Reddit bans /r/fatpeoplehate, cracks down harassment subreddits

  • Thread starter tankuroded
It's a bit troublesome though. As soon as FPS was banned, FPH2, FPH3 and others were immediately created. You won't be able to stop that, unless Reddit undergoes some massive changes to how they work.
Lots of redditors would love to disagree with you there.
Then show me an example.

Lots of redditors are manchildren with a persecution complex. The backlash against SRS reminds me of W&N's endless rants about liberals ruining everything.
Then show me an example.

Lots of redditors are manchildren with a persecution complex. The backlash against SRS reminds me of W&N's endless rants about liberals ruining everything.
Have fun.

Sort of amusing though that you see a problem with a backlash against a blatant SJW subreddit.
So some links from 2/3 years ago which show downvotes later on in threads. Which is nothing at all like what fph was banned for. I don't see a problem with backlash. It's reddit, it's meaningless internet points that don't matter. I just see the backlash as hilariously misguided and immature. Like how W&N thought he needed to fight against liberals and people who watch cartoon ponies. It's just so out of touch with reality.

Fph got banned yesterday and reddit threw a tantrum, filled the front page with swastikas, slurs, pictures of Ellen Pao posted to punchable faces, pictures of her photoshopped over Hitler, unironically called her "Chairman Pao", and just an endless sea of posts about hating fat people. And I'm supposed to believe a small sub with 60k subscribers that literally just posts quotes of highly upvoted comments are the ones ruining everything?

For all the flack people get for being "SJW's" and shutting down debate, there seems to be a really pervasive movement of Status Quo Warriors.
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We're reaching the inevitable point where we reject the ideas that evolved from PC indoctrination, and it's pretty cool to see it happening in "the real world". You wouldn't have expected scientists to be trailblazers in a social revolution but....

Female professors call for end to Sir Tim Hunt sexism row
Two leading Cambridge academics warn that progress on inequality cannot be made while people are 'fingerpointing' and 'buck-passing'
Tim Hunt the victim of self-righteous feeding frenzy, says Richard Dawkins

Tim Hunt should not have quit over 'sexist' remarks - Brian Cox


It would be great to hear what Dawkins thinks of the idea of Political Correctness stymieing memetic (and in some cases genetic) evolution, but the closest we get to his views on PC is a prescient take on the encroachment of Islam in the education system under Labour (this was in 2008, before Trojan Horse).
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I just had a look at Voat. It's a hive of neckbearded Breivik wannabes.
For those unwilling to increment Breitbart's page visit counter, here's an alternate source:

As for my thoughts on Pao: meh. I can't really feel any remorse for the thousands of neckbeards who were denied a way to harass others when the likes of /r/fatpeoplehate were cracked down upon, and it's likely they were probably harassing Pao too. Really my only issue with her was what I like to call "/u/chooter-gate", as my own personal theory regarding Victoria Taylor's sacking is that I read something about paid AMAs being proposed, and she opposed it as it could compromise the integrity of the community.