For the league we tried AC for a month+ and determined that even though AC has a lot more players, it can't be used for league racing in its current form. AC and rF2 each has its own good and bad points, but the fact is, the online racing in rF2 is a hell of a lot better. rF2 has full replays, it keeps the race output logs, Motec data and the online component is miles ahead of AC- better pings, no warping or discoing and the way rF2 RealRoad works is the way EVERY game should do RR. Also the AC online is just poorly put together with this odd booking thing, people can join mid-race unless you use booking and a lack of admin server controls. But AC has more drivers, better cars, better tire model, better graphics and sound. So we're keeping AC around for bi-weekly fun races. The online is so bad though that there's no way we can do serious racing with AC.