I've done the first two races and bronzed them both. 1st one in 45 min on the DS3 and the 2nd in 30 min on the DS3. Sukuba is going to be the real problem for me as I dont have a wheel nor, do I see the need to spend $150+ extra for 1 game when ALL of my other games work PERFECTLY with the DS3. The new sensitivity settings helped a lot. I set the DS3 sensitivity to 5 to bronze. It's less figity than 7.
Finally silvered that suzuka track! Could have silvered it in 5 minutes in last nights session but I braked too late for the last chicane and spun off arggghh. After 2 frustrating hours I decided to do 1 more run and I promptly drove a 2:11.231Laptimes were 1:06:2xx and 1:04:9xx. I got myself a lightblue X2010 (not the color I hoped but nice anyway).
Now 1.2 seconds from gold on both tracks. I think I can do it but I'm going to focus on b-spec for a while to get that to at least level 30. After that i'll earn that carbon myself (already have one from a trade but thats just not the same). I also want to platinum this game (first one too) so gold is required.
they need to lower GOLD times for DS3 users, i want to plat this game but that means i need to buy a wheel which i wont!
What exactly is the Red Bull challenge? I saw a video of this and it just looked crazy and unrealistic. You might as well abandon cars altogether and just use a jet-powered wipeout 3 style vehicle. I doubt a car like this has been built, and even if it were the human body couldn't sustain the necessary force to get around the track at anywhere near top speed. So you've got a fantasy car that nobody could actually drive, great.
I don't know why this annoys me so much as I don't even have GT5.
I can tell you without that steering sensitivty it would be still impossible to gold it with DS3
So you can only thank the steering sensitivity.... put it on 7 and get used to it
So I'm like 9-10 years late, been revisiting GT5 off and on throughout the years. So I'm trying my luck yet again. I never realized the times were different from 2010 2011, til now. Nurburgring is a 2.08.000 for gold, but I did manage a 2.12.308 for bronze on controller.. it's a shame because I wanted to try the gold but I feel as if my ability to do it is just not enough. Seems the updates made it more difficult than it already was. Monza is a 2.04.000 for gold and managed a 2.05.530 .30 off silverSuzuka is a 2.10.000 while I managed a 2.22.640 for bronze.. I could probably beat that but there's probably not much point eh?