Remote racing and B-spec environmentally wrong?

  • Thread starter squadjot
But one of the ways has accepted science backing up its every claim, the other has a fictional book picked over and revised for centuries to fit the "message" its leaders want to portray.

Exactly, I'm more worried about ManBearPig than global climate change.
We should have the option to toggle off graphics rendering for when remote races are being run. There's no reason for my PS3 to be rendering any visuals while I'm not playing it. That would cause less power consumption and make our PS3s run cooler.

I've got a Slim 250GB, and it gets hot (Internal fans don't ever get loud though) after running for a day, so I keep it vertical and have a small table fan blowing on it when leaving it on for remote races. Maybe I'm just obsessive of my PS3 though.
Ok a bit surprised, but the main issue with that, is that oil is a finite resource..some day you wont have the choice because we will simply run out of oil.. and many things can you come up with, that does not consist- OR require OIL to be produced?.. not many.. =)

To pick on oil is unfair, we have far more many finite resources that will be depleted before known oil reserves are used up. As for as renewable resources, they are only as efficient as the ecosystem that supports them and as the contamination rate perpetually increases, sourcing those resources will become a limiting factor also. Most conservative ecologists have only given humanity another 800-1300 years on Earth at our current birthrate and consumption patterns before we are unsustainable as a species, the lengthier estimate the product of all these green initiatives were taken seriously. If you don't want to wait around another 500 years to find out we're all f#$&%d then just go out and make what use you can of these resources while you can and enjoy your quality of life here and now cause fighting for the future is a lost cause.
I don't run my PS3 24/7, so when it's off I like to spray deodorant cans into the air whilst my herd of cattle gets fed nothing but baked beans just to keep my environmental contribution consistent. When I get a car I'll leave the engine running 24/7 just to keep the air conditioning on. Whilst throwing rocks at Toyota Priuses (should that be Priii?)
But one of the ways has accepted science backing up its every claim, the other has a fictional book picked over and revised for centuries to fit the "message" its leaders want to portray.

NVM what I just said, a friend was on my account.
I actually think b-spec consumes a great deal more tbh
Actually, it depends on what your bathroom light setup is. I found this article from the first year of the PS3's life. It puts it at about 200 watts, rounding up.

My bathroom vanity has four bulbs. They are either 45 or 60 watt incandescent. For argument's sake, let's say 45. The ceiling fixture has a 75 or 100 watt bulb, depending on what I recently purchased. Again, low ball it for argument's sake. So, 45*4=180 180+75=255 watts.

PS3 = 200
Bathroom =255

And keep in mind that is based on the old phat models with harder working 15-blade fans and larger chips that used almost twice the energy as the chips in the slim models. According to CNet the slim uses less than half the power of the older models.
There in lies the problem. All of the global warming/climate change scaremongering is purely theory. There is no real evidence to support any claim that mankind is responsible.

c'mon... you know that a PS3 running a remote race, takes more than ANY ordinary light bulb..
I Denmark our energy save home bulbs goes from 3-12w
And non-energy savers goes from 15-60w (nobody uses these anymore tho)

That's "ordinary" bulbs imo.
60w is your max? Unless it is a ceiling fan or appliance style bulb I typically make 60w my minimum.

But then I like my light to be white, bright, and on full as soon as I flip the switch.

Never fear though, my government is letting me know how wrong I am and I won't be able to buy any good bulbs in the next few years.

GT5 goes green
Let’s start with the bad news: the B-Spec mode is disappearing, cut from the game following ecologist lobbying? It has been pointed out that it unnecessarily raise power consumption: during B-Spec session - which can last 24 hours each - where player has, most of the time, no need to interact with the game at all, a first gen PS3 consume 200 W (100 W for a PS3 Slim), which is the lightning power consumption of several home (a dozen of light bulbs). Is it really a bad news after all?

Pretty funny huh?
My fish tank lights use 640w, my Mac mini uses 10-85w and my PS3 slim around 100w. Remote racing uses far less energy than my fish tank it's not going to raise my electric bill much at all.
Nevermind the plastics used to create the console, game, case, etc.

Environmental discussions are ridiculous. The planet was like this when I found it, and it's not going anywhere tomorrow.

I gotta go club a baby seal...
All the environmentalists, in there private jets, flying to there conferences, use more energy, and leave a bigger carbon footprint in one day,than all of us playing GT5 will use in a lifetime. Relax.