Really Radical Racing - RetiredPS4 

  • Thread starter IfAndOr
I'm not really minding being in such a high spot in the SR3 championship but I think you might have added a 1 to the front of Mario's 2nd place in the first race @half_sourly :)
Looking great otherwise. I hope it's not too much work.

Now we have the first race over is everyone fairly happy with the series format? Any tweaks required?
I retired last night because of a annoying crackle from presumably my headphones or could I hear it from someone else's? Or is this not possible.?? Will try them today as I practise later. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Well organised @IfAndOr, great fun. Paul when I went off road in the RXC and came back on ahead of you, I slowed to let you past, but you didn't and two (I think) others were going to take advantage, so I put my foot down again, proper confused me (im sure you've got a replay). Im not sure if I caused any other problems, I know @richroo and I had a couple of scrapes. Amazing how well the SR3 sticks to the road, and the RXC just doesn't. Unfortunately I didn't stream anything and couldn't save anything, even though I have no videos recorded, need to fix that.
Dont think Dom streamed, anyone else?

Yes @Oldbass47 someone had some mic issues or feedback, someone had a dog, I just switch the mic off in race, but I dont know if everyone can do that.
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Well organised @IfAndOr, great fun. Paul when I went off road in the RXC and came back on ahead of you, I slowed to let you past, but you didn't and two (I think) others were going to take advantage, so I put my foot down again, proper confused me (im sure you've got a replay). Im not sure if I caused any other problems, I know @richroo and I had a couple of scrapes. Amazing how well the SR3 sticks to the road, and the RXC just doesn't. Unfortunately I didn't stream anything and couldn't save anything, even though I have no videos recorded, need to fix that.
Dont think Dom streamed, anyone else?

Yes @Oldbass47 someone had some mic issues or feedback, someone had a dog, I just switch the mic off in race, but I dont know if everyone can do that.
Yes Simon my mic was off.
Great fun yesterday! I think I'm on the minority that enjoys the RXC more than the SR3 though, you can't just throw it into corners, but once you get the feel for the handling and the power out of corners... It's a treat!

Now we have the first race over is everyone fairly happy with the series format? Any tweaks required?

Regarding the format, no issues as well, it's great fun!

The only thing I would consider would be to change the first qualy session to 10 minutes as well. It's no big deal, and I understand the time constraints, but I sighed in relief when you had to restart the server because it allowed for 5 extra minutes to get a feel for the SR3 again! Both cars are a lot of fun but jumping between them requires a few laps and trips to the gravel traps haha

(...) someone had a dog (...)

Yeah, this is on me, sorry! I usually keep the mic open in case I have to say something during the race (such as warnings when side by side or stuff like that) but in one of the races the dog came into the house and barked a few times for no apparent reason... I muted the mic for the last race because of it!

My apologies to all for this! Next time I'll just keep the dog outside!

Cheers all, was great fun!
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Certainly there wasn't any inconvenience, it was a shame you left. There was a bit of crackling at one point but I don't think it was caused by your headset, I think it was from elsewhere. I usually mute the mic and drop the chat volume down during the races. The problem comes afterwards when I'm talking away forgetting that I've muted myself. :)

I slowed to let you past, but you didn't and two (I think) others were going to take advantage
I didn't quite know where you were going to rejoin so had left you a bit of space to continue. :P
Amazing how well the SR3 sticks to the road, and the RXC just doesn't.
They certainly are different to drive but that was the idea, I didn't want two the same.

I think I'm on the minority that enjoys the RXC more than the SR3 though
Actually I enjoy them equally. The SR3 for its Go-Kart like behaviour and the RXC for its er... not a Go-Kart like behaviour. And talking about Go-Karts, with your speed I might need to relegate you to one. A peddle version. :dopey:

10 minute qually for the first race? Hmm I might just do that, not only for the reason Duarte mentioned but also the extra time would have allowed Artur and Ricardo to rejoin the race. A bit more time to sort out PS4/Internet/Wheel problems would help.
LOL Duarte, so it was your dog barking that I heard? Maybe because @Zolon32 has a german shepherd as his avatar here I was wondering if the sound was coming from his microphone, never imagined it could be yours. Great speed yesterday, congrats on your 3 wins and 3 fastest laps.

My quick recap will be really quick this time. With the SR3 I did ok in both races, Duarte's consistent lap times were out of my reach and I was more or less doing the pace of everyone else but either all others had problems and incidents or I just got lucky and managed to get two consecutive second places.

With the RXC I had my fair share of incidents early but when the race settled I was 3rd behind Napalm, some seconds behind. I managed to close the gap a bit towards mid race but after that - and I'm not really sure why, maybe I was tired - I started making silly mistakes and lost completely all confidence I had in the car and my own driving. Thankfully and although 4th place (Zolon I think) got closer and closer in the final few laps the early advantage I had gained was enough for me to end the race in 3rd.

All in all and although all 3 races were for me somewhat lonely, it was great fun to meet everyone (as usual). I am sorry if my banter was distracting to some when we were qualifying the RXC (I totally forgot it was a quali session, we don't do that since the Caterham IIRC). I promise to behave next week! :dopey:

Paul, about suggestions, I am glad with the settings as they are, it's the perfect "quick fix" for anyone wanting a few short and fun races. If however you want minor tweaking ideas and think about extend SR3 quali to 10 minutes, here are mine:

a) SR3 - 10 minutes quali + 15 minutes 1st race + 15 minutes reverse grid race
Same overall length of time as current settings, in the second race the first lap would be used to form the grid for a single-line rolling start. Might be fun)

b) RXC - no change
If you want to toy around with race settings (weather, time progression, damage, tyre wear) I suggest you wait until the 2nd half of this championship, after we all learned how to keep this car pointing in the right direction
I'm not sure on reverse grids. If there was a game option to use them I certainly would, but doing it manually (although possible) can be a little messy. It takes time, everyone needs to remember their positions, drivers sometimes crash, penalties can occur etc.

I'm always open to suggestions so we can give them a try if everyone is willing/keen??

Regarding weather (rain), because of the short nature of the races I think that I might leave it dry throughout since they are both twitchy cars. Perhaps having some cooler temperatures to change the grip at times. I'll have to test.

However I'm thinking of tagging on a season finale that would feature a longer race in the RXC that maybe could have rain and pit stops. Again this is if anyone is interested? (I know Napalm will be :))
I'm not sure on reverse grids. If there was a game option to use them I certainly would, but doing it manually (although possible) can be a little messy. It takes time, everyone needs to remember their positions, drivers sometimes crash, penalties can occur etc.
We had manual formating lap in oficial GT6 races and there weren't any problems. My vote goes to reverse grid too :)
I'm quite used to formation laps too, wouldn't be a problem for me! I do understand what you mean though, there could be problems, but its very feasible in my opinion.

@IfAndOr, I took the liberty of writing up a possible procedure guide/rule set for a hypothetical reverse grid start, which is loosely based on what usually works on ACC and iRacing, where rolling starts are the norm (with some adaptating to make it work manually, all by ourselves, here in PC2). So, feel free to disregard it completely, I just thought if a concrete plan to make reverse grids possible already existed, it would be beneficial for the discussion.

Here it is:

1 - We would really have to memorize Race 1 positions. This shouldn't be too hard, those that have a phone nearby can take a picture of the results, this way it's impossible to forget. The post-race screen with the results is available for sometime before we're thrown out to the lobby, shouldn't be a problem I think;

2 - Race 1 Debriefing / Race 2 Breifing on lobby, final positions are confirmed and gird positions for Race 2 are told to everyone, so everyone has an idea of what to do next;

3 - At the start of Race 2, no one takes off after the greenlight, and a Race Director (such as @IfAndOr, as championship organizer) can start calling the drivers one by one to get going slowly to form up the grid (Note: If rolling start is single file, calling out should suffice, if rolling start is proper side by side, driver call outs can be accompanied by "left" or "right" so each one knows where to line up, being P1 usually assigned with whichever line is the inside to turn 1)

4 - A max speed should be set, either throught the whole formation lap or from a certain point onward. ACC, on GT3 cars, has 70kmh for the last couple of corners until green lights, but since these are more power/throttle sensitive prototypes, something a bit faster like 100 kmh should be more adequate, so we don't go powersliding on a rolling start; The idea of the speed limit is basically so P1 doesn't start the race with the field still spread out, and also so everyone is rolling at the same speed when the green light is given to start, to be fair and square.

5 - When the pack arrives on the final couple of turns, preferably already bunched up (not on each others bumpers though, it's always good to leave a couple of car lenghts to the car ahead so no one is caught out by slow starters), the Race Director can: a) count down to start, so the green light is when the race director calls it, or b) safety car style restart, the race director establishes on briefing and/or warns P1 on the actual formation lap that he can start when he wishes, from a certain point on track until the start finish line.

6 - We're racing!

The issue with all this is that none of these rules can be policed with in game penalties. This basically means that issues like P1 shooting off into the distance while everyone else is still getting called out to form up, people jumping the gun on the rolling start or being over the speed limit on the start can happen, there's nothing preventing it, and if someone wants to exploit advantages here they'll be able to do it unpunished.

I don't think this would be a problem though, as from what I've come to understand, everyone here is very fair, and racing with having fun in mind, which is exactly what's needed for this to work! :D

If there's interest in this, and if Paul approves, we can test it out one of these days!

Also, if reverse grid with formation lap is used from here on out, I'd say to increase the race lenght to 20 minutos, to account for the 3 or 4 minutes that will be lost in forming up and actually starting, to actually race for 15ish minutes! Either that or leave it at 15 so we have a 10ish minute race.

Hi all!

It’s unfortunate I had just missed the first race for a few seconds. I need to figure out why it happened that my wheel just wasn’t working. The only thing I did differently from any other week is I joined the invite before starting the game, where normally I start the game and then join the invite. Maybe a bug??

Still didn’t get the hang of RXC. Hopefully will start to control it better soon :).

PS - Now I know why Duarte finished 1st. He was having help from (Toto) Woof :P
The only thing I did differently from any other week is I joined the invite before starting the game, where normally I start the game and then join the invite. Maybe a bug??
Yes, this is the issue. I've also made that mistake on my first couple of times. When you start the game via join invite, the game will only allow controller input apparently. You really have to start the game first, and only then join via invite.

PS - Now I know why Duarte finished 1st. He was having help from (Toto) Woof :P
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I joined the invite before starting the game
Yes this often a problem, it's always best to fire up the game first. I have no idea why my wheel 'disappeared'. It's happened for 2 weeks in a row when previously it hadn't done that for ages. Turning your controller off before starting PC2 fixes it because there are not any input conflicts then.

A reverse grid seems popular so we might just try one out next week. I think single file would be best since it might reduce bunching at the first corner.
I'd like to add my voice to the single file reverse grid club. We might not get it perfectly correct every single time, but this isn't the Olympics, and I think that the benefit will outweigh the issues.

@Hun200kmh the lovely lad in my picture is Boris, my German Shepherd/Collie cross, who we lost three years ago, and still very sadly miss. The mutt who shares our life now is Gobi, an Akita/Kangal cross, who's mum was a street dog in Rumania. He's a wonderful animal too, but no one will ever replace Boris. I do hate it that dogs have such a brief lifespan :(
There's been been a few suggestions that I've taken on board and as a consequence there are some slight changes to the format of the races.

Race 1 will have a 10 minute qualification period - to allow for longer car re-familiarisation and any technical problems to be hopefully sorted out. The race will remain at 15 minutes in length.
Race 2 will have a manually formed reverse grid* based on the results from the previous race. This race will be 20 minute in length.
Race 3 will remain the same with 10 minutes of qualification and and 20 to 25 minute race - time of evening dependant.

* Single file rolling start. On green drivers are to stay on line and then pull off in race order. One formation lap at approximately 60mph/100kph. Pole sitter to decide when to 'go' towards the end of the lap before passing the start/finish line.

> At Nurburgring I'm going to suggest that there's NO overtaking before turn one. I don't want all the faster guys at the back rapidly closing in and causing an incident. After the first corner, race away.

"...longer race in the RXC SR3..."

Fixed your post
Actually I'm now thinking of using the SR3s big brother, the Radical SR8 RX, so you might like that more. Or not!
Got it Paul, thanks! 👍

This should go into the "where have you been having your fun" thread but I'll post here so all the group reads. Last night I had a fantastic couple of races with raeggee using a vintage car in vintage tracks. I logged in to do a few laps in a Radical but noticed raeggee onlline and sent an invite just in case.

He told me he had been driving vintage formulas and prototypes and was having a lot of fun so I changed tune (and lobby settings) to check on what he was smoking and if it was good!

So, we did Hockenheim classic and Spa classic (20 minutes races in both cases) against a field of 14 AI (90/20) with identical cars.

We used this car


And it was amazingly fun. Old tracks really suit these cars.

PS - And THAT noise ... :crazy: :drool: :dopey: :bowdown:
Great racing today! I think the reverse grid worked very well and am definitely up for more of that!

Also, apologies to @Napalm_LT, for making you spin around on the second race into T2... I knew you were somewhere on my left, but since the spotter said "you're all clear", I thought we weren't side by side anymore, but you were still in the mirror's blindspot. I trusted the guy and shouldn't have, I'm really sorry... Otherwise, we had some good fights, enjoyed that a lot!

Cheers all!
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I will sort out fastest lap and sort by rank end of next week.
UPDATED: Full results now shown.

SR3 Fastest Laps

SR3 Table

RXC Table
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Simon's spotter won't shut up ...

Trading places and possibly paint ...

Still game on in every corner

The show goes on, this time it's race 2

You brake later, I corner faster ...

I brake later, you corner faster ...

Great racing @Pantheons , it was great fun to do it and now to rewatch it! :cheers:
Very quick (and very late) recap.

Race 1 - Quali was ok, managed 5th on the grid behind Simon. At the start I was careful enough to just hold station (Simon got into 3rd into corner 1). Then I watched Zolon regaining that 3rd place from Simon while Napalm and Duarte gained some distance. After that I had a fantastic battle with Simon for 4th place. closer to the end I noticed that Duarte (1st) had escaped Napalm (2nd) but that Zolon (3rd) was trying to get to Napalm. Simon dropped back several seconds (I even worried that I might be the cause of that ) so if I wanted a bit more of fun I had to work hard to join Zolon and Napalm's fight for 2nd. It never came to that, Zolon had a go braking into corner 1 of the last lap but lost time and that allowed me to regain a chance at a podium finish. I eventually overtook him braking into the chicane and with that I got 3rd in the end.

Race 2 - I think the reverse grid thing was interesting, and it was fun to do it. A formation lap is always good to build up the tension, enjoyed it. I don't remember exactly how the race started, all I know is that I again was very conservative in trying to go up places. Had a serious crash with Duarte that sent both our cars into the border with Austria (or was it Denmark ...). It was itself triggered by a previous crash between Simon and Beachboy

(although it is confusing, you can see it all starting at 46:30 into Simon's video. 1st Simon and Beach collide, both Duarte and I take avoiding action but Duarte goes totally outside of the track and when he reenters I have no clue there's a car to my left - and I suspect he also isn't aware there's a car to his right - so ... we also collide in spectacular fashion)

We both recovered (7th and 8th, with Simon 9th), then Duarte and Napalm also had some misunderstanding in the same corner thus I inherited 6th behind raeggee (Simon, my nemesis in this race :D , was 7th ).

Overtook raeggee to 5th, benefitted from a grass excursion of João to 4th, got a penalty and had to slow down and let Simon overtake so was 5th again. We both overtook Beachboy and Don becoming 2nd and 3rd and after that we had our second fantastic battle, lasting several laps. When it ended the race itself was ending and Zolon was out of reach, so got 2nd place, very happy with a great race.

Race 3 - Did a good quali lap, not pole position but with 2nd I managed a front row seat. Or so I thought ... :sly: ... because Simon allegedly paid Paul a good sum to throw the quali results to the bin and based on some shenanigans and technicalities I was demoted to 5th on the grid! Silver lining was that Duarte was 6th ... :D

Due to some ... robust (ahem :P ) ... braking into turn one I regained the 2nd place I felt I deserved (watch 1:20:08, I told the stewards Simon turned into me), behind raeggee. Duarte made us all the favour of spinning in corner 2 so for a few laps he was not one of my concerns.

I overtook raeggee into 1st and I did build a sizeable lead. Duarte eventually became 2nd but I did the math, he was gaining a few tenths per lap but my advantage by that point was such that only a serious mistake could make me lose this race.

And that'sexactly what happened. In a moment's distraction I spun and while I extricated myself from the grass and returned the car to the correct direction Duarte arrived and breezed past. After that all I could do was "never let go" and (to my surprise) I really hounded him for several laps, until the flag. He didn't do any serious mistakes so that was it, I finished second.

All in all a very enjoyable evening, three fun races with a good group, can't ask for more! :cheers:
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