RevBurner. How does it work?

  • Thread starter Mayaman


Would it drive a cluster of gauges from a 08 911 GT3? Speedo, Tach, Water, oil, etc? Or any Porsche gauge for that matter.

Found lots of videos on it and its pretty fascinating.

Who is the resident guru on this?

What games actually would take advantage of this?
I know Left888 runs it...

There's something about the settings based on cylinders and rpms to get them to match.. That's all I know.

Might be worth having a chat with the guys at SRH (simracinghardware). Bill & Brian build custom dashboards nascar style so they may have a good idea of what's required.
I know Left888 runs it...

There's something about the settings based on cylinders and rpms to get them to match.. That's all I know.

Might be worth having a chat with the guys at SRH (simracinghardware). Bill & Brian build custom dashboards nascar style so they may have a good idea of what's required.

I run one and love it. Cristiano is the designer of the board at and he has a board nearly ready that will drive six gauges

Check out the forum at symprojects
Would it drive a cluster of gauges from a 08 911 GT3? Speedo, Tach, Water, oil, etc? Or any Porsche gauge for that matter.

Found lots of videos on it and its pretty fascinating.

Who is the resident guru on this?

What games actually would take advantage of this?
Go here and find everything you want to know:



The resident guru on symprojects is Cristiano Cessaretto.

Example of the things I bought from symprojects a few years ago.

Will it run the newer Porsche clusters? They seem to only have a large single plug on the right side that runs all three gauges. I'm only interested in running a Porsche cluster.
Register and become a member of the Symproject forum. Ask your question and you will get an answer.

Cristiano is a very helping guy.
Not getting many answers over there, the forum seems to be dead. Or no real activity. Someone says the Porsche cluster won't work, but I see a video of it working here.

And if Porsche clusters won't work, why do BMW ones work in several youtube videos. Its like pulling teeth sometimes to get info LOL. Like people want to keep it secret or something.

I am fairly certain the Rev Burner board simply outputs pulses to the tachometer for instance, that simulate the cylinders firing. (the is the most basic way to put it) It does something similar for the speedo I believe, but not based on cylinders.

From skimming just a little, it seems that the gauge cluster speed and tach on the one you have MAY also accept these signals. You really just need the pinout. This topic is a very good one for finding that info or at minimum finding the people to ask for the pinout: (They are talking about bench testing clusters)

Give that a look.

Essentally you should be able to just connect the Rev Burner to outputs to the right pins on the cluster, configure the Rev Burner properly and be off and running. :)

Some of the other more "exciting" stuff won't work though, like if it has a little display or something in there... That stuff would probably operate off what is called a CAN bus which the Rev Burner doesn't output, not to my knowledge.
Not getting many answers over there, the forum seems to be dead. Or no real activity. Someone says the Porsche cluster won't work, but I see a video of it working here.

And if Porsche clusters won't work, why do BMW ones work in several youtube videos. Its like pulling teeth sometimes to get info LOL. Like people want to keep it secret or something.
Give them time. It is afterall weekend. Nobody likes to work on a saturday/sunday.

It's very unpleasant not to get answers. I know that feeling.

I'm going to see if I can find the information about the Porsche cluster and revburners.
I, for one, likes to work on a sunday. :P

You can write Cristiano an email and tell him you plans and wishes. Tell him you want to buy symproject product(s) but you need to know if the cluster you want to use is goint to work with his revburner.

My Mondeo dashboard was a test dashboard of Cristiano which I bought from him. It has two revburners.


Jetta cluster using also a CAN Bus thing, so it could be of some help:

You probably also going to need the dashboard wiring diagram. I didn't take an in depth look into this thread but it could be of some help:

He uses a beta innovations USB controller, not revburners.
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Yeah you're right but beta innovations is no more. But if he got it working revburner should be able to. Can anyone provide anything on that cluster so I can give it to Brian at simracehardware. He might agree to make me a custom dash but he needs "pinout" for that cluster.

Ive been googling that fir over 12 hours, and keep getting referenced to beta innovations. :(

Can anyone help?

I run one and love it. Cristiano is the designer of the board at and he has a board nearly ready that will drive six gauges

Check out the forum at symprojects

Yes, poor Cristiano, he has been hounded for at least one year now. The boards are ready, he just needs to finish up the software. He said hopefully before the end of the month they will be ready to ship.

They will drive 6 gauges, they are USB, plug n' play. I have run my 11,000 RPM tach for over a year now and these analog gauges blow the digital ones out of the water. I have a planned Dash, just need to purchase the gauges and if new they aren't cheap. I could not find a used 11k tach around my parts of the world so I bit the bullet and spent almost $400.00 for my Auto Meter

Be careful when purchasing the cheap $40.00 e-Bay tachs, they can be out 3 or 400 RPM, in iRacing that can mean a blown engine. The old addage rings true. "You get what you pay for"

I'm looking to get "Speed, Tach, Oil, Water, Voltage, Fuel".

You can follow along in This thread, go back 5 or 6 pages or so.
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You might be better off using the Porsche dash and replace the gauges to use the multi rev burner that Cristiano is working on.
I'm cool with that, but which gauges are suitable. I looked on both forums and it doesn't really say anything but Spek.
I'm cool with that, but which gauges are suitable. I looked on both forums and it doesn't really say anything but Spek.
kikie to the rescue. :D

No, seriously

The gauges have to electric (receive an electric signal).

The Type-R rev counter works perfectly with the revburner.
Thanks Kikie but I don't want anything all giant chrome looking with a shift light on it. I'm trying to fit these into a stock Porsche GT3 cluster so they have to be normal sized and normal looking. LOL

Why can't they look like factory gauges like the old VDOs? Why are they all chrome with doodads and crap hanging off them? I can't put them in a cluster like that.
Thanks Kikie but I don't want anything all giant chrome looking with a shift light on it. I'm trying to fit these into a stock Porsche GT3 cluster so they have to be normal sized and normal looking. LOL

Why can't they look like factory gauges like the old VDOs? Why are they all chrome with doodads and crap hanging off them? I can't put them in a cluster like that.

the original gauges are made by VDO and they would be the ones to contact.
as far as the tachometer it is a 3-pulse type ( it will have a ( + pos ) (- neg )
and a ( pulse terminal - sometimes named signal ) this is the important terminal as this is what is used to do the rpm calculations.
the oil pressure and water temp gauges are resistance based and readings are dependant on the sensor they are plugged into.
check with your local Porsche dealer and ask them to print out the gauge schematic
you will not find a pinout for them you will have to download a workshop manual for the car, and use the proper wiring diagram porcshe technicians use
I already did this and sent it to simracinghardware. They said its not detailed enough and they can't figure out where each wire goes to power the cluster.

I don't understand. I sent the wiring book in PDF format, they say it would be to complicated to figure out. Well then guess I'm screwed.
if u have the schematic i could ask my old Alfa Romeo master tech to look at it, iam no longer in the trade but still involved with all the boys he was the guy who fixed all our electronic problems in fiat/alfa Romeo dealership he is amazing at this sort of thing. i don't know what they mean by not detailed enough if it is a workshop manual should have everything there
What "pre facelift"? I thought all 996 electronics were the same. That for any info basher

So basically a 996 cluster or a Boxster cluster from the 986 should work?
I think maybe that means pre-2002? I dunno man, I'm just googling stuff and don't know my head from my butt when it comes to Porsche models :)