Resistance 2 - The Official Thread - New Integration With PSP Resistance! (Page 5)

  • Thread starter Robin


United Kingdom
United Kingdom

The golden gate in the Logo, nice nod to Big Ben in the original games title.

First look at Insomniac Games Resistance Fall Of Man sequel titled Resistance 2.

The first game was one of the top selling PS3 games and the consoles most successful launch title.

These images were just released today, looking quite good!

Wonder what the storyline will be? Seems to be set in America judging by the 4th screenshot with the US flag...

EDIT- Now we know its set in America, Mostly mid to Westcoast apparently.

Another nice PS3 exclusive to add to the future lineup! :)👍








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They should be working fine again... :)

They are really impressive, the lighting and also the vast landscapes in the distance really make it immersive and expansive.

I was going to say, the lighting is spectacular and in a couple of them you can see mountains, imagine running through a Mountain sniping Chimera from miles away.
Wow! Very nice screen shots. If it's as good as Fall Of Man then I'm sold. From those few screens the environment looks a lot more open than the first one, hope to see some huge outdoor battles. :mischievous:
it looks very promising!
Main highlights:

-One campaign focusing on Nathan Hale across USA, 1 player
-One separate story based campaign supporting 2 players offline, 8 players Online
-Online Multiplayer (dedicated servers) supporting 60 people
-Classes for online: Heavy, Special Ops, Medic
-New vehicles including Chameleon (Stalker with cloak)
-Partial randomized geometry in level spots
-Insane stat tracking coupled with
this is going to be really awesome.

dont forget, i read that you can choose on multilayer to be a tank commander and what not.. vehicles WOOO HOOO
Ya, if you are going to have that many people, you can't have ALL of them scattered throughout a huge map, there would need to be some chokepoints and prime shootout places.
I really hate teasers like that. Tells us to wait a few months to really see it... But if thats in engine whcie I believe based on the detail in Future Tool its going to look incredible, I just hope the movement and aiming is smoothed out to modern fps standards.
I hate teasers like that too. It doesn't show us anything new, just lets us know to continue to wait. Its just pointless. Especially when it tells you that you still have to wait 2 months.