so i just came back from a trip to colorado. decided to go see some friends i know from a granturismo forum. spur of the moment kinda thing. airline tickets werent cheap at 400 each way last minute. but i can drive right?
google maps puts the distance as 1060 miles. drove there, hung out with internet geeks, drove back a week later. did both legs in one sitting with only a 1/2 hour stop besides stopping for gas. 100 plus at night on long deserted stretches of road somewhere in southern utah. car just sang the whole way. didnt have any problems. and all i did pretrip was add water to the coolant system and top up the oil, which it consumes anyway.
25 mpg avg. amazing for a car rated 23 hwy, especially in light of many 6000rpm, 3rd gear ascents up some pretty steep roads in colorado. and my little 2.6 liter engine certainly was breathless in those higher altitudes, but it soldiered on. and i was maintaining about 5- 10 over the limit the whole way here. time on the road worked out to be just over 15 hours. but since i spent the fist 40 minutes being lost in parker, colorado and at least 30 minutes in vegas traffic, i avgd 75 the whole way back. 25 mpg at 75mph? i'll take it any day and all day. fantastic
i cannot recommend a better long distance hauler than a W124. the panzer is a beast. i only wish i had an overdrive fifth gear
ok, so maybe that ones a lie. i wish i had the M104 2.8 liter, (same power as the 103 3.0 liter but same fuel economy as the 2.6) the rear end ratio of the 1995s (slightly longer, better fuel economy, lower revs no real perfomance loss) and the 5 speed overdrive (the problematic 722.5) from the 6 cylinder W140s and R129s. yeah, call me a sadist.
all very very possible with ebay. im sure with that combo id be able to get 30mpg on long trips.
ps southern utah and colorado are amazingly beautiful. postcard pretty in fact. im definitely going back, and this time with a mind to appreciate it and take some pics.