Red Bull X1 Challenges, Dualshock 3 controller

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I dont have youtube or any other video player account, but i can upload the replay files and you can watch them on your ps3 or you can upload them on your youtube account...
I managed to Bronze Suzuka last night with DS3. It'd only taken me 3 x 30 minute sittings to do it too. Took longer to do Nurb. But I put that down to knowing Suzuka better than Nurb and that I've definitely gotten better at the X2010 as this challenge has progressed.

2nd lap nerves won't go away, though.
What exactly is the Red Bull challenge? I saw a video of this and it just looked crazy and unrealistic. You might as well abandon cars altogether and just use a jet-powered wipeout 3 style vehicle. I doubt a car like this has been built, and even if it were the human body couldn't sustain the necessary force to get around the track at anywhere near top speed. So you've got a fantasy car that nobody could actually drive, great.

I don't know why this annoys me so much as I don't even have GT5.
I've done the first two races and bronzed them both. 1st one in 45 min on the DS3 and the 2nd in 30 min on the DS3. Sukuba is going to be the real problem for me as I dont have a wheel nor, do I see the need to spend $150+ extra for 1 game when ALL of my other games work PERFECTLY with the DS3. The new sensitivity settings helped a lot. I set the DS3 sensitivity to 5 to bronze. It's less figity than 7.
I've done the first two races and bronzed them both. 1st one in 45 min on the DS3 and the 2nd in 30 min on the DS3. Sukuba is going to be the real problem for me as I dont have a wheel nor, do I see the need to spend $150+ extra for 1 game when ALL of my other games work PERFECTLY with the DS3. The new sensitivity settings helped a lot. I set the DS3 sensitivity to 5 to bronze. It's less figity than 7.

I thought that track would be hard and it was but if you take extra care to brake a little bit more and stay on the track you can bronze it no problem. It probably took me at least ten tries on the new times before I got it. I was extra safe around corners and such and beat the time by 2 seconds lol.
Finally silvered that suzuka track! Could have silvered it in 5 minutes in last nights session but I braked too late for the last chicane and spun off arggghh. After 2 frustrating hours I decided to do 1 more run and I promptly drove a 2:11.231 :) Laptimes were 1:06:2xx and 1:04:9xx. I got myself a lightblue X2010 (not the color I hoped but nice anyway).

Now 1.2 seconds from gold on both tracks. I think I can do it but I'm going to focus on b-spec for a while to get that to at least level 30. After that i'll earn that carbon myself (already have one from a trade but thats just not the same :)). I also want to platinum this game (first one too) so gold is required.
Finally silvered that suzuka track! Could have silvered it in 5 minutes in last nights session but I braked too late for the last chicane and spun off arggghh. After 2 frustrating hours I decided to do 1 more run and I promptly drove a 2:11.231 :) Laptimes were 1:06:2xx and 1:04:9xx. I got myself a lightblue X2010 (not the color I hoped but nice anyway).

Now 1.2 seconds from gold on both tracks. I think I can do it but I'm going to focus on b-spec for a while to get that to at least level 30. After that i'll earn that carbon myself (already have one from a trade but thats just not the same :)). I also want to platinum this game (first one too) so gold is required.

Grats, you can do that. For me what helped, was when I felt at a certain point I´m useless with driving, to let it rest for a day.
Then with fresh motivation, you may get much easier into the rhythm. Yeah, and concentration definitely was better in the morning hours...
Arrrgh I hate that last corner of suzuka. The rest of the track is easy for me but I lose tenths of seconds in that last chicane. I do not have a reference point for braking on that corner. Does anyone has one? Many great runs have been ruined in that corner. I managed to nail it once and got a 1:05:600 as a first lap which should get me a gold. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
I golded it using the DS3 with the following settings:
Everything else including ABS off

Using right analog throttle with R1/L1 shifting;)
they need to lower GOLD times for DS3 users, i want to plat this game but that means i need to buy a wheel which i wont!

I also thought that it couldnt be done but with the controller sensitivity its possible with a lot of practise. I have hours of practise on suzuka and I shave of tenths of seconds every session. It's hard but certainly not impossible.
I was able to get a bronze at Monza on the 3rd or 4th try with my DS3. However, I can't even get close at Nurburgring or Suzuka. I think I'm about 13 seconds off at Nurburgring and 6 seconds off at Suzuka :( I gave up for the time being. I was wasting too much time on it.
What exactly is the Red Bull challenge? I saw a video of this and it just looked crazy and unrealistic. You might as well abandon cars altogether and just use a jet-powered wipeout 3 style vehicle. I doubt a car like this has been built, and even if it were the human body couldn't sustain the necessary force to get around the track at anywhere near top speed. So you've got a fantasy car that nobody could actually drive, great.

I don't know why this annoys me so much as I don't even have GT5.

:confused: Some people surely are weird... :lol:
I have done it on DS3 all bronze after 3 hours total, am happy enough, may try silver once I have had more practice with my X1. definatly a challenge, biggest since IC10 I think.
Monza gold is pretty easy using DS3 if you cut the chicanes lol. I just missed Nurburgring gold by 0.009 seconds, NOOOO! Haven't tried Suzuka yet but already have silver.
Just got bronze on Suzuka after a few hours over a few days, by far the hardest. The other 2 tracks took about an hour each to bronze all with a DS3. I left the settings at default apart from TC which i turned off. Very hard challange. Anyone getting silver or gold with a DS3? I find it hard to belive its possible. That would mean shaving of something like 14 seconds (i think) of of the Suzuka bronze time!!!
Just golded the challenge! Got an 1:05:6 and 1:04:2 in my gold run on suzuka. In one of the runs before that run I managed a 1:05:333 on the first lap but I ran wide on the last corner. I can now start to enjoy the game again :)
I'm still stuck with this, Again and again. I try to find a reference point. I actually find Nürb the easiest, then Monza and Suzuka. I keep getting one wheel outside the curb, and then you're screwed.

I keep getting 2.14 at Monza.
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Hey there. I a DS3 user and I got Silver in Suzuka and Nurburgring, I got gold in Monza.

You just have to be aggressive while cornering. It took me a mere 4.5 hrs to get the car.

Turn off all aids except Driving Line, SKid Recovery Force, and ABS = 10

I might post the replay if I can ;)
Setting the steering sensitivity to 6/7 will definitely help make the car more responsive, although it means that you have to a bit more careful around the lighter turns;)
Back in the good old days before steering sensetivity and higher time requirements, i failed nurb by 0.009 seconds after having tried for 3 hours on that day and a total of 10 hours that week. FML
I got bronze on all three in 45 minutes without changing the setups.. will changing setups help ne get silver?
I meant like changing abs, skid force, traction control, etc.
Oh I see.

Different people have managed to Gold it with different settings. It comes down somewhat to personal preference, these are the ones I found the best for me;)

Skid Recovery: On
Steering Sensitivity: 7
Everything else including ABS: Off

Apparently, you could go faster if you use ABS: 10, although I don't know how much of a difference it actually makes.
So I'm like 9-10 years late, been revisiting GT5 off and on throughout the years. So I'm trying my luck yet again. I never realized the times were different from 2010 2011, til now. Nurburgring is a 2.08.000 for gold, but I did manage a 2.12.308 for bronze on controller.. it's a shame because I wanted to try the gold but I feel as if my ability to do it is just not enough. Seems the updates made it more difficult than it already was. Monza is a 2.04.000 for gold and managed a 2.05.530 .30 off silver :( Suzuka is a 2.10.000 while I managed a 2.22.640 for bronze.. I could probably beat that but there's probably not much point eh?
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I can tell you without that steering sensitivty it would be still impossible to gold it with DS3
So you can only thank the steering sensitivity.... put it on 7 and get used to it

Actually, it's still possible, but you will feel enough grief for a lifetime... I remember spending weeks, day after day, hours, on Suzuka (and even Nurburgring) trying to gold it back then in my first playthrough.

So I'm like 9-10 years late, been revisiting GT5 off and on throughout the years. So I'm trying my luck yet again. I never realized the times were different from 2010 2011, til now. Nurburgring is a 2.08.000 for gold, but I did manage a 2.12.308 for bronze on controller.. it's a shame because I wanted to try the gold but I feel as if my ability to do it is just not enough. Seems the updates made it more difficult than it already was. Monza is a 2.04.000 for gold and managed a 2.05.530 .30 off silver :( Suzuka is a 2.10.000 while I managed a 2.22.640 for bronze.. I could probably beat that but there's probably not much point eh?

The gold times are the same, as well as the silver times. The update was just on the bronze times, to give a chance for the majority of players to get an X2010 to practice with or just play with it. Since the Bronze times back then were still brutal for casual players.

Silver and Gold still remain ridiculously hard to get.

Here's my two videos of me golding Suzuka and Nurburgring using a DS3 controller.

Transmission: Automatic (AT)
Skid Recovery: ON
ABS: 1
Controller Sensivity: 7
Everything else is off and brake setup is default.


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