Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
Enjoying the game on PC. I finally got my stock BMW M3 E36 which I wanted so desperately. Got 5 Barn Finds and the best yet was the Toyota Land Cruiser!

I love how you can customize events, nothing is restricted and now you can really put SUV's to a good use. You're not forced to tune cars, or to handicap them. I wish Forza 6 was like this, because this really makes you enjoy every car however you want and whenever you want. Hopefully Forza 7 will be like this.

A.I is no longer annoying. Drivatars on normal traffic are idiots, but during races they are just perfect. Not too easy, not too difficult. And so far each event has been an absolute enjoyment!

Game looks stunning on my PC. I go back to the Xbox and it looks almost as bad as when I'm streaming. It's so blurry and the 30fps hurts my soul. On PC, it's as clear, smooth and crisp as glass. No performance issues. Game is in High/Medium with a 60fps lock. Only the forest at night with rain has dropped them to 48.

Not everything is perfect though. I've got two random crashes (one being a full PC crash). Photomode looks like if it's in 480p, making it useless.

Navigating through customization menus is very laggy. Frame counter fluctuates between 60 and a painful 12fps when selecting stuff.

I do have the issue with the Ultimate Edition content. I can use it on my Xbox, but it won't work on my PC. If I change to a DLC car in my Xbox and go to the PC version, everything unlocks, but as son as I change the car, the game crashes. Upon going back, the VIP and all the other stuff is not accessible anymore.
A heads up for anyone that wants to try groove music. It's 250x faster and easier, to use the groove app on your phone or tablet to create playlists. The app on Xbox isn't optimized really well, and it's a pain in the ass to use. You can whip up a couple playlists in just a few minutes on your phone, and it's really easy to search for songs/albums and add music you want.
I need 15 flipping points to the next and last Forza Rewards tier to unlock the last bonus car... :nervous:

Then I can finally start FH3, hopefully tomorrow. :dopey:

Right. I have compiled a list of cars with the steering on the wrong side. (My conclusion to this being that the cars are either available in Australia with RHD, or were designed in a country that is RHD, or would otherwise make sense in RHD. but for whatever reason the in-game model is LHD)

2013 Aston Vantage V12S
2012 Aston Vanquish
2010 Aston one-77
1977 Aston V8
2012 Bowler
2013 Caterham
1970 Datsun 510
1969 Datsun Roadster
2017 Focus RS
2014 Fiesta ST
2013 Focus ST
1985 RS200
1966 Lotus Cortina
2009 S2000
2016 F Type p.7
2015 XKR-S GT
2015 F Type
1993 XJ220
1954 XK120
2014 Range Rover
1997 D90
2009 Lotus 2-11
Every Miata
2011 RX-8
Every modern McLaren
2012 John Cooper Mini
2006 EVO 9
2017 GT-R
2010 Fairlady Z
1993 180SX
Both Rolls Royce
1965 Cobra 427
2015 STI
2011 STI
2008 STI
1996 Alcyone SVX
1980 BRAT
1979 FJ40
1974 Corolla
1974 Celica
Both Ultimas

The worst part is I know T10 and PG will never fix them. And DLC will only add more.
Right. I have compiled a list of cars with the steering on the wrong side. (My conclusion to this being that the cars are either available in Australia with RHD, or were designed in a country that is RHD, or would otherwise make sense in RHD. but for whatever reason the in-game model is LHD)

2013 Aston Vantage V12S
2012 Aston Vanquish
2010 Aston one-77
1977 Aston V8
2012 Bowler
2013 Caterham
1970 Datsun 510
1969 Datsun Roadster
2017 Focus RS
2014 Fiesta ST
2013 Focus ST
1985 RS200
1966 Lotus Cortina
2009 S2000
2016 F Type p.7
2015 XKR-S GT
2015 F Type
1993 XJ220
1954 XK120
2014 Range Rover
1997 D90
2009 Lotus 2-11
Every Miata
2011 RX-8
Every modern McLaren
2012 John Cooper Mini
2006 EVO 9
2017 GT-R
2010 Fairlady Z
1993 180SX
Both Rolls Royce
1965 Cobra 427
2015 STI
2011 STI
2008 STI
1996 Alcyone SVX
1980 BRAT
1979 FJ40
1974 Corolla
1974 Celica
Both Ultimas

The worst part is I know T10 and PG will never fix them. And DLC will only add more.

Probably models from previous Forza Titles.
Probably models from previous Forza Titles.
Most are, but several aren't. They clearly modelled an American spec car. Which is understandable, but also easily fixable. Simply by mirroring the interior over, and then using readily available photographs and common sense to make sure the writing and placement of dials and buttons aren't also mirrored incorrectly.
Right. I have compiled a list of cars with the steering on the wrong side. (My conclusion to this being that the cars are either available in Australia with RHD, or were designed in a country that is RHD, or would otherwise make sense in RHD. but for whatever reason the in-game model is LHD)

2013 Aston Vantage V12S
2012 Aston Vanquish
2010 Aston one-77
1977 Aston V8
2012 Bowler
2013 Caterham
1970 Datsun 510
1969 Datsun Roadster
2017 Focus RS
2014 Fiesta ST
2013 Focus ST
1985 RS200
1966 Lotus Cortina
2009 S2000
2016 F Type p.7
2015 XKR-S GT
2015 F Type
1993 XJ220
1954 XK120
2014 Range Rover
1997 D90
2009 Lotus 2-11
Every Miata
2011 RX-8
Every modern McLaren
2012 John Cooper Mini
2006 EVO 9
2017 GT-R
2010 Fairlady Z
1993 180SX
Both Rolls Royce
1965 Cobra 427
2015 STI
2011 STI
2008 STI
1996 Alcyone SVX
1980 BRAT
1979 FJ40
1974 Corolla
1974 Celica
Both Ultimas

The worst part is I know T10 and PG will never fix them. And DLC will only add more.
They won't because turn 10 is U.S based we don't get many rhd cars.
Hopefully Horizon 3 gets a cinema car deal like Horizon 2 did. And the film in question is Mad Max. Granting us a 4 door XA/XB Falcon, an HJ Sandman, the Gigahorse, the Ford Hot Rod buggy, and the correct Pursuit Special body kits for the XB and the HQ.
Are you guys experiencing some weird freezes on the XB1? It happens every once in a while for me at random times, like cruising, or maybe even in the menus... The freezes are rather weird too, the game freezes for a second or two but the music keeps playing, then it all goes back to normal.
I'm really starting to worry that my XB1 is failing on me... :(
Are you guys experiencing some weird freezes on the XB1? It happens every once in a while for me at random times, like cruising, or maybe even in the menus... The freezes are rather weird too, the game freezes for a second or two but the music keeps playing, then it all goes back to normal.
I'm really starting to worry that my XB1 is failing on me... :(

I'm fairly certain this has happened to me once or twice, there has also been a few slowdowns (nothing as drastic as FH1 on XB1 though).

I changed from cockpit cam to chase cam and I found it far more enjoyable for this type of game.

There is sooo much to do in this game, loving it so far :)

I use hood view when racing but switch to chase view when I'm just driving. You just miss too much otherwise (unfortunately I don't miss trees much:lol:).
Are you guys experiencing some weird freezes on the XB1? It happens every once in a while for me at random times, like cruising, or maybe even in the menus... The freezes are rather weird too, the game freezes for a second or two but the music keeps playing, then it all goes back to normal.
I'm really starting to worry that my XB1 is failing on me... :(
I am getting exactly that same thing. It's a strange little bug but I just ignore it.

In other news. I won the Warthog which makes me very happy. Not only because it's a fun car to drive (four-wheel steering is amazing) but because they have given players who have never played Halo an avenue to ownership.
Are you guys experiencing some weird freezes on the XB1? It happens every once in a while for me at random times, like cruising, or maybe even in the menus... The freezes are rather weird too, the game freezes for a second or two but the music keeps playing, then it all goes back to normal.
I'm really starting to worry that my XB1 is failing on me... :(
Happens to me too, if there's too much of them i restart the game and then it's ok.

My Xbox is at least 3 years old so maybe it's the console(i hope no tho.)
Thinking I might as well buy the expansion pass now, wonder how long til they come out?

Judging from the icon it implies the map getting bigger.

$31.99 instead of $44.99 until 12/12/16.

Pretty sure thats coming with the second expansion pack. First is supposed to be giant snakes I think?
Quick question, can drone mode be used online?
*goes for a shameless advertisement*

(2:23 to 2:40 is a big example of that since all the shots between that time were from online mode. Although those were shot in the demo, it should work the same for the full version).