Redbull X1's up for trade

  • Thread starter Exorcet

Those listed will get a PSN friend request. The list will also be updated after the second round of trades.
I have the audi r8 race car
mclaren f1
blue FGT
Ford GT40 and a few million to spend if you want anything else
add me, redghost105 is my ps3 username
Small issue, the trade limit is no longer midnight, but 24 hr after last trade. We'll have to wait until around 8-9 PM EST to continue. Sorry about this.

raybrig nsx (fully tuned)
mclaren f1 (fully tuned)
& chose 1 gt500 or 2 gt300 cars & ill get for you
what you say
Trading has started.

I'll switch between racing and trading. Message me on PSN [Exorcet] if you don't want to wait.
I sent you a message buddy. Your friends list is packed. Send me a pm if you get my request. I have a few cars you're interested in. :)
i have the chapparel 2d and a corvette zr1 rm id be more then willing to trade, heck id even trade them to use an x1 for a while and send the x1 back after done
OK, since a lot of people didn't show up last night, I'm going to request that those wanting a trade message me to initiate the trade. I'm going to list the people who can trade today. Please send me messages on PSN.

I am not on PSN right now, and I won't be able to sit on there all day. I'll try to post on here too when I get on. I want to make sure everyone gets an X1.
I will trade any 3 of these cars for a X2010
bugatti veyron, toyota minolta, toyota 7, chapparel 2J, chapparel 2D, Pagani Zonda R, Formula GT, Ferrari 330 race car, ford mark iv, corvette zr1, ferrari enzo, f430, f430 scuderia, ferrari 458, c63, LF-A, IS-F, lp-670, lp-560, lp-400, these are my fastest cars they are all tuned. if anyone wants to trade please add me my psn id is D1LU_JR
Trade slots are used up. Next availability is ~7-8 PM EST. Look for a post on this thread to see if I'm on.
Interested in an '01 Nomad Diablo racer, OP? I'll throw in a Nascar car too if you're interested, since I've got duplicates!