Reno's Rides! [Barge Update! :D ]

Sweet car! Planning to modify it, or is it going to stay the same? Some different wheels might break up the Banker look...
Keeping as is for now.

The only plastic bit is the black strip in the middle, the grey area is all metal and part of the engine.

I bet that thing is the ultimate overtaking machine. Monster engine.

Awesome looking car, one of very few good looking Audis made in the last 10 years. Modifying it would just ruin it, looks perfect right now.

Out of curiosity, does the W12 sound nice?
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Nice and awesome Audi 👍

That thing must go forward like it's full of Findus Lasagnes.

Nice Audi Garage you have now.
Still keeping the Urquattro I suppose. It would be blasphamy to sell it :D