Then I gave it another shot (pun intended) with different ammo. .22lr RWS Rifle Match, which is a round nose going about 1150 fp/s. I wanted to see if the slight increase in velocity and the round nose would make a difference.

Same setup, one on the clay shard and two directly into the pack.


Again, the clay pot shard turned the bullet into dust only creating a shallow wound, maybe a little bit deeper than the HP from the previous test, but not enough to make any significant difference.


The other two bullets zipped right through the entire wetpack, thats 16.5 cm or 6.5 inches. Interestingly they started to tumble about halfway into the pack creating an oval wound channel and exit.


Here are the bullets, the two mushroomed on the left are the Subsonic Hollowpoints which I recovered from the first test, the flattened out bullet on the right is a round nose that made it through the pack and was stopped by a cinder block as it was exiting the pack sideways.


What I learned from the test:

* When shooting hard targets bullet type does not seem to matter when you're using a 22lr.
* When shooting soft targets bullet construction makes a difference in penetration and terminal performance, even when using the tiny 22lr.
* 22LR HP's mushroom perfectly even at low velocities.
* Round Nose 22lr's seem to have tendencies to tumble
* Clay pot shards might not be the best way to simulate bone
* Wetpacks seem to be much tougher target mediums than those made of ballistic gelatin, you'll get way more penetration when using gel. It is said to add 1/3 of the penetration into wetpack to get a rough idea of what the bullet would do in real tissue.
* .22lr sub sonics are so quiet the bullet impact is louder than the muzzle report.

And yes, I wanted to blast the remaining pack into oblivion with a well placed 7.5x55 using an explosive A-MAX bullet at 2900 fp/s. But that would have created too much noise.
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I don't imagine I'll be buying any Accuracy International rifles though... :(
I had to look this up. And I was like this: :drool:
Thats 5 inches for those of you who use the blasted imperial system.
And let me tell you, Americans aren't so much smarter that they need this handicap. It pretty much turns into a class when trying to convert volume measurements. :lol:
Hey, at least nothing blew in your hands.
It was primarily a virgin joke, I assure you. :lol:
If I lost fingers you wouldn't be making that joke!!!

AI are the primary supplier of sniper rifles for the British Army. They even put out the AW50 so we don't have to keep buying your crap :sly:
I'm technically Japanese! Japanese Howa's probably are crap, but you guys are not buying them!

I'm technically Japanese! Japanese Howa's probably are crap, but you guys are not buying them!
One of the guys was showing off his Howa in 5.56. A lot of guys brought their own guns, but left them in the car because of the weather.
One of the guys was showing off his Howa in 5.56. A lot of guys brought their own guns, but left them in the car because of the weather.
I kid, but I heard that Howa quality is actually pretty nice in the price range. 5.56 sounds semi-auto in the U.S., but it was a bolt-action, right(.223)?
Yep, bolt.

Have to say, that was the fun bit for me. Sliding the bolt back after a good shot, the brass flying out and then sliding the next round back in. I get semi-auto would give consistency, but the bolt action is part of the art, surely!
...... Makes me want to buy a bolt-action rifle. I can't just shop for used one in the classifieds anymore though. Background checks are now required, even in private sales. :crazy:
Speaking of wanting to buy stuff, I made the mistake a while back of looking at a SCAR 17. If it were not for the price tag, then I would already have one. The itch to buy an AK is also getting much harder to ignore.
Today I was at the gun shop and he had such a beautiful full-length double barrel shotgun standing there, I instantly fell in love it it. Now I only need 500 bucks. :guilty: I NEED MONEY!
Both AK & double barrel shotgun are something I'd like to own someday. :D
I wanted a long double barrel shotgun.

Then I played Metro: 2033 and Metro: Last light for a couple of hours.

Now I need one. :scared:

I also need an AK but sadly, the elders of my tribe country have decided thats a no-go for us lowly peasants.

Seriously, I just checked and it seems I can wring out about half a grand from my starving piggy bank, on top of that I haven't bought a gun in ages. Justification to buy a new rapid lead dispenser: 100% :dopey:
Since being in the military, I used a few guns, here's a short list of the ones I remember ;

L74A1 (for breach)

I have some stories about my service, feel free to inbox me if you would like to hear one.
I wanted a long double barrel shotgun.

Then I played Metro: 2033 and Metro: Last light for a couple of hours.

Now I need one. :scared:
I thought you were talking about Metroid there for second. "How do I break it to Michael I think the game sucks & severely outdated?" Just kidding. :lol:

Looks like "Metro" is a PC game? I never play, but I did a quick google search & they look really cool! When you say that you now "need" a double-barrel, is that like how I "needed" USP, because that was my sidearm in Call of Duty 4? :lol: I'd like to get into FPS games again sometime. Once in awhile, I still get in a CoD4 lobby(PSN). Who's talking about outdated games now? :ouch: :lol:
Seriously, I just checked and it seems I can wring out about half a grand from my starving piggy bank, on top of that I haven't bought a gun in ages. Justification to buy a new rapid lead dispenser: 100% :dopey:
You have a disease!!!

But if you "need" it, you need it. :P
Metro is a pretty fun and scary post-apocalypse survival horror game, has lots of AK variants and Shotguns too. And the latter come in really really handy when things get really nasty.

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Man, I found another shotgun and now I can't decide.

The iconic double barrel shotgun made by Baikal. Handles and points like a dream come true, elegant, beautiful and indestructible versus.....


.....a quality Kahn-Arms over-under shotgun, which is tactical practical. Its super short, comes with open sights and rails for accessories.


Both are really cool in their own ways, one is more practical, one is way better looking.

How am I supposed to choose? They're both so awesome.... :nervous:
I'm not familiar with Kahn, but if it's a quality piece, at least for me, it's a scenario that you "win" with either selection.

Funny. I started going, "that's easy, I'd choose.....". I couldn't pick one over the other either. Good luck broseph. :lol:
Today I was a little bored so I did some amateurish ballistic tests. I wanted to see what the 22lr can do at 50 meters against a so called Wetpack. (Thats a tightly packed block of soaking wet newspaper to simulate flesh, though its usually a bit tougher).
Also, to simulate bone (forehead), I added a 1.5cm (0.6'') thick, round clay pot shard in front of the wet pack.
(In retrospect I think it was way too hard and tough to simulate bone)
I did a lot of this. I used bones from the butcher and placed behind a few inches of newspaper to simulate skin and fat.
So I chose classic elegance and superb handling characteristics over tactical practicality -and I don't regret it.

I love it already, there is nothing like a long barreled side by side shotgun. Fit and finish is great and I really like the light colored wood which makes a nice contrast to the blued steel. Shes a beauty.
And as they say: double the gun, double the fun!



Also got a pack of #1 buckshot (thats 12 .33cal pellets @ 1400) for free with the purchase of the gun. :dopey:

I did a lot of this. I used bones from the butcher and placed behind a few inches of newspaper to simulate skin and fat.

Thats a great idea, next time I do a test like that I'll get some bones from the butcher.
I don't know why I didn't think of this when I planned the test. :dunce:
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Congrats on the new coach gun. :drool:

Thank you!

To be exact, its not a coach gun, its a hunting shotgun. :P ;)
Coach guns were shortened double barrel shotguns (down to 18'' or so) for the sole purpose of defending a..well.....a coach. Mine has the long barrels, 28.5 inches.

The difference is the coach gun is much more maneuverable which was a crucial trait for its task but the hunting shotgun swings much better and therefore it is far superior in shooting moving targets with a lead.
Epilogue on my USP incident: I received the ammo today from the ammunition maker. I was expecting couple of boxes for the ones I sent back + maybe three more to compensate me for the FFL fee. I saw on the tracking that it arrived to my work, so I went over to our shipping/receiving department & the box was HEAVY. They gave me fifteen boxes, which retail value for this particular ammo would've been $300. :eek:

I gave three to my friends, so far sold eight boxes, which already more than made up for the FFL fees. New gun also came with a free (expensive HK) mags mag, so at least I got something for my trouble in the end. I'm a happy camper. :dopey:
Also got a pack of #1 buckshot (thats 12 .33cal pellets @ 1400) for free with the purchase of the gun. :dopey:
What a deal. 👍 To be honest, I'd have picked the same gun I'm pretty sure. What can you say, it's a classic!
Now it's just another reason to go pop off a few more. :)
I like how you think. :P
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Other than the pain and suffering, I would say you came out well on that deal. Why sale all of the ammo instead of just using it?