lol honda civic sleeper!
now I just need a ferari engine!
now I just need a ferari engine!
Korndawgyeah im hoping to buy a motorcycle sometime in the not too distant future. but i cant until im moved out but im hoping for something like a yamaha r1, maybe too much power for a beginner but im not one for taking baby steps to learning things
liam2mapsI wouldn't get a really fast bike especially if you are a beginner. Cause if you drop it you will cry and it's a lot of power. I am strong but I don't like big bikes. I don't mind crouching on a sports bike but the heavier it is the more effort I need to move it. Australia restricts learners to sport 250cc and I think England restricts learners to 125cc.
I used to think the idea was stupid but now I kind of agree with it. I had a hand me down bike for a bit and well it was **** so I didn't mind treating it like ****.
this Kawasaki doesn't get out of my mind... it says: "Buy me, buy me!"
Yes, and i like it also because it seems to be a bike easy to drive (good for newbie riders like me), unlike the ZXR6.liam2mapsI think you can get a ZZR6 or ZXR6 if you want a sports bike but the pic you can't get out of your mind seems nice.
There's no new zzr250s or ninjas 250 on sale here... and old ones are very hard to find. Never was a popular model in here, maybe because they used to be sold at about the same price as the gpz500...liam2mapsDon't they have old zzr250s there though. Try learning on that because then if you trash it or throw it down the road you won't feel so bad.
Impreza STiYou know, I never got the idea of giving a bunch of seemingly random letters to a motorbike as a name. Can't they name it something speedy without sounding like an army vehicle serial number?
Jeremy Clarkson onced ranted about motos on Top Gear (like he always does) and refers to one as the "PQRSZ-TT"...
Yes they can. Some examples:Impreza STiYou know, I never got the idea of giving a bunch of seemingly random letters to a motorbike as a name. Can't they name it something speedy without sounding like an army vehicle serial number?
Vreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....Korndawgthat must sound pretty sweet
Korndawgthis is lame im not allowed to have a motorcycle till i move out (ill be 18 in less then 2 months now) and my 12 and 13 yr old brothers might be getting atv's for x-mas.. sorry dont mean to whine
Impreza STiSorry to break the continuity, but here is what my Honda Civic sounds like, STOCK!
Pretty slow, huh?