Remembering GTPlanet Member Steve Travis, a.k.a. "FoolKiller"

This is a little random but once, @FoolKiller gave me a random tip in a discussion about food and what to do with leftover potato skins.

Now, any time I make crispy fried potato skins, I think of Steve. It only really struck me recently. I am friends with him on Facebook but I can see his avatar every time I'm making them. It's strange how your memory works sometimes but it's also really lovely.
You know, it's officially been two years and I absolutely cannot go into the thread regarding his heart transplant without breaking down entirely.

I remember the last time we spoke it was shortly after I sent a few Batman comics his way and I told him I would never not refer to him as Colonel and I intend to keep that promise. I have to find the post of his daughter saying "Are you serious?" in relation to a discussion I was having with someone in the...Opinions & Current Events sub, I think. It's just the best thing ever.

RIP, Colonel. Infinity War was more or less everything we wanted it to be. 👍
I found myself thinking of Steve a while back during my second viewing of Endgame. I remembered his enthusiasm for Doctor Strange, and it was a bittersweet reminder that (as far as I know) he never got to watch the film himself.

I knew his username was from the Marvel comic universe, but I was unfamiliar with the character. Fast forward to yesterday, and the Jessica Jones S3 trailer shows off a new addition: Foolkiller.

I wrote a song for Steve originally called 'FoolKiller', and I even contacted Marvel to ask their permission to use their artwork as a cover for the song - they did at least reply, albeit to say no. Anyway, I ended up not posting it for one reason or another, but I did put it on my Soundcloud page, and called it 'Nightfall'.
I wrote a song for Steve originally called 'FoolKiller', and I even contacted Marvel to ask their permission to use their artwork as a cover for the song - they did at least reply, albeit to say no. Anyway, I ended up not posting it for one reason or another, but I did put it on my Soundcloud page, and called it 'Nightfall'.
Wow, that's great! Nice work, @Touring Mars. What an awesome tribute.
I mentioned before that I never knew him all that well. But I was thinking of Steve earlier today. In light of the recent events that the year has brought us, such as me going on Opinions & Current Events more, it sort of hit me hard. It had just dawned on me that we're missing such a well-reasoned, strong-willed, and rational man like him. Why didn't I think of him earlier, when all of this was just starting and his wisdom and selflessness would have been very useful? I know that many of the regulars on that subforum had known him for years (and some of them have carried his torch), but that's not the point. With a new string of users who came here for GT Sport (and a lesser extent PCARS 2, AC, ACC, and Forza 7, among others) and the users who'll come here for the new string of racing games that will probably come within the next year or two (like GT7, PCARS 3, and Forza '8'), I think many users here would benefit knowing the FoolKiller name and the legacy he has here.

Steve also sort of embodies a quote I saw posted by a different member, I forget who, in wake of his death. "GTPlanet: come for the game, stay for the community." As someone who doesn't have either current-gen console nor plans to get either next-gen console or even a PC for gaming, I can safely say that has been my experience here.

It also occured to me that Tova is ten years old now. Hope she's doing well, more importantly I hope to see her in 2023. :lol:
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I still think about Steve as well. Not on a daily basis but from time to time, he pops into my head and that last photo of him in the hospital is what I see. I always think about his courage to have lived as he did with such a dark cloud above his head.

It is still unbelievable.
I mentioned a while back that Steve’s passing had inspired me grow a herb garden. While I don’t have the little memorial plaque that I’d intended, the south west corner of my property now has a selection of herbs and spices, lots of lemon grass, 2 young pomegranate trees and a patch of potatoes.