Recording Winamp Radio.Music 

  • Thread starter sn00pie
Would goldwave be able to do it?

Given that with Goldwave, you'll be recording across an open channel, which means that any other sounds (that come through your computer) will be picked up as well.

Sounds good. I've never heard of Goldwave though.

I'll search tucows for it.

Thanks! :)
it's a simple littel program that allows you to record multiple inputs, mix, and rerecord in different formats.

I use it to convert Sony MSV files to MP3 and wav.

The demo version is available as a free download, with certain restrictions. You also have to d/l an additional piece of software to record to mp3.

What kind of sound card do you have? Creative products have a recording input option called: "What You Hear". Basically it will record all sounds that you hear out your speakers. If you can use this option, be sure to turn off your Window's Sounds in your control panel, or else you could get little *blings* and *dings* from window's sounds..

And yes, Goldwave is a sweet freeware program...

Good luck.
Or if you dont have a soundblaster card, go to your volume controll, go to options | Properties, then select ajust volume for recording and in the bottom box have a look for an option called "wave out mix" now click ok and check the box under wave out mix. Its the same thig as what you hear on the SB cards.

Although I think winamp has a wave output plugin that might be able to record the winamp radio, but ive only ever used it to convert mp3. to wav. dont know about the radio?