Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
There was an issue of it not launching when you leave Byron Bay or Hot Wheels. It affected Windows 10 players the most.

Hot Wheels/Blizzard Mountain Issues Update

An update on the issue where PC players are not able to play or travel to Blizzard Mountain since the release of the Hot Wheels update. The good news our friends at the Xbox Store have a fix on the way for this issue, although we don’t currently have an ETA for when it will be released. While we have some known workarounds that can help, this fix should solve the issue for players and won’t require an extra download. Once the fix is released, we’ll update this story with the news.

[UPDATE 5/26, 5:18 p.m. PDT: This fix has been issued from the Xbox Store and players should no longer be running into this issue. Thank you for your patience!”"]
That's great. Well I "don't" need it since I took the time to finish Blizzard 100% in the past 3 days, but being able to get to it without uninstaling HW is a lot better >.>
It was funny. When I finally got back to Blizzard, I forgot I barely started the Evo vs Impreza championship :D. At least championships are the only thing left to do there and at Hot Wheels.

The main map, however, still need to finish off the dirt PR stunts, the hard bucket lists (STi, Charger and Aston) and 14 championships!
I think the traffic and Drivatars were invisible. Because there were some parts in the video that the camera zoomed in on your car. And if you look carefully, the traffic can be visible in that part. The traffic is still there, but they're ghosts for some reason.
Well, how interesting cos' these stupid traffic cars appear right when i'm about to hit the sweet spot in a drift zone or picking up speed in a speed zone and boom... there they are, getting in my way!
I have reached my goal of purchasing every single car in the game and with 45 mil left over. I need more dlc....

Jeeeez, you must play the game a lot! Currency in H3 is the opposite of FM6. You have to really grind and go around doing a lot of stuff to make money. I suppose cash came quite easy in FM6.
Jeeeez, you must play the game a lot! Currency in H3 is the opposite of FM6. You have to really grind and go around doing a lot of stuff to make money. I suppose cash came quite easy in FM6.

I really don't understand how people need to grind for money in this game. I barely play it yet have pretty much every car that interests (which includes all the uber expensive ones) me and 20 million sitting in reserve. I haven't even done any of the big credit things like Goliath.
Jeeeez, you must play the game a lot! Currency in H3 is the opposite of FM6. You have to really grind and go around doing a lot of stuff to make money. I suppose cash came quite easy in FM6.

I can't help but disagree. You can get around 20k on an average single-player race even without HE cars or the double money perk, 60k from bounty races, wheelspins that net you around 30k on average, a weekly reward of 100k, and weekly Forzathon challenges that give out even more wheelspins and money. On top of that, you can get a lot of cars for 50% or less than their autoshow prices from the auction house, and there's a perk that makes upgrade costs completely free. On the offchance you get a Horizon Edition car from a wheelspin, you can sell them for an easy 300k, possibly going up into the millions. Unless you're buying lots of expensive classics and hypercars, I don't see how you can ever really have to grind Goliath at all.
Jeeeez, you must play the game a lot! Currency in H3 is the opposite of FM6. You have to really grind and go around doing a lot of stuff to make money. I suppose cash came quite easy in FM6.
One hour a day on the auction house will usually result in about 3-5 mil. Im not a legendary painter/tuner.
^^ I don't understand this last comment; 1 hour a day doing what exactly? I've barely used the AC in Horizon or FM4 so not sure what you're referring to.

And yes.. I did buy a lot of hypercars in the beginning and bought others cars as well, tuning them to the max, without using the upgrade perk. Guess I need to put a stop to the car purchase binge for now.
My entire concept of in-game economy in both games is warped. I used the M3 HE glitch early on in FH3, and started FM6 with 25 million credits. :lol:
I can't even begin to describe this.
