I wish they would have talked to him afterwards, just for a cool perspective. It kind of just ended. From Red Bull's point if view, it would have been perfect timing for a "Welcome to My World, the World of Red Bull" bit.
Online?cally-davePress conference on shortly, where Felix will describe the fall, and the view etc
Patrick, I just get the failed picture icon thingy.
That was incredible, I think this is as close as I'll ever get to the experience of watching the moon landing in my lifetime.
I feel optimistic today and say that we'll probably see a manned mission to Mars in our lifetimes. (~ 20 years) 👍
DennischPress conference!
833.9 miles/1342 kilometers an hour, mach 1.24
Holy freaking crap.
Wow, just, wow. What do you say to that!
BBC news aren't showing the press conference so can someone comment, what did he feel going through Mach 1?
DennischHe didn't feel anything breaking through the sound barrier. He needs to look at the data to find out the exact moment.