Well other day I watched a guy that claimed he was on a controller and hit very good lap times in iRacing of all things (I could understand if this was Forza or GT5). He even gave me some tips and a setup which helped me shave off some seconds. So anything is possible.
I still think for me personally these CSPs has helped turn my Road racing career around. I just didnt understand ABS-0 driving really. All I knew was when I turned off ABS it was hard to turn into a corner if I applied my brakes (because I was locking them lol). Just the brake vibration alone helped turn me from a nooblet into a dangerous opponent that can at least claim a podium. I still have sooooo much to learn though! Racing online against all these 'aliens' is truly humbling.
For me personally the biggest dagger against the DFGT pedals is they just don't feel like a real car. Lets just take my wife's simple Ford Fusion. Her brakes feel way better. I want to feel like I'm immersed. I know I'm missing those scary g-forces that my friend's 650 hp car can produce. But beyond that I want to feel like I'm using real brakes, etc.
Lap times wise I think that would be interesting to compare DFP/DFGT to top of the line pedals sure. My friend has a DFP that I might be able to borrow. But I think I will be busy testing the CSR-E very shortly heh. But still that would be interesting. See a person use a DFGT with those pedals vs a DFGT + CSPs. I've seen people on iRacing forums claim that's their preferred setup (dfgt + CSP) cause it relays subtle ffb effects through the wheel + they have the precision the CSPs give. But alas, you guys are speaking of console games which sort of nukes that test