I run one and love it. Cristiano is the designer of the board at symprojects.com and he has a board nearly ready that will drive six gauges
Check out the forum at symprojects
Yes, poor Cristiano, he has been hounded for at least one year now. The boards are ready, he just needs to finish up the software. He said hopefully before the end of the month they will be ready to ship.
They will drive 6 gauges, they are USB, plug n' play. I have run my 11,000 RPM tach for over a year now and these analog gauges blow the digital ones out of the water. I have a planned Dash, just need to purchase the gauges and if new they aren't cheap. I could not find a used 11k tach around my parts of the world so I bit the bullet and spent almost $400.00 for my
Auto Meter
Be careful when purchasing the cheap $40.00 e-Bay tachs, they can be out 3 or 400 RPM, in iRacing that can mean a blown engine. The old addage rings true. "You get what you pay for"
I'm looking to get "Speed, Tach, Oil, Water, Voltage, Fuel".
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