Return the Info Page

I want the info page back. Even if it's small print, at least you can learn the history of the car. It was fun back in GT2, and is fun in Sega GT 2K2. It would make the game more interesting because you could find out why these cars are worthy of racing.
No... I hate this idea. I'M JUST KIDDING! :D You see, this is an idea of yours that we can both agree on. I don't necessarily agree with having it all scrolling down. Here are the systems used in GT games in the past:

GT1 - click on "Info" get a full screen of information for cars with information on the cars. You can also click on the car's specifications with a complete array of stats on cars from suspension types and such.

GT2 - click on "Info" and get two screens of information on cars. The stats on cars are highly limited on cars, but also focus on what is equipped on the car.

GT3 - see car information with scrolling text, especially for cars at dealers. Information ends when choosing that car. You can still get stats on cars while viewing cars.

GT4 - only car stats on cars, usually when you're going to buy or sell a car, not as diverse as GT1.

So for GT5, call me Dr. John. I'm ready to prescribe some medicine for this. My solution for this? I'll go back to basics. * If you ask me, I want to completely do away with horizontal scrolling text. What I'd "prescribe" would be keeping the same car selecting system GT4 currently has. All the information you get in Gran Turismo 1 for car stats (even on the Race Cars) should be on GT5 cars to give you great stats on cars. If any aren't know, then it's okay to leave it blank or with a dash (-), though you want to get in as much as you can. Don't want to leave things blank, especially drive trains of certain cars. Maybe even give gamers a chance to choose between Metric and Customary units too. * Instead of "Equipped Parts" in GT2, I'd come up with another option called "Equip," showing all equipped parts, but you can't change settings, of course. * GT3 and GT4 have scrolling of data. I would prescribe vertical scrolling text after accessing the "Info" option. When clicking on "Info," I want to know as much as I can about the car. So for my idea, I want to know when the car was made, the manufacturer, the price and selling price in GT, horsepower, torque... basically all the essentials. Underneath all the essential data, I want to know as much about the car. Include as much info as possible. If there's more to read, I want to be able to scroll down or up to read as much as I can about the car. That even includes concepts, classics, race cars, and the like.

It can all be done, hopefully in the best fashion. You GTPlanet people dig my flow?
Classic Anycar
I want the info page back. Even if it's small print, at least you can learn the history of the car. It was fun back in GT2, and is fun in Sega GT 2K2. It would make the game more interesting because you could find out why these cars are worthy of racing.

:) Ditto, me too.

I'm not as big a fan of the scrolling info, I would much rather the 2 page setup of GT2, but either would be better than none at all!

There aren't that many games out there that I can say I learnt something from, but the earlier GT games I did, actually I learnt lots!
Yeah. I'd definitely want car info to return. I guess they didn't put it in GT4 because there was no more DVD disc space left for it. I hope they put it back.
They have plenty of space left on the disk. When I put it in my PC it shows 2.51 gigs, that means there's at least a gig left, and text doesn't take up that much space.
I've made Post #4 in this thread, and I talked about how I'd want to see the info return. If any of you have your own ideas as to how the Info information should be shown, what would you want to see out of the Info button and the data it provides?
I've made Post #4 in this thread, and I talked about how I'd want to see the info return. If any of you have your own ideas as to how the Info information should be shown, what would you want to see out of the Info button and the data it provides?

I'd like to see the kind of text blocks they had in GT1 and GT2 (The ticker thing in GT3, like the ones they have on the news and such, make my brain itch. :ill: ), prefferably with slightly larger print and, for the super-nerdy among us, have the option to print out the text or transfer it to a jump drive a la Photo Mode pics. :D 👍
First of all, Slipknot... please use proper English, because there's a clause in the AUP or TOS about not using words to promote laziness. I'm not overly critical on this, but I just wanted to get that across in case someone else didn't remind you otherwise.

To me, I don't really like scrolling text. If you ask me, this is an idea I had. Let's say you wanted to read up the Toyota GT-One from 1999. When clicking on the Info option, I'd really thought about giving GT gamers the chance to use the right analog stick to tilt either up or down to manually scroll vertical text. Why vertical? I think if you're going to have scrolling text, it works better to have it all in one vertical scroller. That way, you don't have to wait until all the text is done so you can see it all over again. As with my idea, if you tilt the right analog up or down, you get to see more data when you're ready to see it all. But pressing down on the stick (R3, of course) will allow you to automatically scroll information downwards. The information will scroll down so that it would be readable. The scrolling speed would be determined by the speed you set in the Options Menu.

That's may idea, so what's yours? Or do you agree this would be a great feature?