Reality TV: Entertaining or a Waste of Time and Money?

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
Originally posted by JohnBM01
England (or do you British folk prefer "Great Britain?").

It doesn't work like that.

Great Britain
  • England
  • Scotland
  • Wales
  • Anglesey
  • the Isle of Wight
  • the Hebrides
  • the Orkney Islands
  • Shetland Islands

England = this

United Kingdom = this

Originally posted by millencolin
the list of reality tv shows in australia (that i ccan think of, im sure there is more)

Big borther 1,2,3 and 4
all the survivors
australian survivor
the hothouse
the resort (got cancelled, bad ratings)
joe millionare
all the bachelors
the bachelerette
paradise island
average joe
australian idol
american idol
about 4 versions of popstars
the block
renovation rescue
room for improvement

plus more than that.....theres a lot more

all this reality tv for a nation of only 20 million people and 5 free-to-air stations. there is too much bad tv

We have too much reality TV down here. My mum and sister love watching them. Out of all of them big brother is the worst!
Originally posted by sn00pie
It doesn't work like that.

Great Britain
  • England
  • Scotland
  • Wales

you missed out Northern Ireland my friend..mind you that may be a good thing..

our country's official name is:

The United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland.

whether you refer to us as Britian, Great Britian, UK etc..its all the same thing really..
Originally posted by Recury
Yeah, but why do you guys say "maths" and "sport" instead of "math" and "sports?"

Because we speak proper English. Maths is a shortened form of mathematics

Sport is a word like sheep, it can mean singular or multiple.

Sports is incorrect and quite frankly stupid.
And "maths" just looks dopey. How in the hell is that a shortened form of mathematics?

So for professional we can say prol, to follow the same logic?
i believe it is shortened to pros....notice the 's' thing? spotted a pattern yet?

what is how in the hell anyway?..

isnt it how the hell or how in hell? just talking like a crazy man now..
Some people say "Christ!" as an explative. Others say "Jesus!" And still others will say "Jesus H. Christ!" What the "h" stands for I don't know. It's either Hosana or Harold.
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
you missed out Northern Ireland my friend..mind you that may be a good thing..

our country's official name is:

The United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland.

whether you refer to us as Britian, Great Britian, UK etc..its all the same thing really..


Ireland shmireland.
Well for starters it is totally unrealistic for a group of people who have nothing in common to be living in a luxury apartment together. The entire premise is a farce. If you can name one instance where a situation like that happened, not including the ones MTV synthetically fabricated, I'll reconsider.
Well they do have have being a bunch of whiny drama queens in common. I think MTV must look at that as a prerequisite for letting people on, thinking, "Oh, well if they arent all dramatic, then there wont be any conflict and it wont be interesting!"
Originally posted by milefile
Some people say "Christ!" as an explative. Others say "Jesus!" And still others will say "Jesus H. Christ!" What the "h" stands for I don't know. It's either Hosana or Harold.

Wrong. It's Haploid.
Originally posted by milefile
This is not a fad. It is not going to end any time soon. Get used to it. Man. Ever heard of cable? Change the channel and quicherbichin.

Yep. This "Reality" TV isn't going away anytime soon. The networks are making a lot of money off these shows.

For starters, reality TV is extremely cheap to produce. Then with the amount of people that watch these shows, networks can charge a premium price for advertisement time.

The networks can't seem to lose at this. Huge ratings, cheap production costs coupled with a premium advertisement fee. Expect to see more and more reality TV in our future.

Personally, I never have been into watching them. Mainly because I'm usually at work during prime time television, but most of the shows really seem like pathetic high school drama.
I can't stand the whole Trista and Ryan garbage. The town that I live in is permiated with it due to the fact that they both live here in Vail Colorado.
I did really enjoy watching "The Joe Schmo Show." I really got drawn into that one. The reality show that wasn't real.
Originally posted by Solid Lifters
I missed the "The Joe Schmo Show." When does it come on?

Joe Schmo has been over for a few months and I'm not sure if SpikeTV is airing any reruns of it.
I'd even watch the reruns. There were some really hot girls on that show. Ohh the elimination challenges were great! I remember they had to lick chocolate off a strippers body one time. Maaaaan, that was great television. Chic's licking chocolate off another chic. :lol:

Ooh, and the game "Hand on a high priced hooker." The premise of that one was whoever could keep their hand on the hooker the longest won a prize. I remember that one of the girls had her hand on the hookers bare naked breast for hours. Ahh, good times, good times.
Yeah, nothing like male-dominant TV on a channel that is famous for "Star Trek" reruns... only reason I'm getting into Spike is because of all the automotive shows coming up this month.

And that "52 Greatest Drivers" thing? What a hoax! It's going to talk about 52 great NASCAR drivers. I was hoping for Caroll Shelby, Mario Andretti, Briggs Cunningham, A.J. Foyt, or whomeever else. Bad idea... but I will be watching the Laguna Seca race on the channel, however.
I know.:( My sister knows one of the guys in it. Why can't Australia get over big brother!?
I hate that show! And all other reality TV shows. Except that one Boom was describing sounds good.

So many people hate reality TV yet it still gets high rating, why? Well I can guess because of poor saps like me who just sit infront of TV watching whatever the hell is on, bhut that can't account to high ratings can it?

Why do they show Big Brother and Australian Idol when they could be airing Seinfeld re-runs? The world doesn't make sense!
Originally posted by Blake

Why do they show Big Brother and Australian Idol when they could be airing Seinfeld re-runs? The world doesn't make sense!

OH MY GOD YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the greatest show of all time, and channel 10 isnt even showing it. it baffles me
Yeah! We want Seinfeld! I am probaly gonna meet people from a reality TV show at my new neighbours house warming party. They missed out on a heaps good house and money!:lol: I'm gonna tease them about it!(Not really, I'm too shy)
Does competing with other people to survive on a deserted island or choosing one woman out of 20 to be your wife sound like a "reality" TV show? Reality TV shows suck the big one. America can take only so many until the public lose interest in these people's 'antics'. And when that happens, I'll be happy.
reality tv? more like fake-ass tv if u ask me. u know half those shows have gotta be scripted to keep people's itty-bitty minds tuned in. c'mon... whatever happened to quality television such as Miami Vice or The Wonder Years?
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
Reality TV will cause the downfall of Western Civilization.
I thought it was cellphone use.

Well, it doens't waste my time or money, but it sure waste's some people's brain cells.

Put a TV camera on any of these image-conscious attention-whores, and they act up like little kids. Put a prize at the end of the maze, and they're just rats looking for a big piece of cheese. Anyone who watches that crap for entertainment is pathetic excuse for a sack of protoplasm, but's their life they're wasting.
Originally posted by Blake

poor saps like me who just sit infront of TV watching whatever the hell is on, bhut that can't account to high ratings can it?

Thats exactly what I do. Except when reality TV comes on! I watch neighbours, I hate the show but I still watch it!
Anyone who watches that crap for entertainment is pathetic excuse for a sack of protoplasm, but's their life they're wasting.
Nothing quite like hyper-moralism. Have you ever considered getting on board with the latest push for decency over the airwaves?

Tell me, what do you suggest people watch? As far as I'm concerned, if you're watching TV at all, believing you can retain some moral high-ground is an excercise in futility.

Incedentally, have any of you seen this program on PBS called Colonial House (and before that, Frontier House)? Nothing quite like observing a bunch of whiny, hyper-political, liberal PBS fans trying to prove themselves to be the most enlightened of the bunch, in period clothing. The concept is good, and it does have some redeeming qualities, but some of the people can be very annoying. Then again I can't think of a single situation or circumstance where this is not the case.