Originally posted by millencolin
the list of reality tv shows in australia (that i ccan think of, im sure there is more)
Big borther 1,2,3 and 4
all the survivors
australian survivor
the hothouse
the resort (got cancelled, bad ratings)
joe millionare
all the bachelors
the bachelerette
paradise island
average joe
australian idol
american idol
about 4 versions of popstars
the block
renovation rescue
room for improvement
plus more than that.....theres a lot more
all this reality tv for a nation of only 20 million people and 5 free-to-air stations. there is too much bad tv
Originally posted by sn00pie
It doesn't work like that.
Great Britain
- England
- Scotland
- Wales
Originally posted by Recury
Yeah, but why do you guys say "maths" and "sport" instead of "math" and "sports?"
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
you missed out Northern Ireland my friend..mind you that may be a good thing..
our country's official name is:
The United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland.
whether you refer to us as Britian, Great Britian, UK etc..its all the same thing really..
Originally posted by milefile
Some people say "Christ!" as an explative. Others say "Jesus!" And still others will say "Jesus H. Christ!" What the "h" stands for I don't know. It's either Hosana or Harold.
Originally posted by milefile
This is not a fad. It is not going to end any time soon. Get used to it. Man. Ever heard of cable? Change the channel and quicherbichin.
Originally posted by Solid Lifters
I missed the "The Joe Schmo Show." When does it come on?
Originally posted by Blake
Why do they show Big Brother and Australian Idol when they could be airing Seinfeld re-runs? The world doesn't make sense!
I thought it was cellphone use.Originally posted by Klostrophobic
Reality TV will cause the downfall of Western Civilization.
Originally posted by Blake
poor saps like me who just sit infront of TV watching whatever the hell is on, bhut that can't account to high ratings can it?
Nothing quite like hyper-moralism. Have you ever considered getting on board with the latest push for decency over the airwaves?Anyone who watches that crap for entertainment is pathetic excuse for a sack of protoplasm, but hey...it's their life they're wasting.