Renown Tuning ™ WTC 2

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You use a wheel, right?

If you do I'd expect you to be faster than me. :P

If you don't, well, we can't be friends anymore. :lol:

l use ps3 pad , always have . Honestly l have never even tried a wheel .
You don't have to hate me for it though lol. :)
also you were faster than me in last session.
Do xbox controllers have vibration function ? l turned vibration function off for my controller , and find it brings better overall control.
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l use ps3 pad , always have . Honestly l have never even tried a wheel .
You don't have to hate me for it though lol. :)
also you were faster than me in last session.
Do xbox controllers have vibration function ? l turned vibration function off for my controller , and find it brings better overall control.

They do.

I found an alternative way to immerse yourself into becoming a better driver, I was actually going to make a thread about it but never did; in any case, try playing without any sound. Leave it to just you, the car, and the natural feeling of whatever direction you're going in.

Leave it to instinct to judge when you're over/understeering. Leave it to instinct to judge whether the steering lock is too loose, or too tight. Leave it to instinct to judge whether your car has better outright acceleration, or better road-handling and/or braking.
Quite often l will put on my i-pod and blast away some good driving music while racing , you are right , when deprived of game sound it becomes all instinct. l'm glad l'm not the only one who does this.
Metallica works for me too. But like T-12 wrote it's much more better to drive without any sounds except engine and tire squealing. At least you know when you loosing it. That off course don't apply to WRC games like RBR, Colin.
The results of Round 6 are as follows

1st: darkos - 1:06.462 (+18 Points)
2nd: OZR-MrB52 - 1:06.527 (+14 Points)
3rd: Terronium-12 - 1:06.960 (+10 Points)
4th: NITROVIOUS - 1:07.883 (+9 Points)
5th: RickyRacer - DNP (+0 Points)
6th: MannyMoenjack - DNP (+0 Points)

Congratulations to darkos for snagging the lead by a mere .065 seconds!, with MrB following right behind. Another good round, but I'm certain everyone's times could have been had those barriers not been in the way.
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Last Lap

Thank you. And Fantastic times everyone.
After crossing Finnish line first blue safety barriers are tough to deal with. The once just before Finnish Line you could just take entire corner flying by.
Congrats Darkos , Mr.B52 and T- 12 good fast round . Port Boucle seems to be one of those tracks that l just can't get my head around , practice practice l guess. :)
Congrats Darkos , Mr.B52 and T- 12 good fast round . Port Boucle seems to be one of those tracks that l just can't get my head around , practice practice l guess. :)

I hate the placement of the barriers. You can only use so much throttle before the car starts to slide and that ridiculous magnetic attraction to the wall starts to kick in.
Very claustrophobic track! Maybe only I had that feeling but walls are so close, and track itself is so narrow. For me it was very boring inside track but with corners hard to crack it. Those rounds are getting better and better now.
Great time Darkos, T12 and Nitrovious, very close between the four of us, great round.
Those blue blocks got me a couple of times in practice, mainly the blocks on the right hand side of the track before the finish line, you try to get the power down and all the car wants to do is slide over towards the blocks. It is like there is magnets in the blocks pulling the car over to them, then if the back end hits them, its like they have springs in them and throws the car around 180 degrees. I like to know what idiot put them there.
Great time Darkos, T12 and Nitrovious, very close between the four of us, great round.

Port Boucle seems to be one of those tracks that l just can't get my head around , practice practice l guess.

When competition is so close it's stooping being funny anymore. Now every one see clearly we all fight really hard for that extra hundreds of a second. 👍

And as for Port Boucle Turn, i did notice that there is fragment much more slippery tarmac covering very top of that turn. That might be the reason why car hits right barrier when you start slowing down, and after that hits those blue banks. It's just slides off the top of that turn, when you think you did brake just enought it turns yout you didn't.
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Sorry for the considerably late update, but rounds 7 and 8 will posted next Tuesday and Thursday, respectively.

I've also finally come to the decision that this will be an 18 round event. It's still anyone's game to end up at a podium position.
Round six has been posted and I hope it turns out to be a fun one. :D

Oh, something I forgot to mention, when you're ready to PM me your lap time make sure you include the vehicle you used as well.
Damn you T-12! :lol: Not only do I got to learn a new track but build a perfect rated 16 car. I bet your having fun with your Yankee hat sipping a cold one while everybody is scrambling :)
Damn you T-12! :lol: Not only do I got to learn a new track but build a perfect rated 16 car. I bet your having fun with your Yankee hat sipping a cold one while everybody is scrambling :)

I wanted to do something like this since the fourth round, but it always felt rushed. Since everyone seems to have enjoyed the previous round as much as they did I figured "Hell, why not now?"

In a more realistic situation, beating a GT2-spec race car would be nigh on impossible, but I'm figuring it's going to be rather easy. And the time I set wasn't to the best of my abilities as I'm starting to care less and less about this game. :grumpy:
Good thing that you didn't do something like that: "For going under that time you get a point, but for not beating it you loosing a point" :sly:
Good thing that you didn't do something like that: "For going under that time you get a point, but for not beating it you loosing a point" :sly:

I thought of that and awarding double points as well, but I just decided to keep it simple.
This should be a good fast round , great to have a whole garage full of possible cars to run . l've brought an old favorite to Monte Grande and after a complete re-build things are simmering away nicely. :) 👍
The only thing keeping me playing Shift is the WTC 2 .
l have been playing other games more and more in my spare time and Shift less and less . Master the game , move on , usually how it goes.
So for me WTC 2 is good , keeps me driving and tuning , cool people to compete with , lt's all good.
I feel you. I think the only thing that might revive my interest to what it once was is if I get a wheel...

Ricky its the only way to drive in Shift is with a wheel, its just so good and the feedback of what the car is doing that you get from the Force Feedback is fantastic. Go out and get one, you won't regret it, but get a good Logitech wheel. 👍

So for me WTC 2 is good , keeps me driving and tuning , cool people to compete with , lt's all good.

I think the WTC 2 is so cool, the challenges each round brings, its great. This round, the track is one of the best challenges we have had so far. I don't like so many cars to chose from, which one to pick :crazy: I have chosen one of the new cars, the MP4, my new favorite car and it is kicking the Ferrari's butt.
Wow. Time sure does fly, I'm extending the deadline to 12:01 on the 23rd. Round eight will start right when the seventh ends.
Great because i was starting to wonder if i did chose the right Car for this job. Tonight i planned to do some searching in my garage but instead ill lay back and watch movie. Full attack tomorrow.
Great because i was starting to wonder if i did chose the right Car for this job. Tonight i planned to do some searching in my garage but instead ill lay back and watch movie. Full attack tomorrow.

Keep in mind that it's AM, not PM.
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