Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
My local police department will send my fingerprints to the Colonel of the State Police within seven days of application; the Colonel has 30 days to respond. The License can not be issued until the Colonel's office has okayed it. The procedure takes from two to six weeks.
A friend of mine sold me his .44 Rogers & Spencer civil war era percussion revolver. *high pitched voice* SWEET!

I'm pretty happy I have one now, those are among the rarest percussion revolver replicas out there, there was only one production run in 1977, and originals are impossible to get. As for the originals, those were used in the last year of the civil war and it was probably the best revolver of that time. Its also one of the last percussion revolvers, after the civil war cartridges were fully introduced rendering percussion guns obsolescent.

That thing is quite the behemoth, it dwarfs most other modern revolvers, and my Colt 1860 Army looks really small next to it. :D


That looks really cool!

Random thought: Shooting terminology is silly. I'm watching a video and the guy talks about getting a "sight picture" after the recoil. So technical, sight picture lol. You could also simply say "I can see what I'm looking at" but there's all these little terms that make everything sound "cooler".

If you're interested, it's the most recent video from Forgotten Weapons. I was introduced to the channel back when Battlefield 1 was released because he like many others jumped on the bandwagon of showcasing WWI weaponry. Every once in awhile he has a cool quirky firearm that I'm curious to see how it works, but in general he's not the most entertaining presenter.
Front sight picture and front sight alignment are extremely important to even taking a shot. It’s when the sights are perfectly lined up on your target. Like taking a picture.
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I made a trip to the range today. I shot 100 rounds through my Ruger 10/22, 200 rounds through my Ruger 22/45, and 100 rounds through my Glock G48. It was nice to make a trip out after not having been in a few years. I really need to make a better effort to go more often, as I was incredibly rusty.

The 22/45 performed flawlessly. I did not have a single malfunction. The only problems I had with it were I had not sighted in the red dot on top and the person behind the pistol. Once I had mostly dialed the red dot in and so long as I made a good trigger press, I was able to somewhat consistently hit the steel targets at 25 yards.

I shot great with the 10/22, except three of my four BX-25 magazines did not want to function very well. I probably need to clean the gun and magazines. I do not think I cleaned either after my last trip to the range a couple years ago. I am sure the carbon is going to be fun to remove.

It took me a little time to get used to the G48. I also had a few failure to feed issues in which the second to last round would not quite feed. I probably should have cleaned and oiled the gun before I went to the range. We will see how the next trip goes after cleaning and oiling the thing.
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Earlier today I went to Cabela's to purchase some ammo for this weekend. Like previous visits, no 9 mm ammo was available. However, there were a few boxes of 40 s&w and 45 acp. I'm going to be teaching one of my coworkers how to shoot and I was hoping to teach how to shoot with a 6" barrel .357 mag revolver and my XDM 9. Luckily, another one of my coworkers is going to let us borrow a box of 9 mm ammo. But at the same I'm just grateful for that that I own something other than 9mm.
Earlier today I went to Sportsmans Warehouse to purchase some .357 Mag ammo for this weekend. I didn't find the ammo I came to purchase however... I was able to purchase 200-rounds of 9mm FMJ ammo. I'm going to try to find some .357 Mag ammo again tomorrow afternoon. Worst case scenario I'll purchase some more 9mm ammo if they still have some on hand.
Earlier today I went to Sportsmans Warehouse to purchase some .357 Mag ammo for this weekend. I didn't find the ammo I came to purchase however... I was able to purchase 200-rounds of 9mm FMJ ammo. I'm going to try to find some .357 Mag ammo again tomorrow afternoon. Worst case scenario I'll purchase some more 9mm ammo if they still have some on hand.

Maybe its a good time now to start reloading? :D Buy a press, dies, cases, primers, some powder, projectiles and make yourself as many .357 as you please!
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A while ago I got the sad news that the semi automatic precision rifle match was cancelled due to that little annoying pest the corona virus is. I've been training for it for a while now and was deep into developing loads for my AR. :grumpy:

Soooo, since I wont be able to do any precision shooting I temporarily retired the Vortex 6-14 scope on my AR and went ahead to turn it into a more.... flexible platform. Put my Holosun red dot on it and completed it with a Holosun 3x magnifier. It was a pretty tough decision to go with a magnifier instead of a 1-4 or 1-6 scope, but the dot is just soooo fast and I'm happy I went with this combination.

And out of curiosity I did some chronograph testing with my AR since it has a 20'' barrel - the 55's leave the muzzle with 3300 fp/s, and the 68's with 2910 fps. Now I am happy I chose the long barrel. Thats nearly 7.62x39 AK energy level, but with zero recoil.

Anyway, pics.



I finished my tacticool rifle, it still needed a light. With a budget of 100 bucks (keymod mounting solution included) I chose a Nitecore with a 3500 mAp power unit in it. 1500 lumens, very light and small profile. Nothing special, just a proper light-. I'm not going to add any more gadgets as the rifle is on the edge of getting heavy.

I chose mounting it on the left upper side so I can operate it with my index finger, upper side because I don't want the sling swivel to interfere, and don't want to crush the light when slamming the handguard onto a rest or something. I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised by compactness of this, I was afraid it would add a lot of bulk to the rifle where I needed it the least - the front. Bis 'tis not so! :sly:


I've been training shooting rifles standing offhand a lot lately, so here is a group I shot like that at 50 meters in one string, without magnifier. I shot it rather quick, I'm certain that I could keep all shots within the 9 at 50 if I shot it in a more disciplined manner. (9 ring = 4 inches)


What lights do you guys use, and how did you mount it?
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@Michael88 to be honest with you, I'm long overdue for a weapon light. It's on my list of future purchases, now I just need to find a good sub-$100 light.
I don't have my nitecore long enough to recommend it, but it might be worth looking into. They're 90-120 bucks depending on the model.

I have been looking into one of Streamlight's ProTac Rail Mount lights on one of Arisaka Defense's mounts.
For a second I thought you were talking about the Japanese bolt action rifle from WWII, and I was like ''huh''? :lol:
I considered a streamlight but oh boy, they are expensive.
For a second I thought you were talking about the Japanese bolt action rifle from WWII, and I was like ''huh''? :lol:
I considered a streamlight but oh boy, they are expensive.

Everytime I look at Arisaka's stuff I think of the rifle. If I were to finally buy a light and mount, then I would be looking at one of these two mounts: Inline Scout Mount or Offset Scout Mount.

Streamlight is cheaper than Surefire! Streamlight are still expensive though.
I think I may be ''gun depressed'' or something like that. :lol:

I have some money to spend and I planned to get me a Revolver or a Pistol. I browsed the vast armory of my favorite shop, and I've never been less inclined to buy a gun ever before.

Had a Taurus 44 magnum 6 Inch revolver in my hands, sounds great but the finish was less then stellar, the grip did not fit me well, it was HUGE for what it was and it was just MEH. Checked out a 6 inch 1911 which I REALLY liked, but the shop owner (I know him well) told me that this model has a lot of finicky problems. Then I remembered my last 1911 with its agonizing unreliability - so I gave this a pass.
Grabbed a 4'' 44 S&W which was kinda shiny and nice, nothing wrong with it but in my hands it was just....really boring.

I also took a close look at a 9mm upper for my AR but why the heck would I want to shoot a pistol caliber out of my AR when I already have...a .223 AR?

Nothing gave me the '' MUST HAVE NAOW'' feeling. This is totally new to me. Weird. :indiff:
I think I may be ''gun depressed'' or something like that. :lol:

I have some money to spend and I planned to get me a Revolver or a Pistol. I browsed the vast armory of my favorite shop, and I've never been less inclined to buy a gun ever before.

Had a Taurus 44 magnum 6 Inch revolver in my hands, sounds great but the finish was less then stellar, the grip did not fit me well, it was HUGE for what it was and it was just MEH. Checked out a 6 inch 1911 which I REALLY liked, but the shop owner (I know him well) told me that this model has a lot of finicky problems. Then I remembered my last 1911 with its agonizing unreliability - so I gave this a pass.
Grabbed a 4'' 44 S&W which was kinda shiny and nice, nothing wrong with it but in my hands it was just....really boring.

I also took a close look at a 9mm upper for my AR but why the heck would I want to shoot a pistol caliber out of my AR when I already have...a .223 AR?

Nothing gave me the '' MUST HAVE NAOW'' feeling. This is totally new to me. Weird. :indiff:
Could do something silly, like this?

I totally could, but I want something reliable, all-steel and pretty in .45ACP or 44 Magnum. Problem is in my own experience most 1911's aren't that reliable, the revolvers in that caliber are huge, bulky and...bland. I like blackpowder 1860's era revolvers a lot but I fail to like the modern revolvers.
I like the Sig Sauer pistols, but any Sig chambered in .45 starts at 2 grand. :ill:

My eyes fell upon the CZ 97. I have to do some further investigations on this. Never had CZ on my radar, but its an all-steel design, its in .45, 10 rounds magazine, and apparently, according to the general opinion of shooters I know, CZ's are reliable. Its also under 1 grand and its a double action & single action pistol!

I also like its simple look, no unnecessary cuts or anything. Its....sleek.

I do not have experience with a CZ 97, but I do have experience with a CZ 75. The 75 is a great design. However, it should be said that my 75 has been thoroughly customized by CZ Custom.
I do not have experience with a CZ 97, but I do have experience with a CZ 75. The 75 is a great design. However, it should be said that my 75 has been thoroughly customized by CZ Custom.

Here in Austria the CZ 75 is more prevalent than the Glock! Its pretty much the most popular handgun around here, my favorite gun shop has like 2 dozen different CZ75s in various configurations ranging from 1300 bucks to 3100. :scared: In contrast, he has about 2 or 3 Glocks or so. Second most popular pistol is the SIG 226 for sure.

There is only one thing wrong with the CZ 75: there is no 45 ACP version of it! :lol:
Ironically, I'm a European and a huge fan of the .45ACP, I like it much more than the 9x19. Luckily, the CZ 97 is 3/4 CZ 75 and 1/4 something else. Its a 1/5 scaled up version of the 75 with some minor changes, for example it has a screw in bushing, a bushing tube, a decocker, 10 round stagger mag and it locks like a Glock, not like the 75 which locks like a Browning 1911.

As for my shooting shenanigans, today I shot my AR with the magnifier and dot atg 100 meters, just to see what kind of accuracy I am getting. At 100 the dot is about the size of the whole 9 area. 10 Shots, Geco 55 grain FMJ

I remember a few years ago hearing that the CZ-75 is one of the best guns on the market?

The CZ-75 has been around for decades and is a very well established platform to build or customize. The pistol has been very successful in shooting competitions. The ergonomics of the pistol are fantastic. Magazines are readily available and in a number of different round counts. The triggers can be tuned to be absolutely wonderful. The pistols are reliable.
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